Elkhorn South High School
October 2024
From the High School Principal- Mark Kalvoda
The first quarter of the 2024-25 school year is well underway and we hope ESHS students are acclimating to the routines of returning to school. The year has been a flurry of activity as students adjust to being back on campus. I appreciate their efforts and perseverance as well as the efforts of our staff and parents in setting high expectations for learning. While our students seem busier every year, their ability to manage time and balance academics and activities is astonishing. Our student’s academic success has been and always will be our ultimate focus. We will continue to challenge our students with relevant and rigorous curriculum to fully prepare them for their remaining high school years, post-secondary education, and beyond. I look forward to seeing our students respond and succeed. While clearly our focus is academic achievement, I would be remiss if I did not mention how proud I am of the school spirit shown by this group of students. From rooting on friends at games, to actively participating in school activities, to creating posters of support, our students are showing school pride and representing their school with class.
Around mid-quarter progress report time, our students are in the routine of understanding classroom expectations concerning homework and practice, note-taking, reading and writing, and critical analysis. Please encourage your student to do his/her best and to be prepared for classes by spending time studying and reviewing notes, assignments, textbook selections, and supplementary material. It is critical for students to develop favorable study habits that reinforce learning. I am very appreciative of the many hours our students designate for their schoolwork and for the high expectations that our parents set for students completing homework and being prepared for school. Undoubtedly, the habits they form today will serve them well in future high school classes, college classes, and beyond.
Elkhorn South High School faculty and administration continue to create and enhance school-wide intervention systems to support student learning. Our ongoing interventions are intended to maximize student achievement by monitoring student progress and creating accountability within the learning process. Homework is essential to the learning process because it reinforces the practice of new knowledge and content. Homework and practice are researched best practices that positively correlate to increasing student knowledge. I would like to inform our parents about three of our school-wide intervention systems that will help encourage learning and homework completion. The After-School Academy, the Guided Study Programs, and the Peer Mentoring Programs are described below:
After-School Academy - The Student Assistance Team continues to offer a structured study environment after school, complete with tutors and teachers. Any student is welcome to stop by and seek help, get caught up on assignments, or form study groups. While students are encouraged to attend on their own, we are requesting help from parents to encourage or even require their student's attendance. If students get behind in their classes, attendance may become required by the school in an effort to hold students accountable for their learning. The After School Academy is held in the Media Center Monday-Friday from 3:30-4:30. In addition to After School Academy, Elkhorn South will often place students in Academic After Hours. Academic After Hours sessions run weekly on Thursday evenings from 3:30-6:30pm and Saturday mornings from 8:30-11:30am. This sustained block of time affords students a quiet, academic-focused area to complete missing assignments or prepare for upcoming assessments.
Guided Study Program - The Guided Study Program is an intervention for students who need additional academic support during the school day. The Guided Study program operates in addition to traditional study halls. Regular education students are placed in Guided Study after a student has received two or more grades of 5 on a mid-term, quarter, or semester grade report. Students may return to regular study halls after he/she is passing all classes with a 3 or better on a mid-term, quarter or semester grade report and express confidence in his or her abilities to be successful without the program. Certified teachers and a student assistant work with the guided study students to encourage them to organize their work and improve their study habits, monitor student progress by reviewing mid-term reports and grades via PowerSchool, monitor usage of the student agenda for assignments, insist that students are engaged in constructive work each day, communicate with classroom teachers regarding student progress, provide academic support and assistance as needed and reinforce the importance of education.
Peer Tutoring Program-
The ESHS counseling center provides 1-on-1 peer tutors before, during, and after school two times per week. Please contact Rachel Hoch at rhoch@epsne.org in the counseling center to request a tutor. The Counseling Center will work to find an appropriate match for students’ areas of need and available times.
Tutors help in the following ways:
Answer and discuss questions about daily assignments.
Strategies and tips on how to write an essay for the specific class.
Study preparation practice and strategies about how to prepare for the test/quiz.
Overall learning strategies about how to remember and understand content that is specific to the class.
Each year, hundreds of students receive tutoring through our program and we are grateful to have dozens of willing mentors who volunteer their time to assist students.
We greatly appreciate your attendance at Parent-Teacher Conferences last week. We value your partnership and look forward to working collaboratively this year for our students’ success. Also, we sincerely appreciate your generous donations for staff meals on these two evenings!
If you would like to contact me to discuss concerns, ask questions, or comment, please call me at 402-289-0616 or email me at mkalvoda@epsne.org.
I look forward to working together to maximize our students’ opportunities for educational excellence here at ESHS.
