October 7, 2024
All the info you need prior to the first day of school!

Next Week at LVA
Monday, October 7, 2024 - EVEN Day
- No Lunch & Learn Today - Conservatory classrooms, practice rooms, and theaters are closed
- 10:00 to 11:00 - Week of Respect Speed Friending Activity in K-3
- 10:00 to 11:00 - Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week Flag Day Parade in the Quad
- College Visit, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott, 11:15 am [Students Check Naviance/Counseling Office]
- 2:15 to 3:45 - Jesters Club Meeting, K-12, Ms. Bergquist
- 2:00 to 3:45 - Slay dragons at the Dungeon & Dragons Club every Monday after school
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - ODD Day Schedule
- All Day - Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week, Dress like your favorite Hispanic Icon [Keep in CCSD Dress Code]
- 10:00 to 10:55 [or until quantity runs out] - SOL Taco Tuesday, Quad, $9
- 10:00 to 10:30 am - ENGLISH Lunch & Learn
- 10:00 to 11:00 - Week of Respect Radiating Respect in the Quad
- Lunch - Basketball Intramurals, Gym [See Mr. Johnston or Ms. Bettencourt]
- 10:30 to 11:00 - Tuesday Club Meetings at 10:30.
- ASL Club Meeting [American Sign Language], M-74
- K-pop Club, A19
- Mu Alpha Theta Meeting, F12
- 2:15 to 3:45 - MATH Tutoring with Ms. Prezgay, F12
- 2:15 to 3:45 - Batteries Included in M15
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - EVEN Day Schedule
- Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week - Vaquero Day/Cowboy Day [Keep in CCSD Dress Code]
- Week of Respect Spirit Week - Jersey Day [Wear your favorite jersey]
- 10:00 to 10:30 am - SOCIAL STUDIES Lunch & Learn
- 10:30 am - Wednesday Club Meetings at 10:30.
- Black Culture Club meets in M-74
- Creative Writing Club meets in F-20
- Film Board meets in the Frazier Basement
- Varsity Quiz meets in M-23
- College Visit, Carrington College, 10:30 am [Students Check Naviance/Counseling Office]
- 2:00 to 4:00 - Clay Club meets in VA-105
- 2:15 to 3:45 - Basketball Club, Gym
- 2:15 to 3:45 - Creative Writing Club meets in F-20
- 2:15 to 3:45 pm - SCIENCE Tutoring with Ms. Wolcott, PO-4
Thursday, October 10, 2024, ODD Day Schedule
- Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week - Dia Del Nino - Dress as your younger self/child [Keep in CCSD Dress Code]
- Week of Respect Spirit Week - Pajama Day [Keep in CCSD Dress Code]
- 10:00 to 10:55 am - Oscar Burgers [Rescheduled from 10/4], Quad, $5 includes burger and chips [cash only]
- 10:00 to 10:30 am - MATH Lunch & Learn
- Lunch - Basketball Intramurals, Gym [See Mr. Johnston or Ms. Bettencourt]
- 10:30 am - Thursday Club Meetings
- Chess Club, in M-6
- Book Club, in K-12
- SSEASU meets in M-23
- Sustainability Club meets in P-8
- 2:15 to 3:45 - ENGLISH Tutoring with Ms. Moosebrugger, M-23
- 6:00 to 7:30 pm - Fall Guitar Concert, Lowden Theater [Tickets at https://ci.ovationtix.com/35704]
- 6:00 pm - Theater 4 Play, "Argonautika," Black Box Theater [Tickets at https://ci.ovationtix.com/35704]
Friday, October 11, 2024 - EVEN Day Schedule
- Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week - Heritage Day - Dress in cultural wear giving respect to students' roots [Keep in CCSD Dress Code]
- Week of Respect Spirit Week - Wear Blue
- Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week - Heritage Day - Quad/Knapp, Activities and Pinata event
- Week of Respect Spirit Week - Dance Battle Out Bullying - Quad
- 10:00 to 10:30 am - SCIENCE Lunch & Learn
- 10:30 am - Friday Club Meetings at 10:30
- 3D Printing Club meets in VA 102
- Bible Club in K9A
- College Visit, Georgetown 11:15 am [Students Check Naviance/Counseling Office]
- College Visit, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 11:15 am [Students Check Naviance/Counseling Office]
- 6:00 pm - LVA Guitar & Friends of Las Vegas Academy present Grammy Award Winning composer and guitarist Andrew York in concert. [Tickets at https://ci.ovationtix.com/35704]
- * Andrew York is part of the Friends of Las Vegas Academy-funded Master Artist Series.
