December 2024 Board Meeting Recap
Fremont School District 79
Regular Board Meeting
Board President Gabriela Whipple wished everyone a happy holidays and remarked that the Board attended the recent Joint Annual Conference in Chicago, where it participated in a pair of panels on the topics of Community Engagement as well as Artificial Intelligence. She also thanked everyone who was involved in developing the 20-year Educational Long-Range Facility Plan, which was unanimously approved later in the meeting.
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Trisha Kocanda remarked on the service project performed by the multi-age classrooms earlier in the day as they shopped for food and household items to benefit the Fremont Township Food Pantry. The District is continuing to keep a watchful eye on the proposed Ivanhoe Village development located within the District's boundaries and expected to add around 1,000 new students upon its completion. Additionally, she thanked Intermediate School principal Stefan Ladenburger and technology teacher Melissa Lesser for their involvement in one of the panels at the Joint Annual Conference. Finally, parents and teachers were recognized for their collaboration on the recent conferences that were held just prior to Thanksgiving.
Pledge of Allegiance
This month's Pledge of Allegiance was led by fourth-grade members of the Fremont Intermediate School PAWS Committee and the Fremont Middle School Culture Club.
Board Recognitions
This month's meeting featured a pair of recognitions. The first was for Lincoln Early Learning Center paraprofessional Jill Merriman, while the second was for Board President Gabriela Whipple in recognition of her 10 years of service on the Board.
Executive Director of Human Resources Allison Stempien highlighted some of the District's recruitment and retention efforts in preparation for the 2025-2026 school year. The staffing approach is determined by examining 1) District enrollment, 2) Special Education, Intervention & ELL, 3) Programmatic Additions and/or Reallocation, and 4) Financial Commitment. The District is slated to decrease 2.0 FTE in Administration and increase 3.2 FTE for Teachers & School Service Personnel for FY26. Known vacancies will be posted prior to winter break with the goal of having the Board approve a final staffing plan in March.
Informational Items
Draft New Board Member Orientation Plan
With the anticipation of a new Board member in April 2025, the New Board Member Orientation Plan has been updated for Board preview. In early January, this orientation plan will be provided to the new candidate. This plan formalizes a mentor program with an existing Board member; outlines a multi-day orientation schedule inclusive of school tours; and provides an invitation to open board meetings and events starting in January 2025. The District’s New Board Member resource page on the website has been developed with links to key documents and initiatives to support the incoming member as the individual begins preparation to serve in this capacity.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
- Educational Long-Range Facility Plan (ELFP)
- 2025-26 K-8 School Calendar
- Award of Bid:(6) 41-passenger School Buses
- Award of Bid: SPMG FSD79 Tuckpointing
- Electricity Provider Contract - IGS
- Resolution 25-12 Authorizing Disposal of School District Personal Property
- Second Reading of Updated Board Policies
- Action on Student Discipline Matter
To view the Board Packet materials from the December 16, 2024 Meeting, click here.
Fremont School District 79
Address: 28855 North Fremont Center Road, Mundelein, IL
Phone: (847) 566-0169
Twitter: @FSD79
Instagram: @FSD79