St. Clare Campus Ministry
March 2025 - Family Newsletter
Lenten Newsletter
Please see the Lent newsletter for more information on Lenten activities in the parishes and for your families.
Holy Week and Easter activities will be included in the April newsletter.
Knights Give Back
First Friday Donations
During the month of March we will pause our Knights Give Back donations to focus on charitable donations to an organization of your family's choice. During Lent the parishes have many opportunities to be a service in the community so we encourage you to look in the parish bulletins to find a service opportunity that works for your family.
We will continue our Knights Give Back - First Friday Donations in April.
Cosgrove's Kitchen
Another aspect of our Knights Give Back program is providing meals to those in need at Cosgrove's Kitchen in East St. Louis.
Three times during the school year, the faculty & staff will spend a Saturday morning volunteering at the Soup Kitchen. In addition to the faculty & staff volunteering, a set of three grades will also provide the food items that the faculty & staff prepare and serve.
This time Grades 3rd, 4th & 5th will donate items to make sandwiches, soup, and dessert. Please see the Sign-Up Genius below to sign-up to bring in donations. Donations need to be brought in on Thursday, March 6.
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
Mass with Friends
March 8 & 9 - Aladdin Jr.
To expand upon this year's theme, Companions on the Journey, we are encouraging students to attend Mass with the various groups who accompany them on their faith journey.
On the weekend of March 8 & 9, attend Mass with your Aladdin Jr. castmates, take a picture together, and share it on social media using the hashtag #CompanionsOnTheJourney.
Feast Days in March
3 - St. Katherine Drexel
4 - St. Casimir
7 - Sts. Perpetua & Felicity
8 - St. John of God
9 - St. Frances of Rome
14 - St. Matilda
15 - St. Louise de Marillac
17 - St. Patrick
18 - St. Cyril of Jerusalem
19 - St. Joseph
23 - St. Turbius of Mongrovejo
25 - Annunciation of the Lord
25 - St. Dismas
Celebrating the Faith at Home in March
St. Patrick - March 17
In addition to wearing green and eating Irish food, some ways to celebrate this beloved feast day are:
- Free Activity Page: https://www.reallifeathome.com/st-patricks-day-activity-page/
- Irish & St. Patrick Prayers: https://www.catholicicing.com/saint-patricks-day-prayers/
- Free Activity Pack: https://www.catholicicing.com/st-patrick-pack/
St. Joseph - March 19
St. Joseph is known as Jesus' "foster father" or "earthly father." When Mary told him that she was pregnant with Jesus, he had questions, but he was patient, took the problem to God in prayer, and listened with an open heart and mind to what God was calling him to do.
St. Joseph is an example of being a hard worker as well as an example of taking life's challenges to God in prayer and responding accordingly.
Fun Fact: St. Joseph does not say anything in the Bible. His holiness is known just by his actions.
Since Joseph worked with his hands consider celebrating his feast day by eating a meal entirely with your hands!
Prayer of the Month - Prayer of St. Patrick
Christ be with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ within me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ at my right, Christ at my left,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me,
Christ in the eye of every man that sees me,
Christ in the ear of every man that hears me.
Mass & Eucharistic Adoration Schedule
Mass Schedule at 8:15am
March 5 in the Gym: K-8 (5 - Brandmeyer)
March 11 in the Chapel: 5th-8th (5 - Spain)
March 13 in the Chapel: K-4 (4 - Herrmann)
March 18 in the Chapel: 5th-8th (6 - Dillaplain)
March 20 in the Chapel: K-4 (3 - Starzyk)
March 25 in the Gym: K-8 (3 - Zagorski)
Eucharistic Adoration
March 20 in the Chapel following Mass until 10:15am (Grades K-3 & 8 attending)
- Kindergarten & 1st grades: 9am - 9:15am
- 2nd: 9:15am - 9:30am
- 3rd: 9:30am - 9:45am
- 8th: 9:45am - 10:15 am (Benediction begins at 10:15am)
Sacramental Information
St. Clare
First Communion
March 9 - Blessing Cup Retreat
April 26 - First Communion Practice
April 26 - First Communion Mass: Option 1 (5:00pm)
April 27 - First Communion Mass: Option 2 (10:30am)
March 2 - 8th Grade Retreat
May 8 - Confirmation Practice
May 9 - Celebration of Confirmation
St. Nicholas
First Reconciliation
March 22 - Celebration of First Reconciliation
First Communion
March 8 - First Communion Retreat
April 25 - First Communion Practice
April 27 - First Communion Mass
March 9 - 8th Grade Retreat
Corpus Christi
First Reconciliation & First Communion
March 2 - First Communion Retreat with Celebration of First Reconciliation (12pm-3:30pm)
April 26 - First Communion Practice (9am)
April 26 - Celebration of First Communion (4:30pm)
March 9 - Rite of Enrollment (9am)
March 22 - Confirmation Retreat (9am-3pm)
May 4 - Celebration of Confirmation (4pm)
2024-2025 School Theme: Companions on the Journey
Road to Emmaus - Luke 24: 13-35
- “Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scripture to us? Then the two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.”
Micah 6:8
- “You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness and to walk humbly with your God.”
John 15:15 “I have called you friends.”
“Unity happens when we walk together.” - Pope Francis
“Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” - St. Augustine of Hippo
“We are to become vessels of God’s compassionate love for others.” - St. Clare of Assisi