Marysville High School Newsletter
October 2024

October 2024 Events
October 4th - Picture retake day
October 11th - End of 1st Marking Period
October 16th - PLC Early Dismissal
October 23rd - MHS Evening Parent Teacher Conferences (Full day for Students)
October 24th - MHS Afternoon and Evening Parent Teacher Conferences (Half day for Students)
October 25th - Half Day for Students
October 31st - Half day for Students
Staff Spotlight - Battle Bots with Mr. Smith
The Marysville High School STEM class, taught by Mr. Smith, spent last week focusing on the design process in engineering. Using a Sphero robot, a red cup, and their imaginations, students were tasked with designing a “Battle Bot” with the goal of knocking the cup off their opponent's device. The activity emphasized defining the problem, generating concepts, developing a solution, construction, testing, and modifying the original design to achieve the task. Working in pairs, the class created 11 unique bots and had a fun, exciting time battling it out in the arena!
Josiah Haufschild -
"Josiah is a conscientious student who asks questions and participates in class discussions. Even though he’s new to the district, he is kind to everyone he encounters and he does his best to get to know each and every student he interacts with, which speaks volumes about the kind of person he is." - Ms. Barney
Ella Carlson
"Ella is one of the most dedicated students at Marysville High School, being involved in almost every activity possible. As the head senior drum major of the Viking Regiment, Ella has been sacrificing her personal time in direct service of her classmates for two years. As a member of Symphonic Band, she plays the most challenging instrument in the ensemble and does so with such beauty of sound and care for the music that it inspires me to be a better player." - Mr. Buckley
Owen Grant
"Owen actively participates in all class discussions and activities and has been extremely helpful sharing his personal experiences with finance. He has been a great addition to my classroom."
Mr. Caza
Reese Lacher.
"Reese is an incredible student and a kind human being. I am grateful to get to start each day with Reese in my first hour freshman Algebra class. She is kind, compassionate, and thoughtful. She shows respect for others and contributes in small group and class wide discussions. She is a talented mathematician and I look forward to seeing all that she accomplishes this year in Algebra. Keep up the GREAT work Reese!" -Mr. Cottone
Trey Cummins
"Trey has been a vocal participant in class from day one. He has been willing to volunteer and use the Spanish language in the classroom. His energy has positively added to the learning experience for his classmates and me. Having him in class these first few weeks has been a pleasure." -Mr. Dalman
Homecoming Float Building Weekend
A heartfelt thank you to our incredible students, class advisors, and parents for their unwavering dedication in bringing this year’s homecoming floats to life! Students poured their creativity and effort into crafting stunning masterpieces for the annual parade, often staying late into the night. We also extend our gratitude to the local businesses and generous individuals who donated paint, materials, donuts, and so much more to support this effort. Your contributions made a significant impact, and we truly appreciate everything you've done to make homecoming week so special for our student body.
Homecoming Parade
Homecoming Assembly
Homecoming Game
This year, Marysville High School is utilizing Planbook to provide students with a single location to view their upcoming assignments and assessments for their classes. Parents, you can use this tool to stay up-to-date with what your child needs to complete and prepare for each week. A link to view Planbook should have been shared with you. If not, you may email your child's teacher to request the link. We are all in this together, and the more involved you are in your child's academic journey, the more likely they are to succeed.
Plan for Post High School
Create A 4 Year Plan
It is never to early to prepare for your goals after high school. Visit your counselor to gather information, ideas and learn about options.
Look Who is Visiting Us
We Offer Tutoring!
Every Monday MHS offers peer-to-peer tutoring to help support our students. Email Ms. May or Mrs. Sophie Watson to talk about options today!
Student Parking Passes and Parking Lot
Getting your drivers license soon? Parking passes are now $30. Please view the flyer for more information. Parking passes are required. Parking spots are required and monitored daily.
Please remember that we have a lot of students who walk or ride their bikes to school. Please be cautious and drive carefully in our parking lot and while exiting the school.
