The Hive
September 6th
Happy Friday
Dear HMS Families,
We hope this newsletter finds you all well. The weather has been quite warm, but we are still so happy to have the sun out before the rainy season starts.
Thank you for joining us for our Open House event on Tuesday. This is a great way to get a snapshot of of the classrooms where your students spend their day. We had a great time seeing everyone and being together as a HMS community. Your support is key in helping prepare our children to be successful. Thank you so much for your continued kindness.
We had a lot of things going on this week on our campus. I encourage you to check out our Facebook page to see what we have been up to this week.
Tonight is the first home football game! We hope to see you there!
With Kindness,
On September 27th we will be having our annual Volleyball-a-thon, which is a fundraiser for HMS ASB. This was such a fun event last year and we are excited to continue to create new experiences for students. We encourage as many teams as possible to attend. If your child is interested in forming a team, they can pick up a packet in the ASB office.
We are also looking for adult volunteers to help with this event. If you are interested, please contact janell.morely@hocksd.org and if you haven't already, please fill out a volunteer application through this link: Volunteer Application
Safety Drills
Last week on our Facebook page we shared with families a little bit about our safety drills. We are required to have at least one safety drill a month, in addition to another drill within ten days from the first day of school. We take all drills very seriously. We debrief as a team and ask for staff feedback after every drill to improve safety, communication and efficiency. We are continually revamping our systems to ensure and prioritize student safety.
Our Emergency Response Protocol (ERP) is pictured below. We encourage you to sit down with your student and talk to them about why we practice safety drills and the importance of taking them seriously.
We have been working with Rick Steele to improve our drills and protocols. This year we are going to be intentionally adding different scenarios to our drills. For example, we might have a hallway closed, or a stairway not accessible during the drill, etc.
Our drill for the month of September is going to be a Lockdown and we will be following the ERP for the Lockdown! section below.
Spirit Week September 23rd-27th
We have our first spirit week coming up September 23rd-27th! Spirit weeks are a really big deal around here! We have worked incredibly hard with the kids talking about how these weeks show that we are part of a community. These are the weeks where memories are made and they really fun! It's truly amazing to walk around and see all of our students dressed up! We strongly encourage everyone to participate as much as they feel comfortable.
Each grade level is competing for our spirit cone and the winner is decided based on the amount of participation each day, from the entire grade level for the whole week. Our 8th graders are reigning champions and won all spirit weeks last year. So the big question around here is, will they keep the spirit cone?
Spirit Days are as follows:
Monday: Country vs. Rock Roll
Tuesday: Nike vs. Adidas
Wednesday: TBD (Students are voting)
Thursday: Twin Day
Friday: Color Wars (8th: PURPLE, 7th: GREEN, 6th: YELLOW)
Jazz Band Auditions
Jazz Band is an amazing opportunity for our band students!
Jazz Band auditions will be September 17th-19th from 7:45-8:45am.
Athletic Director's Corner
We are excited for our fall sports seasons to officially be underway! Cross country begins their season tonight at the Run-a-Ree and Girls Volleyball will play their first games on Monday 9/16.
There will be a fall sports parent night on Monday 9/9 following practice at 5:15pm in the main gym. We look forward to a successful fall season. Finally, I really want to celebrate all of our athletes who tried out for volleyball this week, it takes a lot of courage and regardless of the outcome we are so proud of them.
Upcoming -
Winter I sports registration will open October 1st and the season will begin Oct. 24th. Please make sure that your athlete has a current physical on file, and all forms are signed through FinalForms. Final Form Registration
Boys Basketball is open to 7th and 8th graders. We will have 3 teams and not all athletes who tryout will make a team.
Yearbook 2024-2025
We are excited to be using a new vendor for our yearbooks this year. This new vendor gives us more flexibility with creating, ordering, and documenting the year in pictures. What this means is that you won't be ordering a yearbook through Intouch this year, you will order it through Treering.
Please see the flier below for instructions on how to order your Yearbook.
Please follow us on Facebook!
Hockinson Middle School
We teach, guide, and support students and our community by creating a safe environment where we learn and grow together.
Wednesdays: 1 Hour Early Release
Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:45am
Email: bess.colpron@hocksd.org
Website: https://hms.hocksd.org/
Location: 15916 NE 182nd Ave, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: 360-448-6440
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonMS/