Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School April 15th, 2021
Social Fest Survey
Good news!!! The Social Fest team has started planning for an event this year. The expected date this year is the 4th Saturday in August or later. This is our major fundraiser for the school. School families, WE NEED YOUR HELP, in supporting this event, in supporting our school, and to offset key costs in running your school. To help with planning this year’s event, and those in the future, we are asking for input from all Parish members and school families, whether you attend Social Fest or not, regarding the event, your preferences, and your interests. You can complete the survey through this link, https://forms.gle/BJiFo4uxCZwRTYkY9 or from the link on the parish website. The web-site link is completely anonymous, and no registration or return e-mail address is required. We would sincerely appreciate your input, to make Social Fest the best possible event based on parish member and school family input.
The shopping store will look a little different from in the past. Let us know if you have any questions.
Orders will close on Tuesday, April 27th.
You can access by going to wpp-promo.com – under company stores – pick Holy Trinity.
Or direct at https://holytrinity.orderpromos.com/
Scholastic Book Fair and Bake Sale
The Book Fair and Bake Sale begins Sunday after the 11 AM Mass.
It will also be open Monday-Thursday from 10 A.M.- 3 P.M. and Friday from 10 A.M. - 12 P.M.
Parents can come and shop during the day or at 11:30 pick-up and 2:35 pick-up.
Located in the School Hallway outside of the Gym! Come and check it out!!
Also, you will find a copy of the wish list and E-Wallet information for the Book fair along with more information below.
Home and School Fundraiser
Safe Environment Education Training
Facebook Contest
See the attached form for more information.
Stay tuned for more information on yard sign pick-up dates.
Altar Guild for Girls
The initial kick off meetings are on May 2nd at 12:00PM at Holy Trinity and May 5th at 6:00 PM at Holy Trinity. Please plan on attending one of them if you are interested in joining the Altar Guild. Meet in front of the Holy Family statue.
Milwaukee River Clean-Up
Boys and Girls Club Volleyball League
Advisory Committee
Dress Code Update
NAMI Washington County Outreach Event
Upcoming Events and Dates
April 18th-23rd - Book Fair and Bake Sale
April 30th - DARE Graduation 1 P.M.April 30th - Donations for Mini Auction Due
May 1st - Dress Code changes to shorts/capris/sandals allowed
May 5th - May Crowning Mass
May 6th - Growing up Talk for 5th and 6th Graders (letter sent home with students today)
May 11th - Volunteer Appreciation Event (watch for details)
May 17th-23rd - Mini Auction (Watch for details)
May 25th - Outdoor Spring Concert 6 P.M.
May 27th - Field Day Afternoon
May 27th - 8th Grade Graduation 5:30 P.M. (Change from original date)
May 28th - School Field Trip to Holy Hill
May 31st - No School - Memorial Day
June 1st - 5K Graduation 5 P.M.
June 2nd - Last day of School 10:30 A.M. dismissal
A NOTE FROM Mrs. Longden
Pray Often, Work Hard, Trust God.
Mrs. Longden
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St. Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603