Jenkins Journal
Herschel V. Jenkins High School

H.V. Jenkins Journal, Monday August 26, 2024, Week 3, E-Learning Day Alert!
Attendance Matters #MissSchool #MissOut
Herschel V. Jenkins High School
"Herschel V. Jenkins believed that education was the key to improving lives, the cornerstone of a strong community, and the path to a better world."
1800 E Derenne Ave,│ Savannah, GA 31406
Tel:(912) 395-6300
Dr. Justin Durham, Principal
Ms.Consweulo Davis , Assistant Principal
Mr. Alfred Williams, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Faria Polite, Dean of Students
Greetings Warrior Nation!
Please be reminded that that on Friday, August 30, 2024, students will engage in the first E-Learning Day of the school year. Student will work asynchronously on assignments given by their teachers. Students are to complete the assignments and communicate any questions with their teachers.
Asynchronous learning is any type of learning that you undertake on your own schedule, and which does not require consistent real-time interactions with an instructor. It differs from synchronous learning, which can be done online or in-person, and typically requires you and your classmates to attend scheduled classes with your instructor.
Teachers will provide Team's links for students by Thursday, August 29, 2024. They will review E-Learning Day expectation all week so that everyone has an opportunity to be successful. If you do not have a device or access to the internet, it is your responsibility to make your teacher aware so that they can assign you are alternative paper assignment.
E-Learning is a review day for students. New material will not be introduced. Learning will be asynchronous for students with devices. For students without devices, paper assignments will be provided by Thursday, August 29, 2024, before the conclusion of class.
There will be no school on Monday, September 2, 2024, Labor Day.
Remember that Wednesdays and Fridays are "Spirit Wear Day" students are allowed to wear a Jenkins shirt or sweatshirt with the appropriate uninform bottom.
Progress reports will be sent home on Friday, September 6, 2024. Parents, please check parent portal for grade and attendance information.
Tired of Being Tardy
School starts at 7:20 am.
Our administrative team as made a commitment to having the doors open for our greeting and safety procedures every morning by 6:45 am. Please remember that we are the largest high school in the district with current 1,250 students that must be greeted properly and taken through the safety protocols daily.
If you are dropping your student off at 7:15 am, they are going to be late to class. If you would like to beat the long car drop-off line, the best time to arrive is between 6:45 -7:10 am.
Please drop your student off in the front of the school if you arrive after 7:30 am.
Drop Off and Pick Up
- Please drop students off in the designated area during morning drop off and afternoon pick up.
- Please do not block traffic in the afternoon when splitting into the double lanes for pick up. Please pull forward and obey the staff members on duty. It is imperative that you be patient and stay focused.
Daily Student Dismissal Procedures
It is our goal to ensure that students get home safely and provide a safe afterschool atmosphere for student athletes, clubs, afterschool tutorials, and band. In order to ensure that we continue to create this environment please adhere to the following procedures:
- Any student that stays after school must be under the supervision of an adult employee by SCCPSS.
- Once a student leaves the building, they will not be allowed to come back into building.
- Students that are walking or being picked up in the front of the building must exit through the front door of the school.
- Students riding the bus must exit through the bus loading doors.
- Students that walk or are being picked up in the car riding loop must exit through the cafeteria doors.
- Students staying for after school activities (Clubs, Tutoring, etc.) must report immediately to their sponsor at the sound of the bell.
- All Band members, JROTC cadets, Student-Athletes must report to the band, JROTC, and athletics hallway 1700 immediately afterschool. (If your student needs to retrieve items from their vehicle, they are to report to their coach, sponsor, or director and wait until the building has been cleared by the administrative team.)
Failure the to adhere to these daily procedures will result in the loss of afterschool activities privileges. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Student of the Week
Joana is a 12th grade School of Engineering student currently ranked in the Top 5 students for the Class of 2025. Joana continues to participate in AP courses as well as Dual Enrollment courses at Georgia Southern. Joana has been recognized as an AP Scholar earning a score of 4 or higher on 3 of her 4 AP exams thus far.
In addition to her rigorous coursework, Joana leads both the HV Jenkins Model United Nations team and the civic engagement Student Ambassadors program. Joana has worked to organize a voter registration drive at Jenkins in the upcoming weeks for eligible students.
Congratulations Lady Warriors!
The Lady Warriors won their first region game over Liberty County. Proud to be a Warrior!
Jenkins High School Football Alumni
Take a look at Jenkins High School past football players that are playing college football this year. Please support them if you happen to be in their areas or see them on TV or radio.
