Appleton Echo
Autumn Term 1 Week 5
A word from Mr Broom
Another exciting week has flown by in school and it's been wonderful to see our children so excited and engaged in their learning. The first trip of the year took place on a rather damp Tuesday but it didn't dampen the spirits of Year 5/6 who experienced what life was like life in a Victorian workhouse!
This morning, we had our first PTA experience where the children got to see how apple juice is made and got to taste some of our own grown apple juice! A huge thanks to the PTA and Mr and Mrs Matchett for their help!
Next week, our colleagues from across the academy will be visiting school to look at the writing taking place in school. I can't wait to wow them with what's on offer. Some of the writing in school is of an incredibly high standard and I'm sure there will be lots to celebrate.
Have a super weekend everyone.
Governors Vacancy
Our award winners from this week!
This Week in School
Name writing in Reception.
Computing in Year 1.
Freshly made apple juice.
More apple pressing.
Year 5&6 visited the Ripon Workhouse Museum.
Tasting the freshly squeezed apple juice
PTA Committee elected
We held our PTA AGM last week. Thank you to everyone that came along.
At the meeting we appointed the PTA committee for the year as follows:
Chair: Helen Powell
Treasurer: Sarah Murphy
Vice Chair: Lisa Stephan (previously held by Rebecca Heseltine)
Secretary: Polly Bowman
A massive thanks to Rebecca for all of the work she has done as Vice Chair over the last few years.
The PTA committee members will be introducing themselves over the next few newsletters so you know who they are and what they do.
PTA Experiences Passport launch
We are excited to be launching our PTA Experiences Passport again for this school year. All children will receive their own school passport where they will be able to record fun and rewarding experiences the PTA provide for them.
The first experience of the year was Apple Day which took place today. The children have had a great time pressing and juicing apples from the school’s orchard and loved tasting the apple juice they made.
Appleton Roebuck Tennis Club
Harvest Festival
We are looking forward to our school Harvest Festival which will take place on Monday 21st October, at 2pm. The event is taking place in the church and we would love our parent community to come and join us to celebrate.
During the festival we will be giving thanks for the harvest and the food it provides, as part of this we will be collecting food such as tins and packaged goods. The collection will be picked up from school on the day of the festival and be taken to York foodbank. Please have a look at the York Foodbank list of suggested items and bring your donations to school on the morning of the festival.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Vaccination UK is attending your child's school for flu vaccinations.
For your child to receive their Nasal flu vaccination in school, please complete a YES consent form using the link below.
If your child cannot have the Nasal spray, the injectable flu vaccine is available, and you will be able to choose that method on the consent form.
If you DO NOT wish for your child to have a flu vaccination, please complete a NO consent via the same link.
Autumn Term Club Night
Club nights every Thursday from 3.15pm till 4pm for KS1 and KS2
Bikes and scooters
Could we ask for your help encouraging children to push their bikes and scooters across the playground at drop off and pick up times. Many thanks!
Wrap Around Care Booking - Autumn Term 1
We are a 'Nut Free' School
A polite reminder that we have children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that you do not bring nuts on to the school site or include them in packed lunches.
Thank you for your support with this.