Learning Express Parent Newsletter
Home of the Mountain Cubs
Week of September 16, 2024
Absent From School? Please Send an Excuse!
While we want every child to attend school everyday, we understand that there are times when children are sick, have an appointment, or another emergency that means they may need to be absent. All families should send a written excuse to school with their child after an absence. Please include the following in your excuse:
Student Full Name
Teacher Name
Short Sentence Regarding Why Child Was Absent
Parent Signature
Here's An Example: Johnny Smith was absent from school on 9/10/2024 due to being sick.
Thank You, Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Hoover's Class Learns About Apples
In Mrs. Hoover's 5 day classroom this week students are learning to play cooperatively, share toys, and use their imaginations. Students played an apple themed listening game to practice how to follow teacher directions within a classroom. Students are also working on waiting patiently and taking turns.
Storytime in Preschool
Miss Whittaker's class read a story about worms who love rainy days this week! Students learned how to preview the cover of a story and make predictions based on the picture on the cover of the story. Our students were able to tell their teacher that the story was about worms on a rainy day and that there would also be people as characters in the story from discussing the cover of the book.
Learning to Sort In Preschool
Here are some pictures of friends from Mrs. Harkins' 3 day classroom learning how to sort by color!
Sorting is an important skill for preschoolers because it helps them develop early literacy and math skills, as well as cognitive abilities.
- Cognitive Skills: sorting helps children learn to identify similarities and differences, categorize, and develop visual perceptual skills.
- Early Numeracy Skills: sorting and ordering help children develop early numeracy skills.
- Problem-solving skills: sorting helps children learn to work out what order things should be in, which helps develop decision-making and problem-solving skills.
- Confidence: sorting can help children build their confidence and take the lead.
- Fine Motor Skills: sorting activities can help develop fine motor skills.
Habit 1 Homework: Be Proactive
Part of being proactive is taking responsibility for your own actions. Work with your child to organize a part of their bedroom. Examples of spaces that your child could help learn to organize and keep neat are their toybox, closet, or dresser drawers.
AASD Learning Express- Like Us on Facebook
Like us on Facebook to stay up to date on all the happenings at The Learning Express. Search for us "AASD Learning Express." We post weekly pictures of students learning, community events, parent resources, and information regarding Family Fun Nights, Parent Trainings, and weather closures/delays. Don't miss out on receiving this information-LIKE us now!
Want to Volunteer?
LEX welcomes volunteer participation in our school and fully understands the impact parent involvement makes on the education of the child. There are many opportunities in our school to actively participate in the educational program.
Per the Child Protective Services Law and Act 15 of 2015, volunteers are required to obtain background checks (PA State Police and FBI Reports) and child abuse clearances (Child Abuse History Clearance). Clearances are valid for 60 months from the date of issue and must be on file in the school's Main Office before the volunteer is approved to participate in any activities.
The volunteer requirements and the individual clearances are described in detail within the Altoona Area School District Volunteer Manual. For specific questions, please contact the building principal.
Visit our website via this link to begin the process to become a volunteer!
Thank you for your time and dedication to our students.
September/October Important Dates
- September 26, 2024- Super Hero Family Fun Night 4:30-6:00 pm
- September 27, 2024- Teacher In-Service, No School
- October 1, 2024- LEX Marianna's Hoagie Fundraiser Begins
- October 7-11, 2024- Early Intervention Classrooms Fall Break No School; Pre K Counts Classrooms are In Session
- October 25, 2024- LEX Marianna's Hoagie Orders and Payments Due
- November 7, 2024- LEX Marianna's Hoagie Fundraiser Pick Up 4:00-6:00 pm