Giesinger Gazette
August 6, 2023
July 28, 2024
Giesinger Family,
I hope you all have all enjoyed a wonderful and restful summer vacation. As the new school year approaches, we cannot wait to welcome you and your children back to Giesinger Elementary.
Our dedicated staff has been working hard over the summer to prepare for the upcoming year. We have made some exciting changes to our curriculum and are preparing our classrooms and learning environment to support our students and continue to carry out our mission of ensuring high levels of learning to facilitate the continuous growth of the whole child.
This newsletter provides a lot of important information but here are a few important updates and reminders as we begin the school year:
First Day of School- Our first day of school is August 14, 2024. Our instructional day begins at 7:55 am (this is 5 minutes sooner than last year). Please ensure that your child arrives on time and is ready to start the day with enthusiasm and energy.
School Hours- Our school hours are from 7:55 am to 3:10 pm. It is important that students arrive on time and are picked up promptly at the end of the day. We will be flexible the first few days of school, however students will be counted tardy after 7:55 am.
Safety Protocols- The safety and well-being of our students and staff remain our top priority. Parents/guardians will be able to walk their children to class the first 3 days of school. Beginning August 19th, students will walk independently to class. At that time, all visitors will need to check into the front office and obtain a pass in order to access our campus beyond the front office. All visitors will need a valid ID in order to obtain access to our campus.
Meet the Teacher- Meet the Teacher will be Monday, August 12th from 4:30-6:30. This is a come & go event. More information is below.
Open House- We will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, September 5th. We will offer two sessions for parents. Session 1 will be 5:00-5:45, Session 2 will be 5:45-6:30. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet your child’s teachers and learn more about what we have planned for the year.
Communication- We believe that strong communication between home and school is key to student success. Please ensure that we have your current contact information so that you can receive important updates and information throughout the year.
A newsletter via text and email will be sent each week (Sundays around noon) to inform you about upcoming events and other information. Please like us on Facebook as lots of pictures and information is shared throughout the year there as well.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child’s education. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our administration team or staff.
We look forward to welcoming your child back to school and to an exciting year ahead.
Eagles Soar to Excellence in all we Do,
Amy Barber
Principal, Giesinger Elementary
2024-2025 Giesinger Administration Team
Left to Right: Nadia McCord (Assistant Principal), Laura Heemann (Counselor), Amy Barber (Principal), Jaime Peek (Assistant Principal)
Giesinger Year at a Glance
Many of you are planners and like to know the "big picture". The button below will take you to our year at a glance and provide you with important dates to note such as picture days, progress report/report card days, Kona Ice, musical performances, and much more.
Please note that this is a working calendar and dates can change at any time so be sure to read the Giesinger Gazette each week for changes to the calendar or additions of events.
2024-2025 Vacation Planning
Returning Giesinger Eagles
Your badge should be on a lanyard on your backpack strap visible to staff at all times, regardless of how you go home all school year. If you change backpacks, these should move to your new one.
Parking at Giesinger Elementary
Additional parking is provided by the Conroe Church of Christ parking lot along Longmire that directly connects to our staff parking lot.
Conroe Church of Christ
1860 Longmire Road
Please park at the back of their lot for all school events including arrival and dismissal. A safe walking path has been created to be able to use this additional space. There are a very limited amount of visitor spaces available at our school.
Meet the Teacher
Please plan on visiting the cafeteria for many resources including our PTO, Child Nutrition, local community partnerships, transportation information, and more.
Our nurse will also be on campus to accept medications.
From our PTO...
Here is a preview of what we have planned for the year! Grab your calendars and get these important dates marked down!
We are excited to kick-off the year with Meet the Teacher on August 12th! Don't forget to swing by the PTO table (located in the cafeteria) to meet the PTO Board, become a member, purchase spirit wear, and check out our Fall fundraiser items!
We can't wait to welcome our new Eagle families and catch up with our returning friends!
Keep in mind the volunteer opportunities this year for you to support our school including events like The Penguin Patch, Book Fairs, Room Parents and helpers, Sugar Factory, and copy help.
Contact us at with any questions
2024-2025 PTO Board
President: Candice Hofstra
Vice President (Membership): Emily Dominey
Vice President (Fundraising): Renee Powell
Treasurer: Cynda Hector
Secretary: Tanya Richards
Online Verification
Online verification of student registration for the upcoming school year is now available. Information was sent via email. This process replaces the paper forms sent home at the beginning of each school year.
The email contains a unique link that will take families to each child's verification of student registration for the 2024-2025 school year.
In order to help place your child in a classroom, this information is needed to help us plan our school year, please check your email and complete the information as soon as possible.
Contact the front office if you are needing your Snapcode (unique link ID that is personalized for your child.)
CISD Parent Portal
In an effort to help our parents, we are moving to a Parent Portal for parents to access information about their child. You will login similar to the way your child does for school (similar to the SSO) to access school information. All parents/guardians will need to enroll to create an account. You will need the email address that is in your child’s record. Once you enter the email, you will be prompted to create a password.
Please click Parent Portal Directions to for instructions or go to Conroe ISD Webpage then Parents/Students to access the link to the Parent Portal.
Student Dress Code
As you are planning your back to school shopping, please read our dress code that will be shared in our school handbook to help make decisions about clothing items.
Write your child's name on ALL personal items that could potentially be lost (lunch kits, water bottles, jackets, hoodies, sweaters, etc.) When items become lost (and they do) we make every effort to return them to the children and having names is the only way to do this.
2024-2025 Giesinger Elementary Student Dress Code
Dress codes are established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruptions, minimize safety hazards, and to maintain a positive learning environment.
- Giesinger Elementary prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that are any of the following: lewd, violent, suggestive, offensive, vulgar or obscene, or advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other inappropriate substance.
- Halter-tops, muscle shirts, and spaghetti-straps are not permitted unless covered by another shirt. Midriff shirts, or shirts exposing the midsection of the body, are not permitted.
- Hair and hairstyle cannot create a distraction.
- Pants/shorts may not be worn lower than undergarments.
- Students who wear shorts, dresses, or skirts to school must wear them at fingertip length when the student rests his/ her arms at their side.
- Flip flops may not be worn during PE classes (tennis shoes are recommended during these days). Shorts may be worn under dresses. Students go to PE every other day.
- Fridays are “Spirit Days”. Students and staff are encouraged to wear Giesinger/Cryar/Peet/Conroe High School shirts on these days.
If administration determines that a student's grooming or clothing violates the school's dress code, parents will be contacted and the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school and return to the classroom. If the problem cannot be corrected at school, the school will work with the student/parent to obtain an acceptable solution for the student in a way that minimizes the loss of instructional time.
Giesinger Contact Information
Principal- Amy Barber -
Assistant Principals
Jaime Peek-
Nadia McCord-
Counselor-Laura Heemann-
Secretary- Neva Hammonds-
Receptionist - Dawn Stabler-
Nurse -Gloria Green, RN-
Registrar- Robin Rickwalt-
Conroe Transportation- 936-709-7916
Giesinger Elementary
Location: 2323 White Oak Boulevard, Conroe, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-2600
Twitter: @GiesingerCISD