Viking Cafe and Weekly Popcorn
Mr. Gwisdala's class is proudly running the best Viking Cafe around, and their hard work truly shines! Every Wednesday and Friday, the sweet and savory aroma of fresh, hot popcorn fills the halls, tempting both staff and students alike. The dedication and enthusiasm of the class create an inviting atmosphere that makes the cafe a favorite spot on campus. A huge thank you to Mr. Gwisdala and his amazing students for bringing this delightful treat to our school community—your efforts are deeply appreciated!
Chromebook and Charger Loaners
It is important that each night you charge your Chromebook and bring it with you daily to school.
If you are returning a borrowed Chromebook or chargers to the counseling office, please make sure to check in with Mrs. Watson so that your name is removed from the borrowed list.
If you have any issues with your Chromebook or charger, please come to student services so that a ticket can be created for you.
Flu Shots Are Now Available To Students, Staff, and Family
In order to schedule an appointment to get your flu shot, please call (810) 455- 6023. Walk-ins to the school are not accepted. Flu shots are available to district employees, students, and district immediate family members only.
Headphones and Earbuds:
Headphones and earbuds are expected to be off and put away during school hours. Headphones should not be out during passing time or in the hallways throughout the school day.
Dress Code
As the weather continues to warm up, please keep in the mind our school dress code per the student handbook -
Students who are dressed inappropriately will be asked to change clothing immediately. If necessary, parents will be called to bring appropriate clothing, students can use extra clothing provided by the District, or the student may be sent home to change. Repeated dress code violations may result in more severe consequences.
Dress Code Details:
Tops must have straps or sleeves and must cover the student’s entire torso from armpit to armpit. Pants, shorts, and skirts must have an inseam at least 4 inches in length. Clothing may not display material that:
Is materially and substantially disruptive or that school officials can reasonably forecast will create a substantial disruption;
Is obscene, sexually explicit, indecent, or lewd;
Promotes the use of or advertises illegal substances, including but not limited to substances illegal for minors;
Incites violence;
Contains “fighting words”;
Constitutes a true threat of violence;
Demonstrates hate group association/affiliation or uses hate speech targeting groups based on their membership in a protected class.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Breakfast and lunch continue to be free this school year. Prices below for additional items.
Skyward Information
To log in please click the link below.
Attendance Information and Absent Notification
Attendance matters! Your child is allowed 10 absences per semester. Once your child has reached 5 absences in the semester, a letter will be sent home. If your child exceeds 10 absences an attendance meeting will be held with Dr. Jowett to implement an attendance contract for the remainder of the semester.
If your child must miss school please contact the office and let us know by 2:00 pm. You may either call us at the attendance line or call directly 810 364-7313. Remember to give us a reason for the absence so we can code it correctly (ie. sick, parent request, medical appointment, injury, bereavement, vacation etc.). If you do not contact us your child will be marked unexcused.
Senior Painting Weekend
On September 13th, 14th, and 15th... for the first time ever, our seniors work tirelessly to paint their parking spots out in our student lot. With parents, siblings, and friends rallying together to lend a helping hand, the energy was infectious and the excitement and music echoed throughout the lot. Each spot transformed into a vibrant canvas, showcasing the unique personalities and passions of the seniors. The creativity and heart poured into the artwork are truly inspiring, making each space a reflection of its owner. We invite everyone to come see the stunning results after school hours—you won't want to miss this beautiful display of school spirit!
Points of Pride
Our recent Pride Card Winners were...
- Mekhi Radford for helping assist a freshmen!
- Scarlette Kearney for turning in great homework!
- Wyatt Schweihofer for being helpful!
Library Hours, Studying Opportunities, And More!
Come to the library to check out new and exciting novels, do homework with friends, or study for an upcoming test! The library is open every Tuesday. Please view the flyer for more information.
Administration Team
Mr. Gartland
Dr. Jowett
Assistant Principal
Mr. Biewer
District Athletic Director