The Pulse
A Check on All Things Excellent
January is School Board Appreciation Month!
We want to thank and appreciate the Marion County Board of Education for the work they do for the students and staff here in Marion County School District. Happy Board Appreciation Month!
Changes at the Academy for Careers and Technology
New Year-New Adventure-New Home!
Our Early College students have moved to The Academy for Careers and Technology!
There are so many amazing opportunities coming for our high school students at ACT! We are also excited to announce a new partnership with The Continuum, in Lake City, South Carolina. The Continuum partners with Francis Marion University and Florence Darlington Technical College to provide dual enrollment, as well as career certification opportunities for students. Our students are provided transportation and are taking advantage of these opportunities at The Continuum facility during the spring semester of 2023. Looking forward, the Academy for Careers and Technology will undergo a ‘rebrand,’ where it will serve as the hub for all of the district’s Dual Enrollment programs. The district’s college and career readiness programs will be housed in this one location with a Dual Enrollment/ Early College liaison working and tracking student progress. The summer of 2023 hopes to provide innovative CTE completer opportunities for students, which could include certifications in the areas of OSHA, Blue-Print Reading, and Forklift Driving. The school has plans to add a dual credit welding program for the 2023-2024 school year, and later add a CDL program in the fall of 2024.
MCSD Recognizes PERFECT End of Course (EOC) Scores in U.S. History!
Local Author Nikki Nicole Visits High Schools
District Robotic Teams Attend Competition
Creek Bridge STEM Academy's STREAM Team (Robotic Warriors) and McCormick's Mechanical Mustangs traveled to Abbeville this month for their first Robotics competition. Creek Bridge STEM Academy's team brought home a 2nd place win in the Innovative Project Design category. Congratulations! You represent Marion County School District well!
CBSA's Robotics Team
CBSA's Robotics Team Hard at Work
McCormick's Robotic Team
Congratulations to our School Spelling Bee Winners!
Johnakin Middle School's Beta Club Brings Home Awards
Johnakin Middle School's Beta Club attended the State Beta Club Convention in Myrtle Beach and returned with eight competition awards and two special awards- The Teacher Excellence Award and The Convention Growth Award. Congratulations to Ms. Carla Spry, Johnakin's Beta Club sponsor and the students representing the club. You represented Marion County School District well.
100th Day of School
Many of our primary and elementary schools had lots of fun celebrating the 100th day of school!
It's Teacher and Staff Recruitment Time!
Help us by sharing and liking our social media recruitment posts! We know many of you have teacher friends or family in educational professions! We'd love to have them join us in Marion County!