- 7:00 pm - Theater 4 Play, "Argonautika," Black Box Theater [Tickets at https://ci.ovationtix.com/35704]
Saturday, October 12, 2024
- 2:00 pm - Theater 4 Play, "Argonautika," Black Box Theater [Tickets at https://ci.ovationtix.com/35704]
- 7:00 pm - Theater 4 Play, "Argonautika," Black Box Theater [Tickets at https://ci.ovationtix.com/35704]
LVA Clubs & Organizations
Club meeting dates, times, and locations are on the Morning Announcements, posted on Canvas, and at lasvegasacademny.net under News & Accolades. Watch for the New 2024-2025 LVA Club List posted next week!
Important School-Wide Information
Homecoming Tickets are on Sale ONLINE!
Homecoming Information!
Homecoming - October 19, from 6 to 9 pm in the quad, gym, and student center.
Theme: Midnight Mystery!
Tickets: AVOID THE LINES AT LUNCH! Purchase online at https://ci.ovationtix.com/35704
- Sept. 30 to Oct. 11 - $25 until midnight tonight 10/11/24, online at https://ci.ovationtix.com/35704
- Oct. 12 to Oct. 18 - $25 until 3:00 pm 10/18/24, online at https://ci.ovationtix.com/35704
- Oct.19 - No Tickets will be at the door! or sold online.
Non-LVA Guests: Students wishing to bring a non-LVA student to the dance must pick up, complete, and submit a Guest Pass Form by October 16. Forms may be picked up in the Student Success Office and must returned by 3 pm on October 16. Forms must be complete when submitted and will NOT be accepted late.
Dance Drop Off and After Dance Pick Up: On the homecoming night, students must enter, park, or be dropped off and picked up in the parking area behind the gym [entrance 9th & Lewis Streets] in the faculty parking area. FOR STUDENT SAFETY: DO NOT drop off/pick up students in front of the school on 7th Street.
Theatre Department Offers Sensory Friendly Performance to the Community
Las Vegas Academy Theatre Conservatory Presents:
Saturday, November 16 @ 2 pm
Did you know Las Vegas Academy was recognized as the first high school in Nevada to present a sensory-friendly show? The tradition continues! Join us for one of our favorite events as we cater to audiences with autism and other sensory sensitivities.
We encourage you to move, talk, and express yourself throughout the Sensory Friendly show.
Be yourself, Be our guest!
All families are welcome!
*Features a Cozy Corner (quiet space) & cast meet n' greet after the show
*Due to construction, please arrive early for parking
Visit lasvegasaacademy.net Box Office for other performances of Beauty and The Beast
Reminder! Quarter Ends October 11 - Time to Check Grades!
Parents & students should check grades as we near the end of the quarter. Any concerns with grades should be brought to the teacher immediately. Please don't wait until the last minute to address any issues or miss deadlines. If you need to reach a teacher, their email addresses are listed on lasvegasacademy.net Staff Page.
Reminder! PSAT Information, Dates, and Study Guide for ALL Sophomores and Junior Who Signed Up
PSAT October 15 - 17, 2024 & Free Study Guide
As part of our college and career readiness efforts at the Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, we strive to set all students up for success. That's why we require all sophomores to take the free PSAT.
All sophomores will take the test on October 16. Juniors who signed up for the PSAT/NMSQT will take the exam on October 17. Selected students will take the exam on October 15.
Click the link to read the essential information for sophomores & juniors taking this exam. https://www.lasvegasacademy.net/post/psat-information-for-all-sophomores-and-psat-nmsqt-for-juniors-who-signed-up
Download the Free Study Guide below.
If you have any questions, please contact Assistant Principal over testing, Jenny Valdez at valdejm@nv.ccsd.net.
LVA Earns Advanced Placement Gold Honor Roll Status
Yes, It is a big deal! Congratulations to Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, named to the AP GOLD School Honor Roll for the second year in a row. The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose AP programs deliver results and broaden access for students.
Schools can earn the Honor Roll recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing their school’s college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness. The AP School Honor Roll offers four levels of distinction: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
Las Vegas Academy of the Arts had 76% of seniors who took at least one AP Exam during high school, 51% of seniors scoring a three or higher on at least one AP Exam, and 10% who took five or more AP Exams!