Tavion Gadson-University of Kentucky
Lorenzo Cowan-University of Southern California
Larry Johnson-University of Tennessee
Josh Pridgen-Northern Ilinois University
Joah Cash-Coastal Carolina University
Taurus Simmons-West Virginia University
Akelo Stone-Ole Mississippi University
Daylon Dotson-University of Central Florida
Jarquest Williams-University of South Florida
Ronald Cooper-Georgia State University
Darius Bush-Georgia State University
Jeremy Smith-Valdosta State University
Patrick Blake-Morehouse University
Ashton Jackson-Hutchinson Community College
Trey Brown-Hutchinson Community College
Troy Smith-Shaw University
Amon Tinsley-Shaw University
Kyrees McLean-Shaw University
D'Angelo Sheppard-Shaw University
Michael Becton-Savannah State University
Timothy Randolph-Savannah State University
Jeremiah James-Hines Community College
Rashard Richie-Holland Community College
Capturing Greatness
Important Reminders
Did you know that parking decals are now on sale?
Decals are $10. They be purchased form from Ms. Jones or Mr. Williams. Please visit the front office for more information.
The Coke Scholars Application is Open for High School Seniors
Each year, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation awards 150 college scholarships worth $20,000 to high school students across the United States through the Coca-Cola Scholars Program.
Students need a 3.0 GPA and to complete an online application that requires no essays, no recommendations, and no transcripts by September 30, 2024, at 5 p.m. Eastern.
We hope to see applications from your school this year!
To share the application for this $20,000 scholarship for high school seniors in your area, access the School Marketing Toolkit, which includes:
- a printable PDF flyer
- a selection timeline
- a press release template
- sample social media posts
- photos and videos to use in your posts, including a ready-to-share reel
- a new video that explains the selection process
If you have trouble opening the School Marketing Toolkit hyperlink, try copying and pasting it into your browser. If you still have trouble or if any additional materials would be helpful, let us know.
The 2024-25 application is open to high school seniors until 5 p.m. Eastern on September 30, 2024. This is earlier than previous years.
See program details, a selection roadmap, and last year's Coke Scholars.
Thank you for supporting all students at your high school in their pursuit of higher education.
Jane Hale Hopkins
President, Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
Senator Warnock’s Academy Nomination
The application for Senator Warnock’s Academy Nomination is now open. The deadline to submit an application is Sunday, September 1st. For additional information, please visit https://www.warnock.senate.gov/academies/.
To be considered for admission to the Air Force Academy, U.S. Military Academy, Naval Academy or the Merchant Marine Academy, an individual must first apply directly to the desired academy. Secondly, the applicant must receive an official nomination from a Member of either the United States Senate or House of Representatives. A congressional nomination is not required for the United States Coast Guard Academy.
Attention Class of 2025 and 2026 Students and Parents!
Please see below for upcoming on-site college admissions information sessions at Jenkins High School.
Peach State Tour:
Peach State Tour information sessions are offered in-person and via Zoom Webinars. These sessions will allow students to learn more about Augusta University, Georgia State University, Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia. These events are FREE and open to ALL high school students and their families, but space is limited! The Peach State Tour colleges will be at Jenkins High School Thursday, September 12, 2024, from 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm.
Click on the link below to secure your spot for this event.
Please see below for other upcoming college visits at Jenkins High School this Fall.
Northwestern University-Friday, September 6th at 10:00 am
Augusta University- Wednesday, September 11th at 10:00 am
Georgia State University- Friday, September 13th at 10:00 am
Albany State University-Wednesday, September 25th at 10:00 am
Kennesaw State University-Wednesday, October 16th at 10:00 am
Click on the link below to sign up for upcoming college school visits.
Jenkins Student Spotlight
Mrs. Luciano's Digital Electronics students creating electronic breadboards and measuring voltage, current, and resistance with a partner. Seniors in 3-D Modeling and Analysis (EDD/Capstone) course presenting a mini-capstone on Food Waste.
College Board National Recognition Students
What are the National Recognition Programs?
A tangible way to recognize the academic achievements of rural area/small town, African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous/Native American, and (new in 2024) first-generation students.
Why Submit for the National Recognition Programs?
- It Helps You Get Recruited
- Many colleges intentionally recruit awardees.
- Show You're a Top Student
- Receiving recognition is a way for you and your community to celebrate your achievements.
- Explore Your Options
- You may find out about colleges you didn’t know existed or wouldn’t have considered.
Dr. Perry's Engineering class explore mechanical advantage.
Administrative Team
Mrs. Faria Polite, Dean of Students
Ms. Consweulo Davis , Assistant Principal
Mr. Alfred Williams, Assistant Principal
Two Way Communication
Our school mission is to ignite a passion for learning and teaching at high levels. Herschel V. Jenkins High Schools will provide a world-class educational that produces students of character prepared for the future. To ensure we communicate the necessary information to our stakeholders, I would encourage parents/guardians to contact me @ Justin.Durham@sccpss.com to share ways to improve our communication. We will correspond every Sunday via Bright Arrow (Parent and student email), JHS Facebook, the JHS webpage, and the SCCPSS webpage. Please let us know if you are not receiving this correspondence at (912) 395-6300 .
Email: Justin.Durham@sccpss.com
Website: https://spwww.sccpss.com/schools/jenkins/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 1800 E Derenne Ave, Savannah, GA 31406
Phone: (912) 395-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialhvj?mibextid=LQQJ4d