Mark Kalvoda
Elkhorn South High School
Personal electronic devices will be turned in to a designated location in each classroom during instructional periods, and students may use their devices before/after school, during lunch and passing periods, and during “Senior Pass Privilege”. Students who need electronic devices to monitor health conditions will continue to follow their individualized plans.
Handbook Verbiage (found on page 7 of High School Student Handbook)
All students need to be responsible users of technology. The school firmly believes in protecting instructional time in classrooms; therefore, cellular devices should not be used during instructional periods, including study halls. All high school teachers will expect all students to turn in cell phones to a designated location in their classroom. Students may have a need to use their phones throughout the day, thus students are permitted to use phones before and after school, during their scheduled lunch, during passing periods, and during Senior Pass Privilege.
To maintain the expected learning environment in the classroom, students who violate the cell phone policy will be subject to disciplinary action. The administration supports teachers’ discretion as to when the problem has reached a level warranting intervention. The below consequences can be utilized to solve the problem:
Parent contact
Checking cell phone or cellular device into school office
Confiscation of cell phone until Parent/Guardian pick up required
After Hours
As part of being a responsible user of technology, students should not use their phones to bully, intimidate, or harass. Violators will be subject to disciplinary actions according to policies on bullying and harassment.
Respect for privacy rights:
Students shall not photograph or videotape other individuals at school or at school-sponsored activities without their knowledge and consent, except for activities considered to be in the public arena such as sporting events or public performances.
Students shall not email, post to the internet or otherwise electronically transmit images of other individuals taken at school without their expressed written consent.
Use of cellular phones or other personal electronic devices is strictly prohibited in locker rooms and restrooms.
Students found violating privacy rights through the use of cell phone cameras or recording devices will be subject to disciplinary sanctions, including, but not limited to referral to law enforcement.
Student absences and appointments
Please make sure you are CALLING the office for any absences and appointments for your students, we will not accept emails. If your child is leaving for an appointment, the sooner you can communicate that to the office, the easier it is to get a pass to the student as opposed to interrupting valuable learning time when we have to call the classroom. If leaving between passing periods, they will not receive a pass, they just need to go to the office to sign out.
Parents do not come into the building to get your child, the student will sign themselves out on our office computer. If it is for a Drs. appointment, please have the student bring a note from the Dr. upon their return.
Thank you so much for your cooperation with this.
Important dates
Oct. 17-End of 1st Quarter
Oct. 18-Teacher In-service-NO School
Oct. 27-AP Testing sign up/money due
Nov. 1-Senior yearbook photos DUE
Nov. 26- Practice ACT for 11th graders, regular school day for 9th, 10th, 12th graders
Nov. 27-29-Thanksgiving Vacation
Dec. 19 & 20- Semester finals STUDENTS MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE. End of 2nd Quarter
Dec. 23-Jan 3-Winter Break
Jan. 20-Teacher In-service-NO School
Feb. 11 & 12-Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30-8:00 One hour early dismissal
Mar. 13- End of 3rd Quarter
Mar. 14-Teacher In-service-NO School
Mar. 17-21-Spring Break
Mar. 29-Junior/Senior Prom
Apr. 9- ACT for 11th graders, Pre ACT for 9th and 10th graders
Apr. 18-Teacher In-service-NO School
May. 14-SENIORS last day-graduation rehearsal in the afternoon at ESHS
May 18-ESHS Graduation 6:00 p.m. Elkhorn Public Schools Stadium
May 22 & 23-Semester finals STUDENTS MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE
May 23-Last day of school
*The Last Student Day is based on an assumption of 4 or more days for inclement weather.
3 inclement weather days = 1 day earlier release
0-2 inclement weather days = 2 days earlier release
District Calendar
Update of Email, home address and phone number
Please contact Penny Rohl in the Counseling Center at 402-289-0616 #3 or prohl@epsne.org to make changes to email, phone, or home mailing address.
Anonymous online reporting system
- (531) 299-SAFE (7233)
- www.Safe2HelpNE.org
- Download the “Safe2Help” app from your app store
- Found on individual building homepages
From the Nurse
From the Counseling Center
Career Awareness Program
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED-Health Screening October 22nd
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED, October 22, 8:15-11:00. No experience needed.
From the Activities Director
Storm Athletic Checklist
Storm Gear
Vocal Music News
Yearbook Ordering
Cap and Gown Ordering
Order soon before prices increase.
Green Team
NHS Blood Drive
The Elkhorn South National Honor Society is sponsoring a blood drive with the American Red
Cross on Friday, November 22th in the ESHS aux gym.
Students age 16 and up and any adults in the community may donate; appointments are available from
7:00 am to 1:00 pm. Adults and students 17 years old or older can schedule themselves by clicking on https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=ESHSstorm, but still need to fill out a consent form found in room F110 and E138. If you are 16 you still need a consent form, but need to sign up with Mr. Fauss.
