It's almost that time!

We survived the heat! Eagle tough!
Dear St. Therese Families.
It was a short week and a HOT one! Despite the heat, we had a ton of fun! We enjoyed getting reacquainted with old friends, meeting new classmates and new teachers! We began the week on Wednesday and our middle school students attended mass led by Father Gabriele. He highlighted to our students and staff the importance of not only academics and career achievement, but how and why we take care of ourselves spiritually, which is what we are called by God to do. He noted that is year is a fresh start, and that we as teachers are called to nurture that seed that God has planted in our students and ourselves, that seed of spirituality. It's incumbent upon us as educators and caretakers of your children to take that job seriously. We are encouraging each other and our students to keep our mission statement central, that we "are a diverse community striving for academic excellence, grounded in our Catholic faith."
Father Gabriele is more eloquent than I am, but what resonated with me during mass was that this year is a fresh start, an opportunity to make small changes to better ourselves, each other, our community and our school. If we have spoken this week, you've heard me struggle with enough adjectives to describe the atmosphere in the school. There is a real sense of renewal, optimism, and enthusiasm in the halls and the whole campus. It has really been a joy-filled week and St. Therese School just feels vibrant! We welcomed new students and families and I am as proud as I have ever been of our students' openness and readiness to open their arms and hearts to new classmates. It's so unique to this community, and in speaking to many of our new students, they have felt it also.
On that note, I want to introduce our new staff members. Please see below, if you have not yet had the opportunity to meet our amazing additions to the team! And not to worry, because Back to School Night will be here before we know it, on Tuesday September 17th.
Join us for mass this weekend and meet our new music teacher, Mrs. Emily Bavaro, who is fulfilling two roles as our musical director for St. Therese Church.
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the warm evenings before we are missing them!
In Christ the Teacher,
Principal Schoning
Important Time Sensitive Notes
ASAP: Register for Jog-A-Thon (Do it! It's super easy, and it directly benefits YOUR KIDS!
Monday Sep. 9: First Parents' Club meeting of the year, 6 pm at school. All are welcome, so join us!
Tuesday Sep. 10: Fall Sports Information Night. Bring your athletes and all your questions!
Tuesday Sep. 17th: Back to School Night in the MPC (gymnasium).
Mrs. Kayti Forsyth
Kayti has a great deal of experience with young learners, and we are so pleased she moved to Portland from the midwest, and chose to share her talents with our St. Therese students. She and Mrs. Estes (on the left) will be working together this year, sharing tips and insights on the youngest Eagles. With a nearly full class, she's already shown her expertise by way of student engagement and classroom management--no small feat with 5-year-olds!
Ms. Marcie Giamona
Ms. Giamona is the newest addition to our middle school team. I can't think of an age or subject that she hasn't taught, really. She has a PhD in education and moved from Olympia, WA to Portland to anchor our middle school team. She brings a breadth of talent and experience working with students with learning challenges.
Mr. Brian Grant
Mr. Grant played professional baseball, and never walked away from the sports world. He has been a PE teacher at Portland Catholic schools for over a decade. He is also a recent champion(!!) as he took our own Portland Pickles baseball team to the championship game, and won, as the hitting and pitching coach! He and his wife have two daughters who went through Holy Redeemer and Central Catholic. So far reports are that Mr. Grant is "strict but fun!"
Mrs. Emily Bavaro
Mrs. Bavaro is a very accomplished singer and choir director. She has built and lead child and adult choirs for years, most recently at Mt. Angel. She also has children in Catholic schools here in Portland. She will be teaching choir as a middle school elective as well as regularly teaching our kinder - 5th grade students.
Jog-A-Thon! Jog-A-Thon! Jog-A-Thon!
St. Therese School Jog-A-Thon
For our Jog-a-Thon this year, we're using Pledgestar, an awesome web based fundraising system that makes it easy for you to request pledges from your family and friends, and for them to make secure credit card dona?ons online. It's fun, it's easy, and people who use it typically raise twice as much as those who don't!
