Everitt Family Newsletter
~ For Everitt Families: August 18, 2023 ~
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Dear Everitt Families:
The first week of school is coming to an end. It has been fun having the energy and excitement of middle school students back in the building. Our theme this year as a staff is finding and creating joy. There was so much joy this week from seeing you all at Back to School Night to seeing students daily engaged in classrooms. We each have a joy buddy and my joy buddy and I have been texting all week about the beautiful moments found in each day.
This week is also full of so many big emotions for students: excitement, worry, happiness, and exhaustion all come together in a mighty wave. They wonder...What will my teachers be like? Who will I sit with at lunch and hang out with at recess? Will my friends from last year still be my friends? They've had to adjust to new teachers, schedules, classmates, and expectations. Each year at this time, author Jen Hatmaker makes a post about the Friday of the first week of school. In this year's version, she jokingly states, "Do not, under any circumstances whatsoever, plan anything for the first Friday night/whole weekend of the first week of school...Trust me on this one. If I know anything at all, I know that your 'fun plans' for the first Friday night of school are doomed to catastrophe. Unless you love throwing sobbing, overstimulated children into your minivan halfway through the thing, just stay home." If you need a chuckle, you can find the entire post (and previous years' versions as well) on her social media pages and/or blog. I hope, though, that you have some downtime scheduled for the weekend. Your wonderful children may need it.
On Tuesday, we had a fantastic orientation day with our 6th graders and new students. Our 6th graders are becoming confident openers of lockers, followers of schedules, and navigators of the hallways. We've found this to be a wonderful group of 6th grade students. They are respectful, kind, and thoughtful. We can't wait to see all that they will learn and accomplish while here at Everitt. Similarly, our new 7th and 8th graders are finding their place at Everitt quickly. I am proud of our returning students for how they have welcomed our new students. It has been a pleasure to see our returning students and hear about their summer adventures. We missed them and are happy to have them back!
At this point, every student at Everitt has received a presentation of our school rules and conduct code. There is a link to that presentation below so that you know what was shared with students. Please talk through these expectations with your children and let us know if you or they have any questions. I've also linked our Student and Family Handbook which is full of information. Please check it out!
A few points of clarification about Thursday's late start/study hall schedule...all students are enrolled in study hall class. If you are not planning to have your student participate in study hall, please send Ms. Ronnie an email (veronica.pineda@jeffco.k12.co.us) or call the attendance line and let her know if you are excusing your student from study hall all year or just for a day. If your student is not attending study hall, they can arrive between 9:40 and 9:50. We will have outside supervision again at that time. Students who arrive between 8:55 and 9:30 will be sent to class when they arrive, just as they would any other day.
Most clubs start on Monday! There is more information below about specific clubs' start dates but most begin this next week. If your child would like to participate in a club and has not yet signed up, they can see their clubs' sponsor to sign up. All students participating in clubs will enter through the south doors.
Thank you for supporting and believing in your neighborhood school. It is our privilege to partner with you!
Amanda Pouliot, Principal
Everitt Middle School
What's Happening Next?
8/21 ~ Clubs begin
9/4 ~ NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
9/6 ~ PTA/SAC Meetings 5:00/6:00 pm
First Day of School Fun
Everitt Bell Schedule 2023-2024
Student and Family Handbook
Conduct Code Slides
School Supply List
1. Complete the annual update in Infinite Campus.
2. Complete the meal (fee) benefits application . This has many benefits for your family and for our school. These include but are not limited to free or reduced class fees.
3. Complete bus registration (if needed).
Please call Ronnie at 303-982-1580 if you need assistance with these steps.
Meal Benefits Application
- We encourage all families to complete the HSMA Combination Form.
- To access this form, you must log in to School Café or set up a new School Café account (you will need an account and may not complete a form as a guest).
- Completion of this form will help with additional education funding for schools and may allow for waivers of school-related fees.
- All household income information provided through the HSMA Combination Form is strictly confidential and protected by law.
- Please note: Only one form is required for all students in the household.
- While online forms are preferred, paper forms will be available at Everitt.
- Additional meals or a la carte items may be purchased by a student using cash or their School Café account.
The Dreaded Pick Up and Drop Off Line
1. Carpool -- Fewer vehicles in our parking lot means a shorter line.
2. Pull all the way forward in the drop off/pick up lane -- My engineer husband ensures me that this will create less congestion and speed up the whole process.
3. Pick your child up at the Recreation Center and have them use the tunnel to cross under Kipling.
4. Drop off a little earlier and pick up a little later - We are on supervision duty at 8:35 am and the line is very short at that time. It is also short after 4:00 pm.
5. Once the buses have left in the afternoon, please feel free to turn right at the base of the parking lot and exit in front of the north side of the building. It will help you avoid having to turn right or left onto Kipling.
Our neighbors on Independence would like me to ask you to please not use their driveways to turn around. Please also don't block the Domino's driveway as they need to continue to deliver pizzas during pick up time. It's important to us to be a good neighbor to those whose homes border our school and to the businesses nearby. Please join us in that effort.
We are also sharing space with Wheat Ridge High School this fall as they finish construction on their soccer field and in their gym. We will have some additional cars in the parking lot because the high school volleyball, tennis, and soccer teams will have practices and games at Everitt until the construction is finished. We are happy to have them.
