Monday Notes
May 6, 2024

Happy Monday and here is to the last few weeks of school. We hope this newsletter finds you doing well and enjoying last performances of the year. As you get ready for summer, please take a few minutes to review the following information. Have a great week!
Website Login
During the first week of June, NMMEA will be doing an update to the website which will require members to create a new password in order to access member only pages. Login will still be linked to your NAfME membership, however you will no longer login via the NAfME website. In order to make this a smooth transition, please make sure that your NAfME credentials are up to date.
Advocacy Challenge
This is the time of the year to thank all of those who have helped you and your students throughout the year. A quick note, email or phone call can go a long way! This week's challenge:
- Send a thank you email to faculty for their support
Summer Music Educators Workshop
Have you registered yet? If not, do so today and check that off the list! I know it is difficult to think about attending a day of professional development while wrapping up the year, but this is always a great way to start the next year!
See you on July 13th!
NMMEA Award Nominations
if you have been tasked with completing the paperwork for your district's award nominations, you will receive a link from Amy Williams soon after names have been sent to her by your district president. Once you receive the link, make sure to complete by July 1st.