Facts about LVA's Advance Placement Program:
- 23 AP Courses Offered
- 42 SECTIONS of AP Courses
- 18 Faculty Members Teach AP Courses
LVA Ranked #1 Arts School in Nevada
Congratulations! With an overall A, LVA earned the Best High School for the Arts in Nevada and was ranked 6th for the Best Magnet High School in the state. Out of 141 Nevada Public High Schools, LVA ranked 11th. Read more about the rankings and Niche at https://www.lasvegasacademy.net/post/niche-ranks-lva-as-best-arts-high-school
Second Big Win for Chess Club
Last Tuesday, the chess club competed at Canyon Springs. We won again! LVA won 4-1 with all four players scoring wins. Big shout out to Lalo I, Jackie G., Mason 'Cowboy' B., & Michael J.. Michael just joined the team this week & won his first match. The LVA Chess Club is now 2-0. Next Tuesday LVA plays West Tech at Las Vegas Academy. Visitors can watch the chess match after school in room M-6 against West Tech who is tied with LVA at 2-0.
Community Opportunities
R&R Partners is calling all Young Visionaries in Nevada to help make a change!
We want to challenge Nevada youth to create a public service announcement (PSA) concept that addresses an issue impacting youth today. The R&R Foundation, the charitable arm of R&R Partners, is excited to provide funding and media expertise to the winning applicant.
Enter through the form https://youngvisionaries.rrpartners.com/. Share the 501(c)(3) you are working with, your PSA idea and why it’s important to you (why should we care), and an optional video submission.
Win a prize package valued at $50,000 to boost your cause:
• $20,000 contribution to your designated 501(c)(3) organization
• Professional PSA production and Nevada-wide promotion
• Mentorship from industry experts in advertising and public relations
Full Terms and Agreement at https://youngvisionaries.rrpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Young-Visionary-Rules-2024.pdf
Jurassic Game Logo Wanted!
In partnership with the Henderson Silver Knights (HSK), we would like to share a unique opportunity for students to compete in a month-long art design contest. to submit a Jurassic and Henderson Silver Knights-inspired logo design of their creation.
The winning students whose art is selected will have their design displayed on the HSK official game t-shirt and shoulder patch on the game-worn jerseys. The t-shirts with the winning design and the jerseys featuring the patch will be sold and worn during the Jurassic Knight Game on Sunday, February 15, 2025, at Lee's Family Forum in Henderson.
Please see the attached PDF for Eligibility details, Teacher Instructions, Student Prizes, Design Guidelines, and additional contest information. Teachers, submit your required contest information, waivers, forms, and art piece finalists using THIS FORM by November 1, 2024. For any questions, please reach out to Jeniffer Calimbahin at (702) 799-0303.
2025 National Magnet School Student Poster Contest
The 2025 National Magnet School Student Poster Contest is now open for submissions! This is your opportunity to unleash your creativity by illustrating one of the five foundational pillars of magnet schools: Diversity, Innovative Curriculum and Professional Development, Academic Excellence, Leadership, or Family and Community Partnerships.
From our school, three entries will be selected to advance to the District competition, with one poster from each grade level representing CCSD at the national level.
To participate, please email your digital submission (minimum resolution: 300 dpi) to Ms. Valdez at valdejm@nv.ccsd.net, or submit it in person at LVA's Testing and Magnet Office (F1) by 2:00 PM on November 22, 2024. Acceptable poster sizes are 8.5" x 11", 11" x 17", or 22" x 28". Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!
Students Seeking Support for New Non-profit
Aliyah and Violet, the first graduating MAC majors, are co-founders of Behind The Lens, a passion project aiming to become a non-profit. Their mission is to amplify the impact of local non-profits through storytelling and volunteer opportunities.
To kick start their journey, they’re hosting A Glow Run fundraiser! Your support will cover startup costs to achieve 501(c)(3) status, allowing them to provide transformative storytelling and free media support to local organizations.
Want to get involved?
Participate in the run: Register to run and join us in lighting up the night!
Need volunteer hours? Come volunteer with us at the event!
Behind the Lens Website
For more information, contact @behindthelensnonprofit on Instagram.
Let’s light up the night and drive change!
Note: This event/opportunity is NOT sponsored, managed, or controlled by the Clark County School District, Las Vegas Academy, and its employees. The persons organizing this event do not work for CCSD or LVA. Participants participate at their own risk."
Class of 2025 Essential Information
Second Offering of the College Scholarship & Resume Workshop
Two challenging college application requirements are writing a stand-out scholarship essay and an exemplary resume. Join College and Career Coordinator Ms. Miller on October 9, 2:05 to 3:00 pm for a workshop to improve both!