Remember, our Jog-a-Thon is Friday October 4th, so please register in Pledgestar by Thursday September 12th to help our school raise as much as we can for best-in-class language arts, social studies and religion curriculum for St. Therese students.
Using your computer's browser:
Go to hFp://pledgestar.com/sttherese
Click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”
Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”
Follow the instruc?ons on-screen to register Jogger(s) and select their t-shirt size(s)
Add friends and family and begin requesting donations!
Using your Android or Apple phone or tablet:
Go to the Apple App Store on IOS or the Amazon App Store on Android and search for
"PledgeStar" to download the Family App, or go
to hFps://pledgestar.com/sFherese/downloadapp.html
On the home screen enter your event code: “sttherese” to locate your event
Click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”
Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”
Follow the instructions on-screen to register Jogger(s) and select their t-shirt size(s)
Add friends and family and begin requesting donations
Scan the QR Code to register and get started!
Click the flyers to be redirected to the PledgeStar website.👇👇
I cannot express the importance of our Jog-A-Thon adequately. We are a growing school and tuition dollars alone are not enough to sustain the investment needed for our school. Every year we explore new fundraising options, but, for now, the Jog-A-Thon is our primary and most important fundraiser. The money raised by students, with your help, go directly back into the school to benefit your children. Last year we installed a new sound system in the gymnasium and this year our plan is to put it right back into the hands of students – literally - in the form of new, top tier curriculum. 100% of the proceeds goes directly to the classrooms to enrich their educational resources at St. Therese.
Help us reach our goal!!
Thank you!!
New Drop Off Procedure Has Been a Success!
Serve Your Community by Altar Serving!
Please follow the link below to a letter from Father Gabriele regarding opportunities to become an altar server this year.
In Mr. Rymer's tech class, our 8th grade students were building on the skills they learned last year, and getting right into coding on day 1!! Look out for the Tech Fair this year, which is sure to impress!
Parents' Club
First meeting of the year: September 9th @ 6 pm. All families welcome!
See the link below to plan throughout the year.
Athlete's Foot
Don't Miss the Upcoming Fall Sports Info Night!
There are some great opportunities for boys and girls to get involved in sports this Fall! Take a look and let us know if you have any questions!!
- Tuesday September 10th from 6pm - 8pm
- We will be here to answer questions for the sports, the season, registration, and scholarships
- Volleyball registrations will close at the end of this meeting
- For the first time ever, CYO is offering volleyball for BOYS AND GIRLS in grades 3-8
- You can register to play for St Therese here: https://cyocamphoward.org/content/16643/st-volleyball
- 8 regular season games starting later this month through November
- 3 Tournament options along with the regular season games
- Registration deadline for teams is Tuesday September 10th at 8pm
- Registration is open for the swimming team, and it will be open through the end of September, register here: https://cyocamphoward.org/content/24610/st-swimming
- Swimmers ages 3rd grade through 8th grade can join the team, and should be able to swim across the pool (we are NOT instructors on how to swim)
- We have GREAT coaches who are all former swimmers led by our very own Dave Tabayoyon who coached last year
- We are partnering with FMES school to create a team
- Practices are still being scheduled, but we will likely swim at 7pm two nights a week at Parkrose pool
- Please contact athletics@stthereseschool.org with any questions!!
- All boys & girls in grades 1 and 2 are welcome to join our Hot Shots team for Fall, register here: https://cyocamphoward.org/content/18532/st-basketball-hot-shots
Catholic High School Application Information
Attention 8th grade families: it is time to start thinking about Catholic High School! See the flyer below for upcoming dates for Open House, High School Placement Tests, and application due dates. Mrs. Baumbach will be hosting a Catholic High School Info Night. More information will come to you soon.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Registrar/Office Mrs. Barnett, barnetta@stthereseschool.org
Principal Schoning schoningc@stthereseschool.org
Vice Principal Baumbach cbaumbach@stthereseschool.org
School Phone: 503-253-9400