Pine Street Press!
January 2025
Upcoming Dates
January 6: School Resumes
January 27-31: Snowcoming Week
January 20: No School - Teacher PD
January 23: Mobile Dentist (see below)
February 14 - 17: No School Mid-Winter Break
NWEA Testing
Winter NWEA testing has started. Classes will be taking the reading NWEA test this week and will take the math NWEA test the week of January 13th. Your child's teacher will be in touch about the exact day they are testing. Please be sure that your child gets a good nights sleep the night before and eats breakfast that morning so they are ready to do their best. We are excited to see how much the students have learned and grown since the start of the school year.
Spelling Bee
Our Pine Street Spelling Bee is coming up. Any students that signed up will take part in a written pre-test on January 8th. Students that make it to the next round will be announced on January 10th. The Pine Street Spelling Bee is scheduled for January 22nd. The spellers will then move on the the Allegan County Bee held in February. Good luck spellers!
Nurturing Our Readers
Positive Behavior Focus
This month our Positive Behavior Support team has identified hallway behavior as an area of focus for our students. Pine Street staff will be on the look out and handing out PRIDE tickets to students following these important hallway expectations.
Hallway Expectations:
Be Respectful
- Zero Voice
- Follow Staff Directions
- Keep lockers closed and clean
- Keep the Floor clean
- Walk
- Single file on the right
- One step at a time on the stairs
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Basketball Intramurals
Basketball intramurals will begin on Tuesday, January 14th. All the details can be found in the form below! If your student is interested in participating, please print the form or your student can grab one from the wall outside of the office! Please return forms to the office by Friday, January 10th.
Capturing Kids' Hearts
This month students will be learning about and practicing respect through their Capturing Kids Hearts Leadworthy lessons. According to CKH, respect is the willingness and ability to act professionally and thoughtfully with ourselves and others. Acting with respect contributes to a positive culture, decreases conflict and encourages empathy.
See the flyer below if you'd like more information!