District News
Now Hiring
Are you interested in driving EPS athletics and activities participants to their events? Please contact Ryan Lindquist at rlindquist@epsne.org for additional information, including training requirements.
Tech Tips for Parents: Screen Sanity Modeling a healthy relationship with technology is one of the best ways to ensure youth have healthy tech relationships too. Muting notifications and creating device-free zones at home is a great starting point!
EPS Text Messages
EPS utilizes text messaging to communicate with families to ensure timely communication of important information, including inclement weather and bus delay announcements. As part of this process, EPS families interested in receiving text messages must opt-in by texting “Yes” to 67587. Doing so will provide the permission we are required to secure in order to send text messages to your mobile device. Once you have sent “Yes” to 67587, you will receive a text confirming your participation.
Upcoming District Events
ENHS Fall Craft Fair -- Saturday, November 23, 2024, from 9:00 - 3:00 at Elkhorn North High School. Click here to view additional details.Upcoming District Events
ESHS Fall Craft Fair -- Saturday October 26th from 9-3EPS Senior Citizen Activity Passes
Per EPS Board Policy 1006.07, District residents aged 65+ are eligible for a free activity pass which admits the holder to District-sponsored events and activities. Passes can be picked up at the EPS Central Office at 20650 Glenn St. during normal business hours. Individuals must provide a valid driver's license showing a current address of residence with EPS boundaries to receive a pass.
Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation News
Make a difference with Elkhorn Public Schools
Starting Pay: Regular Teacher Assistant = $17.35/hour
Health Teacher Assistant = $17.85/hour
Hours: 6.5 hours/day
General Summary, Education, and Qualifications:
Under direct supervision, Teacher Assistants will support student learning by facilitating educational activities directly with students in the classroom or on an individual basis, supervising student behavior both in and out of the classroom, and providing administrative support to the teacher
- High school diploma or equivalent preferred
- Clear a state criminal record check and a child abuse check
- Be a minimum of 18 years old
Summary of Job Duties (Full job description available upon request)
- Support academic student learning by being physically present in the classroom on a consistent (daily) basis, helping students complete tasks, answering student questions, providing individualized attention when required, and supporting the classroom teacher’s educational directives
- Provide student supervision inside the classroom in conjunction with the classroom teacher, and outside of the classroom, which may include recess breaks, study halls, lunch breaks, testing periods and other special activities
- Support students with mild to severe learning, emotional, health, or mental disabilities by providing an inclusive learning environment with specialized attention and positive reinforcement
- Health Teacher Assistant
- May need to provide student assistance with daily living activities, such as cooking, cleaning, eating, dressing, hand washing, toileting, etc.
- Attend to special medical needs or health care needs of the student, including dispensing medications, giving injections, checking vital signs, tube feedings, changing diapers, etc.
- Health Teacher Assistant
- Provides administrative support to classroom teachers as requested, to include answering phones, making copies, distributing or collecting student assignments, preparing learning materials, recording grades and attendance, and other tasks as assigned by the Building Principal or classroom teacher
- Regular, dependable in-person attendance on the job in order to maintain a student’s regular routines, foster student learning and build student relationships; the ability to perform the identified tasks and possess the identified knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the identified work activities; the ability to perform the identified physical requirements
Sick Leave: One (1) week worth of regularly scheduled hours
Personal Leave: Three (3) days of regularly scheduled hours
State Retirement: The District matches your contribution of 9.78 percent by 101 percent.
This position is not eligible for health insurance.
Student Meal Information
Does your child need health coverage?
Call toll free 1-855-632-7633 or visit http://www.ACCESSNebraska.ne.gov
Metro Conference Website
rSchool Today App
NSAA Website
Notice of Nondiscrimination
The Elkhorn Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race (including skin color, hair texture and protective hairstyles), color, religion, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, sexual orientation or gender identity, or other protected status in its programs.
The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination
Students: Anne Doerr, Executive Director of Student Services, 20650 Glenn Street (402) 289-2579, ([adoerr@epsne.org]).
Employees and Others: Don Pechous, Executive Director of Personnel, 20650 Glenn Street (402) 289-2579, ([dpechous@epsne.org]).
Complaints or concerns involving discrimination or needs for accommodation or access should be addressed to the appropriate Coordinator. For further information about anti-discrimination laws and regulations, or to file a complaint of discrimination with the OCR at One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 320, Kansas City, Missouri 64106, (816) 268-0550 (voice), Fax (816) 268-0599, (800) 877-8339 (telecommunications device for the deaf), or ocr.kansascity@ed.gov.