Hawk Talk
November 2024
As we enter November, a season often focused on gratitude, we’re reminded of the many ways we can express appreciation and kindness with our children. Practicing gratitude can be as simple as encouraging your child to reflect on something they’re thankful for each day, writing thank-you notes to friends and family, or even keeping a gratitude journal together. These small practices not only foster a positive mindset but also build empathy and resilience in our children.
November is also Native American Heritage Month, a time to recognize and honor the rich traditions, diverse cultures, and important contributions of Native American communities. This month, we encourage families to explore ways to learn more about Native American history, whether through books, stories, or online resources, to deepen our understanding and respect for these vital aspects of our shared history.
Thank you for being such an integral part of our school community. We look forward to a wonderful month filled with gratitude, learning, and connection.
Ms. McNeil
Principal at Maple Hill
Important Dates in the Month of November
Nov. 4- Coffee with the Principal in the MPR at 7:45 am
Nov. 4- Maple Hill Community Club Meeting in the MPR starting at 8:30 am
Nov. 5- School Picture Make Up Day
Nov. 6- Lockdown Drill
Nov. 7- English Learner Advisory Meeting in the MPR at 8:30 am
Nov. 7- Early Dismissal TK and K @ 11:30 am and 1st-5th @ 12:40 pm
Nov. 11- NO SCHOOL- Veteran's day
Nov. 14- CARE Team meeting in Mrs. Yim's class from 12:40 pm - 2:00 pm
Nov. 14- Early Dismissal TK and K @ 11:30 am and 1st-5th @ 12:40 pm
Nov. 15- Access Trimester 1 Report Cards on Parent Portal Online after 5:00 pm
Nov. 18- Fire Drill
Nov. 19- School Site Council Meeting in the MPR 3:00 pm -4:00 pm
Nov. 19- Student Council Meeting in Mrs. Ampuero's Room from 2:40 pm -3:40 pm
Nov. 20- CARE Team Meeting at lunch in Mrs. Yim's Class
Nov. 21- Character Quest Spirit Day
Nov. 21- Early Dismissal TK and K @ 11:30 am and 1st-5th @ 12:40 pm
Nov. 25-29- NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break
Join Ms. McNeil for Coffee on Monday, November 4th in the MPR at 7:45 am
Maple Hill Community Club Meeting
Please join us for our monthly Maple Hill Community Club Meeting.
Date: November 4th
Location: Maple Hill Multipurpose Room
Time: 8:30 am -9:30 am
English Learner Advisory Meeting
Please join us for our second ELAC meeting!
Date: Nov. 7th
Location: Maple Hill Multipurpose Room
Time: 8:30-9:30
This meeting will cover Maple Hill state testing scores, EL Progress Monitoring, report cards, and a Maple Hill ELAC needs assessment. We will have our bilingual translators to translate in Mandarin and Korean. Hope to see you there!
School Site Council Meeting
Accessing Report Cards on Parent Portal
Everyone is welcome to join our School Site Council Meeting. During these meeting we review our School Plan, state testing data, and take a look at our School Accountability Report card. This is a great meeting to learn more about Maple Hill.
Date: November 19th
Location: Maple Hill Multipurpose Room
Time: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Suicide Awareness Community Event Information
November Hawk Character Trait: Gratitude
Our SEL enrichment lesson this month will be on gratitude.We will have a meaningful discussion on what gratitude means and the importance of giving thanks. Students will also be encouraged to show gratitude to those people around them and appreciate what they have in life. We will also discuss the understanding and appreciation of differences and similarities amongst needs and wants.
Family Book Guide:
Reading books about gratitude is a great way to have discussions with your child about meaningful ways to see all the things in life they can be grateful for.
Here are some literature suggestions:
TK/K: Bear Says Thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G2WXWZu3jw
1st-3rd: Gratitude is my Superpower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK7jmAUoASI
4th-5th: Those Shoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJOoiF0W8jo
Family Gratitude Activity Ideas:
Gratitude is being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen in your life and taking the time to express appreciation and return kindness. Being grateful is more than saying thank you. When you express gratitude, it can actually lead to a stronger sense of well-being.
Here are some activities you can do as a family that show gratitude. Each activity can be modified to suit your personal needs:
Thank you card: Think about something kind or thoughtful someone has done for you and make them a homemade thank you card. It will be sure to show them your gratitude and how much you appreciate what they did for you.
Gratitude Jar: https://viewsfromastepstool.com/diy-gratitude-jar-upcycled-kid-made-simple/
- Thankful Turkey Craft: https://www.theresourcefulmama.com/thankful-turkey-kid-craft-and-book/
Maple Hill Park Renovations
Also, please refer to the map below for options for safely navigating the neighborhoods while following all posted signage. As a reminder, U-turns and double parking are prohibited in front of our campus. The sheriff's department will be present to ensure everyone is safe and to monitor traffic flow.
2024-2025 School Year- Free Breakfast and Lunch
This year, students will have the opportunity to receive a free breakfast and a free lunch at school. Breakfast is served "before the bell" from 7:45 to 8:00 a.m. Students need to know their lunch ID numbers or scan a lunch card provided by their teacher to receive breakfast.
Please visit our nutrition service website link below for more information. Families may also fill out a meal benefit application form to determine eligibility for school funding, computer network access, discounted college application fees, and discounted standardized test fees. Click on the link below for more information.
Important Information Linked Below
Mrs. McNeil- Principal at Maple Hill
Email: kmcneil@wvusd.org
Website: www.maplehillschool.org
Location: 1350 Maple Hill Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: 909-861-6224