October 25, 2024
Partnering with Families to support all students.
Remember to turn in your receipts for reimbursement within 60 days of purchase!
To make the process go smoothly, if the receipt does not show how paid or just states credit card or the name of the card, please submit a bank statement or credit card statement with the receipt. If you pay by check, please send in a copy of the cleared check both sides (front and back).
From the Principal's Desk
Hello families! It was great to see a few of you here at the Kindergarten Parent Group Meeting on Thursday. There are more upcoming sessions for new parents, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade. These will be happening throughout the year hosted by our fabulous reading specialist Ann-Marie Foust. Remember that she is a resource for you as you are teaching reading at home...she can brainstorm ideas, help you troubleshoot, offer resource suggestions, do model lessons for you and one on one consultations!! She is an amazing resource.
Also hot off the presses, we have had our drawing winners for the fall testing! We had 9 winners who won sports equipment, plush stuffed animals, a Lego set, I-Pad and school hoodies! The winners have been informed. Thank you all for your participation in the fall testing!
Daniel Cooley
Principal, FPCS
Interested in enrichments? Classes run on Mondays and Wednesdays, and many enrichments still have space available! Upcoming classes feature arts, crafts, engineering, computing, science, and math. Check them out on our website and sign up in the OLS. Questions? Contact Noah at or reach out to your sponsor teacher.