Antioch Upper Grade School Warriors
Inspire to Dream - Empower to Achieve
Student and Family Newsletter: May 17, 2024
Portrait of a Warrior - Feedback Needed!
Antioch Upper Grade School is working towards creating a vision statement for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond. Your participation in this survey will assist in defining AUGS' Portrait of a Warrior. Portrait of a Warrior is a vision of the skills and mindset that are essential for students to possess to achieve success.
Click HERE to see some examples.
Click HERE to view a short presentation.
Click HERE to fill out the survey
Daily AUGS Announcements
PowerSchool Guide
Student/parent PowerSchoool Website: https://antioch34.powerschool.com/public/home.html
- Grades
- Student Schedule
- Set up notifications for grades and attendance
- Pay fees
- Locker information
- Create a parent account - information need for the main office to complete
- Grades
- Student Schedule
- Set up notifications for grades and attendance
Antioch CCSD School Code: BPSD
Important Dates
Important dates
May 28 - Last day of school for 8th Grade
May 28 - 8th grade graduation practice
May 28 - 8th grade picnic
May 28 - 8th grade dance - 6:30 pm-9:30 pm
May 29 - 8th grade graduation (information will be emailed to 8th grade families)
May 31 - Last day of school for 6th and 7th grade
May 31 - Early Release
Order Your Class of 2024 Graduate Sign NOW!
8th Grade End of the Year Activity Donations
Trimester 3 Expectations for 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Students | Grades & Behavior
Please review and sign the Trimester 3 Expectation Letters with your child. Your child will need to turn in a signed copy to the appropriate teacher.
AUGS Warrior Boosters
AUGS Warrior Boosters
Website: https://www.augswarriorboosters.com/
Go Warriors!
WIN the DAY Report!
AUGS Track and Field
Congratulations to the AUGS Track and Field team. AUGS set 10 state qualifiers to the IESA State Meet this past weekend.
7th grade boys
- 4x200 - 4th place
- Long jump - 4th place
- High jump - 5th place
Congratulations to the Track and Field team for having another outstanding season.
Antioch CCSD 34 Information
Antioch CCSD 34 Mission and Vision Statements
District 34 Mission Statement |
We inspire our students to dream and empower them to achieve.
District 34 Vision Statement |
To be the destination district that unites ALL (Antioch - Lake Villa - Lindenhurst) to transform the future of our community and beyond.
NEW This Year with iPad Cords and Bricks
Each student was given an Apple cord and Apple charging brick. These now belong to the student/family. If these break or get lost, there are two options for families.
Purchase one from D34 ($19 for the cord and $19 for the brick).
Purchase a cord and brick from an outside vendor.
These cords and bricks belong to the student and will not need to be returned at the end of the year. If they were not sent home during the school year, they will be sent home at the end of the year. If there is an issue and an item is not working, please contact your building administrator to get a different one as soon as possible.
Each student is responsible every year for using this cord and brick for the duration of the students’ tenure at D34. These cords and bricks can be labeled in any way in order to keep track of them better.
Human Resources
We are hiring!
School Psychologist
Daily Permanent Substitute
Bus Drivers - we will train
Student Services
Is your family experiencing homelessness?
Please reach out to your school’s principal, social worker, or the Antioch CCSD 34 Homeless Liaison for support.
More information can be found on our website: https://www.antioch34.com/Page/131
Business Services and Operations
2024-2025 Registration is Open - All registration can be done online
New Kindergarten Registration (currently not in a D34 school)
Children that turn 5 on or before September 1, 2024 can register.
Click on Next School Year - New Student Registration 2024-2025.
Returning Student Registration (any student currently in a D34 school)
An email was sent to the email address currently listed in PowerSchool.
Follow the instructions in the email.
Note: If your child is moving from one school in the district to another, they are not a New Student. That child would register as a returning student.
For example:
5th grade student at Hillcrest Elementary going to 6th grade at Antioch Upper Grade School; or
PreK student at Mary Kay McNeill Early Learning Center going to Kindergarten at W.C. Petty Elementary
Payments can be made online. Take advantage of early bird rates. If your 2024-2025 school fees are paid in full or you have a payment plan in place before the first day of school, you will pay Early Bird Fees as shown here. All payments after the start of the school year will be as shown in the column titled Fees on or after August 20, 2024. This applies to ALL District families, including outplaced students. Student Lunch Accounts We are currently carrying high negative balances. If you need assistance please contact JulieByczek, Food Service Coordinator at 847-838-8409 between 7am-1:30pm or via email at jbyczek@antioch34.com. To make payment of a check or cash can be made at the District office. Please make checks payable to Antioch School District 34. To pay fees online, please access the Rycor link available in your students PowerSchool account. Below is the link for PowerSchool: https://antioch34.powerschool.com/public/home.html or you can call Cheryl Masnova to make a payment with your credit card at 847-838-8423.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please help us work together to be good stewards of all taxpayer dollars. If you have any questions about your account or if payment has been made and you have received this notification in error, please email mtretofrench@antioch34.com.
School Facebook Page
Our school Facebook page is moving! Announcements, pictures and communication from all D34 schools will now be shared through the Antioch CCSD 34 Facebook page. Please be sure to like and follow us at www.facebook.com/AntiochCCSD34Contact Information
AUGS School Administration
6th Grade Assistant Principal
7th Grade Assistant Principal
8th Grade Associate Principal
Email: jkoeune@antioch34.com
Website: www.antioch34.com/augs
Location: 800 Highview Drive, Antioch, IL, USA
Phone: 8478388301
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AntiochCCSD34