Weekly Newsletter

We had a successful second day of school. It was great to see our sharks return!
Each day at Stonegate, over 200 students are dismissed as walkers or car riders. Student safety is our number one priority and we want to ensure that every child goes home safely. Please be patient with school staff and with our dismissal processes.
During arrival, please do NOT park in the parking lot and then walk your student to the front doors. Our staff will help your child exit your car using our dedicated car loop.
Parking is limited and our Stonegate staff are unable to find spots in the morning.
Please know if your child is a car rider or a walker.
If you walk up to the building to get your child, then your child is a “walker” and should be labeled with a “walker” backpack tag.
If you drive through the car loop, and your student is waiting to get into your vehicle, then your child is a “car rider.” You are not parking and getting out of your car. If you are picking up Car Riders, stay in the line, our process will get faster each day.
Car Riders
“Car Riders” are students picked up by caregivers who drive through the car line.
Cars need to have their children's full student names displayed in the car window. Staff members will be stationed in the car loop to communicate which cars are next for pick up. Car riders will be waiting in the building, listening for their name.
If you walk up to the school and pick up your child at the front door, your child is not a car rider. Students who are car riders get right into their car at the car loop. Caregivers should not get out of the vehicle.
- Display your children’s full names on a paper for staff to see.
- Pull as far up as you can and follow staff directions.
- Plan for your children to enter & exit on the passenger side.
- Do not get out of your vehicle.
- Do not pass cars that are ahead of your vehicle (except when following staff directions)
- Drive slowly and carefully.
- Do not make a left turn to enter the parking lot.
- Do not block neighborhood driveways. Do not block Notley Road or stop on Notley to allow students to exit and cross the road.
Enter by making a RIGHT turn into the first parking lot.
Remember to use the dedicated car loop, not the bus loop directly in front of the school.
Kindergarten walkers come out at about 3:23, before students in other grades. Walkers from other grades begin coming out at 3:25.
Students may walk home using the crosswalks on either side of the school on Notley Road. Students must walk directly home.
Keep the front of the school clear! Caregivers may not congregate at the front of the school at arrival or dismissal.
Dismissal by Bus
See this link for our Bus Routes: Bus Route
At the elementary level, parents are responsible for student safety at bus stops.
Students who wish to go home with a classmate after school either by car or riding a different bus must bring a signed note to the office in the morning for verification. The bus drivers will not allow students on buses without written parent/school permission.
Late Arrival and Early Pick up
Children who arrive late to school must be signed in at the office by a parent or guardian. Students should also have a written excuse for tardiness, signed by their parent or legal guardian. Plan to arrive at or before 9:00 every day.
Early Pick Up
For early release of a student, please pick them up before 3:00 p.m.
If there are any changes to your child’s regular dismissal schedule, please have all arrangements made before the start of the school day. If it is necessary for a student to be picked up by someone other than the parent, the school must receive written permission from the parent. Identification must be provided at the time of pickup. If, in a special circumstance, a student who normally walks must ride a bus, or vice versa, the student must bring in a note from the parents. If an emergency should arise during the day that changes the dismissal plan for your child, please call the school as soon as possible, and no later than 3:00 p.m., to ensure adequate notice for your child.
Thank you in advance for supporting our arrival and dismissal process.
Caregiver Handbook 2024-25
Our Caregiver Handbook has all the important information that families need to know!
Click here to view it! Here