Lincoln Bulletin
March 15, 2019
Dates to Remember
Friday, March 15 St. Baldrick’s Event
6:00 – 9:00 PM at St. Charles East High School
Monday, March 18 Spirit Day – Sports Day
Tuesday, March 19 Spirit Day – Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday, March 20 Spirit Day – Mismatch Day
Thursday, March 21 Lincoln Elementary School’s 90th Anniversary
Spirit Day – Dress Old/90’s Day
Friday, March 22 Spirit Day – PJ Day
March 25 – 29 Spring Break – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Monday, April 1 School Resumes
Tuesday, April 2 IAR testing begins for Grades 3-5
Thursday, April 4 PTO Meeting
4:30 PM in LRC
Monday, April 8 School Board Meeting
7:00 at Administration Building
Tuesday, April 9 5th Grade Parent Only Presentation
6:30 – 7:30 PM at Thompson Middle School LRC
Thursday, April 11 5th Grade Parent Only Presentation
6:30 – 7:30 PM at Thompson Middle School LRC
Lincoln School
Email: michelle.woodring@d303.org
Website: https://lincoln.d303.org/
Location: 211 South 6th Avenue, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2500
Twitter: @Lincolnd303
Lincoln School
One more week until Spring break and it will be a very exciting, historical week celebrating Lincoln School's 90th year educating students. Lincoln School opened it's doors March 21, 1929. To commemorate this event we will have an all-school assembly which will include the Mayor, a renowned alumni who has many sculptures in St. Charles, and a performance for our students to learn about Abraham Lincoln. We will also have Spirit Week, please see the attached flyer and the dates to remember section explaining the various themes for each day next week. Also, we are not having our first and third-grade music performance until after break, see the letter below on details regarding this performance.
Please take a look at our website, Mrs. Tracey a parent of one of our students created a slide show highlighting specific aspects of Lincoln school and it's architectural features. Here is the link to the slide show, please take a look.
The week after spring break we will begin our statewide testing, Tuesday, April 2. Below is a letter from the district explaining and giving information regarding the Illinois Assessment for Readiness. In addition, further below there is information of when the intra-district transfer window will open.
Second-trimester report cards-
Home Access Center opened with second-trimester report cards on Wednesday morning. Please take some time to look at the report card with your child. If you have any questions, your child’s teacher would be happy to talk with you.
Getting Ready for St. Baldrick's tonight
Parent Letter -Illinois Assessment for Readiness
March 2019
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Students in grades 3 through 8 will be taking state tests in English/Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics between April 1 and April 26. The test name has changed from PARCC to the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR). The underlying test, what it measures, and how it is scored is the same. Information about the change to the IAR can be found at: https://district.d303.org/departments/assessment.
Additionally, students in grades 5, 8, and in their first high school biology course will be taking the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) within the month of April. Please consult with your school for a more specific test schedule for the ISA. These assessments are designed to evaluate students’ progress toward the more rigorous state standards.
Please encourage your child to give his or her best effort and, as always, preparing your child for a good day at school begins with a good night of sleep and a nutritional breakfast.
These state tests are one of several ways student achievement is measured in CUSD 303. Your child’s daily school work, teacher comments, and report cards are also important when determining overall school achievement. If you have any questions regarding your child’s performance, be sure to talk with your child’s teacher or principal.
You will also receive information about your child’s individual performance on these tests in the fall. School and district results will be reported on the Illinois School Report Cards.
David Chiszar
Executive Director of Assessment and Accountability
Intra District-Transfer requests
An Elementary Intra-District Transfer Request must be submitted online no sooner than 8:00 AM on the first Tuesday following Spring Break (April 2, 2019) and no later than 4:00 PM on the third Monday following Spring Break (April 15, 2019). A link to the request form will be posted on the District 303 webpage by 8:00 AM on April 2. If you are requesting a transfer for more than one child, a separate request must be submitted for each. Due to fluctuating class sizes at each grade level, siblings are not guaranteed placement. Please note:
A new request must be submitted each year beginning the week after spring break
If granted, transportation is the responsibility of the parents
The transfer is for one school year and will require re-application the following school year
Ozzie Reading
Bernie's Books Donation Drive