Linden Middle School
August Newsletter
Dear LMS Families,
I hope everyone has enjoyed the summer and had the chance to relax and spend time with loved ones. The start of school is right around the corner and we are excited to see all of the smiling faces on August 22nd. Please review the information below as it will be useful for the start of the 2024/25 school year.
6th Grade Families - Last spring I sent out a 6th grade informational s'more, that information is also available on the LMS website. I will include a link to the 6th grade s'more at the bottom of this newsletter.
Important Dates for the start of the school year 2024
6th Grade Soar Orientation (students only)- August 8, 2024 / Time: 8:30-11a.m. at LMS.
LMS Open House: August 20, 2024 - 6th Grade 7-7:30p.m. / 7th and 8th - 7:30-8p.m.
First day of School - August 22, 2024
Picture Day - August 28, 2024
Other Important information
- The building doors open for students to enter the airlocks at 7:15 a.m.
- 6th Grade student drop off/pick up is on the West side of the building near the MS Softball field.
- 7th/8th grade drop off is at the main entrance of the building.
- Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria around 7:20 a.m. - Reminder, Lunches and Breakfast are free of charge, for students, for the 2024/25 school year.
- Student schedules are tentatively set to be available on Thursday, August 15th by the end of the business day.
- Supply lists are posted on the LMS website - These are suggestions
- Please login to Parent/Student Vue and update all forms.
- Fall sports begin August 26 - Please have an updated physical uploaded to Final Forms.
- 8th Graders only: Washington D.C. trip October 3rd-8th. Please contact Ms. McBride at hmcbride@lindenschools.org for more information.
- 7th Graders only: Reminder that all 7th grade students must have up to date vaccinations/immunizations prior to the start of the school year. Waivers are available through the Genesee County Health Department.
- Please be patient and attentive while driving on the LCS campus during and after school hours. We are a very busy campus with after school activities and community events, please help keep everyone safe by slowing down.
LMS Parent Group
We will continue to have parent meetings during the 2024-2025 school year. The focus will be school improvement and extra opportunities for LMS students. If you are interested in being part of this group please email me and I will add you to the distribution list. Look for the initial meeting to be held at LMS in October. kenders@lindenschools.org
Assistant Principal's Corner
LMS Families,
I hope you are as excited as we are here at LMS to start the 2024/2025 school year. We finished last year very strong and plan to carry that momentum into this school year. We will continue to plan fun things for the students to reward positive behavior quarterly to those students who deserve it. Our number of students with no discipline referrals grew as the school year went on, and we expect that to continue. Our expectations are very high here at LMS and the students do a great job reaching them!
One key area we will be focused on this year is the use of cell phones and air pods during the school year. They will not be allowed at Linden Middle School during school hours. If a student is found with a cell phone on them during the school day, it will be turned into the office and the following policy will be enforced.
Offense 1 - Turned into office - parent pick up.
Offense 2 - Turned into office - parent pick up and after school detention.
Offense 3 - Turned into office - parent meeting and after school detention.
Offense 4 - Suspension - persistent disobedience.
We are excited for the students to start this school year and for us to offer all students a safe and secure school building. Have a great end to your summer and we will see you soon!
Lance Belill
Assistant Principal
Linden Middle School
Linden Middle School
Email: kenders@lindenschools.org
Website: https://middleschool.lindenschools.org/o/lms
Phone: 810-591-0710
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindenCommunitySchools/