The Lion's Den: Week at a Glance
Parent & Comm. Week at a Glance 2/26 - 3/1 (2024)
Science Fair is Coming!
Lemira is sponsoring the science fair boards (through Title One Funding). Parents may pick up boards from school during school hours are from 3pm - 4pm. In addition, 4th grade Parents may pick up boards Tues (After the Camp Leopold Meeting)
Congratulations Kalaiyah - STATE Winner
Congratulations: Published Article
Lemira Elementary School Updates:
Welcome to a new week! Thanks for being a part of our village as we continue to motivate, inspire, and educate all students to be college and career ready. We are the Lions, and we'll have it no other way!!!!!!
Congrats to Kalaiyah R-D (5th Grade) for being recognized as a state winner for the 23-24 Elks Americanism Essay Contest! She will advance to National Level!
Congrats to Ms. Jackson (our librarian) and Ms. Campbell (PLTW teacher) for having an article posted in the state's SCASL annual report. Check out the article!
SC-SIC is delighted to inform Lemira Elementary School, through its Level One application for this years Dick and Tunky Riley award for School Improvement Council Excellence, has qualified for Level Two judging for the 2024 Riley award.
Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Week to our drivers who ensure our students arrive to and from school safely.
School Announcements
1. Science Fair:
- Science Fair projects are due March 12, 2024 for grade levels 3rd and 5th.
- Science Fair projects for 4th graders are due March 8, 2024.
- Through our title one funding, Lemira will sponsor science fair boards for the 23-24 school year.
- Parents may pick up boards from the school during school hours or after school from 3pm - 4pm.
2. PreK and Newly Enrolled Kindergarten Registration Night
- We will host our PreK and Newly Enrolled Kindergarten Registration Night Monday, Feb. 26th from 3:30pm - 6:30pm.
- If you have a new student registering for the 24-25 school year, please come out to get an early start on registration.
- Please see flyer for details.
3. 4th Grade Camp Leopold Mandatory Parent Meeting
- Our 4th graders are invited to join us for our Camp Leopold overnight trip March 11 - 13th
- In order to attend, permission field trip & health forms must be returned.
- In addition, parents must attend the mandatory parent meeting Tues, Feb. 27th at 6pm.
4. Read Across America Week
- Read ACross America Week will be celebrated at Lemira 2/26 - 3/1.
- We will have special activities planned for our students each day.
- Also, we will have Spirit Week. Please see flyer for details.
5. Girls in Pearls and Guys in Ties Tickets
- Please see attached flyer.
- The dance will occur Thursday, Feb. 29th from 6:00pm - 7:30pm.
- Must have ticket for entrance to dance.
6. Academic Scholars (After School Program)
- Select students were given applicatons for our "Academic Scholars" After school program.
- If your scholar recieved one, please return the applicaton Monday 2/26.
- The program will begin Tuesday 2/27 (2:45pm - 3:45pm)
- Transportation for pick up must be provided by the parent.
- After school snacks will be provided.
7. PBIS Celebration
- Our next PBIS monitoring period will run Tuesday, February 20 through Thursday, March 28.
- Our next PBIS Spirit Week will be March 25-March 28.
- Our next PBIS celebration will be Thursday, March 28.
8. Please see Feb. Calendar below for upcoming events.
9. Exact Path (Homework Extension)
- Parents, please encourage students to continue to log into Exact Path, even while at home to build their skills in the areas of Reading and Math.
- Each day, all of our students participate in an enrichment block, in which they spend 30 minutes working on skills catered to their independent level in Exact Path.
10. Parent Portal and Classroom Week at a Glance (WAG)
- Please make sure your information has been updated in Power-school.
- We want to ensure we have accurate numbers on file in case of emergencies.
- Also, please ensure you have access to Parent Portal so you are able to view grades live.
- Also, please check over your scholar's classroom Week at a Glance for upcoming assignments and tests.
11. Spirit Fridays:
*Please mark on your calendars the following Days
- 2nd Fridays (Spirit Fridays) - Lemira T-shirts or "Blue and White" colors
- 4th Fridays (Creating College and Career Ready Leaders, the AVID Way) - Wear your favorite college T-shirt
Title One Parent Engagement Tips
Counseling Corner:
Give your elementary scholar the time to think analytically
Analytical thinking - the ability to go beyond basic knowledge and consider “the bigger picture” - is a crucial skill for school success. Students who perform well academically are able to think analytically, the more deeply they grasp new concepts and ideas.
To support complex thinking:
- Let your child figure things out. Give your child time to work through problems independently. If your child has forgotten how to do an assignment, don’t say it’s OK not to do it. Instead, ask, “How could you find out?” Could your child call a classmate? Look over at a previous assignment for clues? Give your child space to come up with a plan.
- Discuss current events. Print an article on a topic with many sides and chat about it over dinner. Find out what your child thinks about the issue, but don’t stop there. After listening to your child’s opinion, say, “I can see how you feel about this. But why do you think other people might feel differently?”
- Encourage reflection. Once your child completes a big project for school, talk about it. Ask, “How difficult was it to finish? What did you learn about how to do projects?” Regardless of how the project went, reflecting on the process will help your child sharpen thinking skills.
Reading Corner:
2/26 is National Tell a Fairytale Day! Encourage your scholar to participate by doing the sounds or movements while reading a fairytale. Also, ask questions as you go to gauge their listening comprehension skills.
3/1 is National Speech and Debate Education Day! Your scholar can use their recent opinion writing from school to deliver a speech or engage in a friendly debate with you or a peer. This helps with critical thinking and analysis of facts. Find out more by visiting
Important Calendar Dates
Feb. 2nd
Author Visit: Ms. Anne Ferguson
(During School Hours)
Feb. 5th - 9th
Scholastic Book Fair
Feb. 9th
"Championship Chow Down" Parent Luncheon
Feb. 13
Title One sponsored "Parent Conference Night"
3:00pm - 7:30pm (Individually Scheduled)
Feb. 15th
Half Day for Students
Students will dismiss at 11am
PBIS Celebration (During School Hours)
Feb. 16th
No School for Students
Feb. 17th
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Feb. 19th
Presidents' Day Holiday
No School for Students
Feb. 20th
McDonald's Spirit Night
3:30pm - 6:30pm
Feb. 22
Black History Program (Arts Showcase)
Feb. 26th
PreK and Newly Enrolled Kindergarten Registration Night
Feb. 27th
4th Grade Camp Leopold Parent Meeting
Feb.26th - 29th
Read Across America School Events (Title One Sponsored)
Author Visit: On Feb. 29th, the author Kevin Krutz will visit Lemira.
Feb. 29th
Girls in Pearls and Guys in Ties Family Dance
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and our School Website for the latest updates. The links are in the box below.
Mrs. Stephanie Gregg, Ed.S
Proud Principal of Lemira Elementary School
Lemira Elementary School
Location: 952 Fulton Street, Sumter, SC, USA
Phone: 803-775-0658
Twitter: @LemiraSchool