Raleigh Hills Newsletter
September 25, 2020
Weekly Message
Dear Raleigh Hills Community,
Thank you for attending Back to School Night last night. It was great to see so many of you! I'm sending the video in case you were not able to make it. I am also sending the survey I mentioned. It is important for each family to fill out the survey as acknowledgment of our annual Title I Notification. Thank you for taking a moment to fill it out. It will also help us tailor parent sessions to fit your needs in the future.
Warm regards,
Necesitamos que cada familia complete esta encuesta.
Safe Routes to School Contest
Join students and families from around the world as you walk or roll in your neighborhood on October 7th. (Please remember to stay 6 feet from those not in your household and wear a mask.) All community members are welcome to participate. Use the link to fill out the google form for each person that joined you on your trip. (BSD students may include name and student ID number for a prize entry). This year students can earn things like flashing safety lights, reflective shoelaces and new bike helmets. Schools with the most participation will also earn a Safe Routes to School book bundle for their school library. Finally, celebrate International Walk + Roll Day with our Beaverton community by visiting our Facebook page @BeavertonSafeRoutes to share a photo of you with a sign telling us why you love to walk, bike, scooter or skate! (Use the hashtag #BSDtogether)
Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/9rBZws7qDdqAj6Ab6
Important Dates
September 14 - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL - Join your teachers online!
September 14 & 15 Kindergarten Assessments
September 16 No School for Kindergarten
September 17 Kindergartners with last names A-L attend school via Zoom
September 18 Kindergartners with last names M-Z attend school via Zoom
September 21 All Kindergartners attend
September 24 Back to School Night at 6:30pm
Raleigh Hills K8
Website: https://raleighhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 5225 Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503 356-2160
Twitter: @RH_K8