UPDATED! Southern Nevada College Fairs
All of these events are free for students and parents. See Ms. Miller in the Counseling Office if you have questions or need assistance.
A Must Workshop for Seniors! Mark your calendars! FAFSA Night Announced!
Attending this event is essential for every senior considering going to a post-secondary educational institution. During the workshop, families get assistance in the FAFSA process and completing the application.
What is the FAFSA?
"The FAFSA form is an application that students and families need to complete to apply for federal student aid, such as federal grants, work-study funds, and loans. Completing and submitting the FAFSA form is free, and it gives students access to the largest source of financial aid to help pay for higher education." -US DOE.
Why is it important to get my application completed early?
You're more likely to qualify for federal, state, and college-offered grants if you file the FAFSA early. Saving for College reported that students who fill out the FAFSA between October and December get twice as many grants, on average, as compared with students who file the FAFSA later.
College and Career Center Updates
Seniors, keep up with essential college information and application tips with the College and Career Center Update. The update includes need-to-know deadlines and info on admission testing, college fairs, work opportunities, scholarships, and HCBU links. Visit https://secure.smore.com/n/1nhm2f
25 Days Left to Take Senior Portraits
Development Office
LVA Essential and Important Everyday Links
Watch next week for the LVA Weekly Update on Friday!
The Weekly Update is changing to a Friday release to improve timely communication for events, performances, and activities for the following week.
- Student Absence Form
Off-Site Emergency Accounting of Students [Use ONLY if LVA is in lockdown and you [the student] have self-evacuated.
- Student Morning Announcements
- College & Career Center Update
- RAVE Review - Recognize an outstanding CCSD Employee
- School Meals - Breakfast and Lunch
- https://www.lasvegasacademy.net/blog - Includes accolades, events, need-to-know information and the Weekly Update that is released each Sunday.
- Yearbooks - Buy now at the lowest price of the year - yearbookforever.com
- Friends of Las Vegas Academy [Non-Profit Support Organization]
- 2025 Imagine Experience the Arts Gala, February 7, 2025
- 9.30.24 LVA Weekly Update
- 9.16.24 LVA Weekly Update
- 9.9.24 LVA Weekly Update
- 9.2.24 LVA Weekly Update
Contact LVA!
Have news to share with the LVA Community, student awards, or community events? Contact the LVA Development Office at 702-799-7800, ext. 4123, or email LVA Communications Coordinator Susan Thornton, at thorns@nv.ccsd.net.
Follow us on Social Media! X [Twitter]: https://twitter.com/lvahappenings, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/OfficialLVA/ Instagram: lasvegasacademy
Have a general question or a concern? Contact LVA at 702-799-7800 or through Contact Us on our website at https://www.lasvegasacademy.net/contact-us.
Upcoming Performances & Special Events
- Monday through Friday, October 14 - 18 - Homecoming Spirit Week
- Monday, October 14 - Nevada State University, 8:45 [Students Check Naviance/Counseling Office]
- Monday, October 14 - Homecoming Assembly [Assembly Schedule]
- Wednesday & Thursday, October 16 & 17 - Piano Chamber Concert, Black Box Theater, 6:00 pm
- Friday, October 17 - College Visit, University of Nevada Reno 8:45 am [Students Check Naviance/Counseling Office]
- Friday, October 18 - Theater Conservatory, Trunk or Treat, Lowden Parking Lot, 6:00 to 8:00 pm
- Saturday, October 19 - Homecoming, LVA Gym, Quad & Cafeteria, 6:00 to 9:00 pm
- Friday, October 21 - College Visit, University of Chicago, 7:45 am [Students Check Naviance/Counseling Office]
- Tuesday, October 22 - Jazz Chamber Concert, Black Box Theater, 6:00 pm
- Wednesday, October 23 - Guidance Day Schedule
- Wednesday, October 23 - Band Chamber Concert, Black Box Theater, 6:00 pm
- Tuesday, October 29 - Magnet Open House [For potential students 2025-2026], PAC & Campus, 6:00 pm
- Wednesday, October 31 - Noche de Mariachi, Quad, 5:00 to 8:00 pm
- Tuesday, November 6 - Smith Center Concert, Smith Center, 7:00 pm - Largest concert of the year with over 250, band, orchestra, and vocal students on stage!
Purchase tickets at https://www.lasvegasacademy.net/box-office