CVU Celebrations
September 20, 2024
Dear CVU Community,
This week I’d like to highlight some impressive students for stepping up and participating in a meaningful way. On Thursday, the ninth grade class gathered in the Theater to hear election speeches from their classmates. The seven candidates spoke to both their individual strengths and their desire to make our community stronger. As of publication time, we don’t know who won the race to be one of two ninth grade representatives on the Student Council. However, I would argue that all seven candidates are already positive representatives of the Class of 2028. Positive risk-taking and healthy competition are great values to encourage, and it’s inspiring to see these ninth-graders already demonstrating leadership. Well done!
Two important notes:
Parent/Caregiver Conferences: CVU has added October 9th as a second conference day to better accommodate our families. Sign ups for the October 9th and 10th conferences will open Friday, September 27th. Additional information will be sent out next week.
CVU @ a Glance: We look forward to seeing parents and caregivers at Thursday’s open house. The night will begin in advisory rooms where parents/caregivers will meet the advisor and receive their student’s schedule. CVU @ a Glance will begin at 6pm and run until 8pm.
Student Council Corner
Happy Friday Hawks, and welcome back to Student Council Corner (SCC) 24-25! My name is Ariel, and I will be one of the writers of SCC this school year. I’m a senior at CVU and this will be my second year on Student Council! This week your student leaders got straight to work on a variety of upcoming CVU events, including Rally, Homecoming, 9th Grade Elections, the Club Fair, and the Turkey Trot. Important Update: The Club Fair has been moved to Monday, October 7th during Block 3. This is a change from the original date of 9/23. We were very excited to present this year’s Fall Rally on Thursday, it was a huge success! Student Council partnered with Athletic Leadership Council to lead the 2024 CVU fall sports teams in dances and activities such as the egg relay and mummy race. We held 9th grade Student Council representative elections, with a record number of participants: 7! This week was also Spirit Week, and students from all grades dressed up to show their Redhawk pride. Finally, we are so excited to present Spirit Day and Homecoming this Saturday -- make sure to show up and support all of our teams! Have a great homecoming weekend, CVU!
Saturday, September 21 - Spirit Day & Homecoming
10:00 Girls V/JV Soccer vs. South Burlington at CVU
11:00 Girls V Field Hockey vs. Burlington at CVU
12:15 Girls JV Field Hockey vs. U-32 at CVU
12:30 Boys V/JV Soccer vs. St. Johnsbury Academy at CVU
3:00/4:30 Boys JV/V Volleyball vs. Mt. Mansfield Union at CVU
7:00 Homecoming Dance in CVU Cafe
Upcoming Dates
9/21 - Spirit Day and Homecoming Dance
9/26 - CVU At-A-Glance 6:00-8:00
Student Celebrations
From Emily Mitchell: Painting en Plein Air with Painting 1. Practicing water color skills and enjoying the sunshine
From Anthony Spagnolo: Lark McCarron (junior) voluntarily took training this summer to become an ambassador for the program "Poker Power" which uses the famous card game to teach young women life skills such as risk management, self confidence, emotional intelligence, and even math! Lark ran the club all by herself last Friday, complete with a presentation and cookies :)
CVU will have its very own newspaper this year. Here are the photographers, journalists and editors who will be working on it.
Allison Biunno, Lark McCarron and Jackie Whittier were recognized at Tuesday's School Board meeting with Inspiration Awards for their exceptional contributions to our school community. Congratulations! And thank you to Troy Paradee, Anthony Spagnolo and Leanne Morton for your nominations.
From Leanne Morton:The CVU Class of 2026 is hosting a paper product drive and grocery store gift card drive all next week to aid the CVU Community Cares program. We are looking for those who are able and willing to bring in unopened packages of toilet paper, paper towels, tampons, maxi pads, and diapers. We also are in need of gift cards to local grocery stores such as Hannaford, Lantmans and Shaws. The Class of 2026 will have a table set up at our CVU at a Glance on Thursday, September 26th for donations. We will also have boxes in all house offices throughout the week to collect donations. Thank you for your support in helping our community.
From Hannah Carey: Math students explore ratios in their attempt to create the perfect "puff" from vinegar and baking soda: get the bubbles to just crest over the lip of the cylinder without overflowing.
From Katie Kuntz: 10th graders playing Risk to better understand the connections between land, resources and power. Frustration and fun was had by all!
Faculty/Staff Celebrations
CVU Faculty, Staff and Administration honored Special Educator Jaime Fries and Administrative Assistant Meghan Tatro as the 2024 Educators of the Year. They work tirelessly in their respective roles to support students and other educators within our building. Thank you both for all you do for our community. (Pictured with Director of Special Services Jess Hoskins)
Community Celebrations/Notes
STARS College Fair at CVU - On September 30th, starting at 6:30, the STARS College Network will be hosting a presentation and college fair at CVU. The STARS College Network (Small Town And Rural Students) is designed to build on efforts to create new pathways to college for students who might not otherwise recognize the full range of educational opportunities available to them. Please view this flyer and plan on attending this exciting opportunity on September 30th.