Push To Talk
GPS and geofencing features allowing workers to plan
Advantages of Switching to a PTT System for Field Service Workers
Push To Talk, also referred to simply as PTT, cellular technology has been revolutionizing the way modern workers communicate with each other. Those who have already made the switch to using PTT at their businesses already understand how Peak Push Can Transform The Way To Communicate At Work, yet many business owners are on the fence about making the switch to this technology. Read on to find out why businesses in field service industries, in particular, can benefit from making the switch today.
Instant Feedback
With a PTT system, it's possible to get instant feedback from employees. This allows them to report back on job start times, offer completion notifications, and even send status reports from the field, making it easier to keep track of how much work is getting done.
GPS Capabilities
GPS and geofencing features allowing workers to plan efficient routes, making it easier for them to spend less time driving and more time working even in remote areas they are not familiar with. PTT systems offer nationwide coverage, too, so it's possible to stay in direct communication with teams of workers all the way across the country. Plus, dispatchers have access to information such as worker locations, arrival and departure times, and travel routes, helping to ensure their field service workers are staying on track.
Simple User Interface
The dispatch interface for PTT systems can be run on just about any computer. It's also designed to be user-friendly and easy to learn, making it a simple matter to switch to PTT, and allows dispatchers to start both group and private communications by simply pressing a button.
Rugged Devices
Many field service workers are exposed to a wide variety of environmental conditions in the field, which is why it's possible to use ruggedly designed devices with PTT systems to ensure they will last. Coupled with the low startup cost of establishing a PTT system, this helps to keep company costs low by reducing the chances of having to replace equipment.
Impressive Speed and Versatility
Modern PTT systems incorporate 4G LTE speed, allowing dispatchers to respond quickly to workers' concerns. Plus, it's possible for workers to simply download apps for their Android and iOS platforms, allowing them to use their own devices to access the PTT network. This gives workers plenty of options and lets them choose devices that are capable of performing at top speeds to meet the rigorous needs of their jobs.