Everitt Custom Apparel
Take a look at the Everitt Spirit Store for exciting new items to show your school spirit! Most items will be delivered to your home within 5 business days. Just use this link to start shopping and show your school pride:
Thursday Late Starts
Our focus is on building lasting connections between families, getting to know our student’s teachers, and creating opportunities to come together as a community, valuing our diversity and celebrating our differences.
Welcome back to school! We are excited about the 2023/24 school year with familiar faces and new families joining our community! It was great to see so many folks at back to school night! The start of the year is always full of new schedules, routines, and stresses, but also new friends, opportunities to connect, and chances to get involved!
The PTA is here to be a resource and voice for our community! We encourage everyone to stay in touch in the way that works best for your situation. We love to have official members (registration info below) but you can come to any meeting in person or on zoom, be a part of the FaceBook Group, and even help volunteer and give back without being a PTA member!
Our next PTA/SAC meeting will be on Wednesday September 6th at 5:00 pm in the Everitt Library (and on Zoom). (Going forward, all PTA meetings are on the 1st Wednesday of every month starting at 6:30pm unless notified otherwise).
Membership in the Everitt PTA needs to be renewed annually. Please consider becoming a member for the 2023/24 school year by filling out the form HERE and payment instructions are provided once the form is submitted. (Dues are not a barrier to membership in the Everitt PTA Community).
Check out our PTA page for reminders, important dates and meeting minutes: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/family_resources/p_t_a , and join our FaceBook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everittpta .
We are always open to new ideas on how to bring our great Everitt community together and look forward to learning from each other. Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions to the PTA at EverittPTA@gmail.com or to me directly at dan.b.weinstein@gmail.com or 720-291-1435.
Thank you,
Everitt Clubs!
Here are the clubs we plan to offer this year. Some of the clubs may change due to student interest and students are always welcome to start a club by asking a staff member to be their sponsor. We are always also looking for parents/guardians who are willing to support a club. Please reach out to Amanda Pouliot if you're interested.
French Club (Pouliot - Conference Room)
Yoga (Piane - Meet in the Lobby)
Tri-M (Music Honor Society - Letendre - Orchestra Room)
Jazz Band (Reardon - Band Room)
Cross Country Team (7:40-8:40 - Meet at the flag pole)
Strength and Conditioning (Previously Fitness Club - Bauer/Scales - Small Gym)
Girls on the Run (Niemeyer/Burg/Mitchell/Ritchie - Niemeyer's Room)
Floor Hockey (O'Connor - Large Gym)
Theatre Guild (Pouliot/Adducci/Powers - Powers' room)
Fiber Arts (Knitting, Crocheting, etc. - Gallagher - Gallagher's room)
Spanish Club (looking for an advisor - does not begin this week)
Book Club (Widtfeldt/Gordon - Widtfeldt's room)
Taekwondo (TBD - does not begin this week)
Junior Optimists Club (TBD - does not begin this week)
Sammy's Buddy Program - (Choi/SBP - Choi's room)
Builder's Club (Maikranz/Kiwanis - meet in the lobby)
Cross Country Team (7:40-8:40 am - Meet at the flag pole)
Cheerleading (Pineda - Meet in the main office)
French Club (Pouliot - Conference Room)
GSA (Burt - Burt's Room)
Fiber Arts (Gallagher - Gallagher's Room)
Floor Hockey (O'Connor - Large gym)
Math League (Bauer/Balentine - Bauer's office)
Chess Club (Yankoviak - Yankoviak's room)
Dungeons and Dragons (Decker/Newell - Newell's room)
Theatre Guild (Pouliot/Powers/Adducci - Powers' room)
Book Club (Herr - Conference Room)
Mountain Biking Club (Miller/Mallory/Braun - Meet at the flag pole)
Girls on the Run (Niemeyer/Burg/Mitchell/Ritchie - Niemeyer's room)
Strength and Conditioning (Bauer/Scales - Small gym)
Students are welcome to join clubs that are already in session.
Nathen G. ~ Nathen wasn't afraid to take on a leadership role during float building. He had a vision for what the float could look like and put it into action.
Bobby A. ~ On Orientation Day, Bobby went into the library and sat between two sixth grade girls that he did not know. He did not hesitate to be friendly to both of them even though being outgoing can be scary.
Wesley M. ~ During orientation, the activity outside with the marble become frustrating for many students. Wesley never gave up, never gave into the frustration, and continued giving 100% effort throughout the activity no matter how many times the group had to start again.
Kloe B. ~ This morning Kloe was being kind and helpful in helping other students find their study hall classroom.
AJ N. ~ During back to school night AJ worked serving hot dogs to families for over two hours. He was such a huge help providing food and building community! The operation would not have been so smooth without his help. Thanks AJ!
Summer A. ~ At Camp Everitt, Summer designed a boat that carried significant weight safely to the finish in Clear Creek. She won the 7th grade competition and redesigned the boat to beat the 8th grade winner as well.
Roman R. ~ During back to school night, Roman worked serving hot dogs to families for over two hours. He was such a huge help providing food and building community! The operation would not have been so smooth without his help. Thanks Roman!
Everitt Middle School
With foundations of equity and excellence, Everitt empowers and inspires our students as individuals, lifelong learners, and creative critical thinkers to engage in authentic learning and contribute meaningfully to their communities and their world.
Email: amanda.pouliot@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 3900 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
Phone: 303-982-1580