Square Up to RTI2
Response to Instruction & Intervention: September 2024
In this issue...
Fall Screener Dates
August 26-Sept. 11
A universal screener is a brief screening assessment of academic skills (i.e. basic reading skills, reading fluency, reading comprehension, math calculation, math problem solving, written expression) administered to ALL students to determine whether students demonstrate the skills necessary to achieve grade-level standards.
This folder contains all the materials needed for Fall Benchmark. Please pay close attention to the guidance about testing conditions and standardized scripts since the results may be used as a pathway for promotion and also indicate criteria for ILP-D.
QSA/QPA need to be administered by Sept.3. These results will be used to determine placement in intervention groups. Students in grade 3-5 must be given a QPA to be placed appropriately in intervention. All students K-2 will be given QPA. This folder contains resources to support you as you organize your new TII and TII Benchmark Intervention Materials as well as guidance for placing students.
Middle School Math Intervention
Following our district goals of aligning interventions with core curricula and providing HQIM that has been vetted, the Middle School Mathematics Intervention CANVAS course is being updated. Many resources are still available as the update continues. The goal is for the course to be completed before the screening window closes on September 11th.
We appreciate your patience as we strive to provide the most coherent resource.
Professional Development Opportunities
Math 180 Teacher Resources
Climbing the Ladder of Reading and Writing
Join in this FREE book study. You will need to purchase the book on your own. Each topic will be covered by the author of the chapter. Click here to register.
Upcoming Trainings
StartUp, BuildUp, SpiralUp - 9/4/24: Register on Frontline for this virtual session. (Elementary)
Phonics Intervention - 9/4/24: Register on Frontline for this virtual session. (Elementary)
REWARDS - 9/16/24: Register on Frontline for this virtual session. (Middle School)
Mathspace - 9/23/24: Register on Frontline for this virtual session. (High School)
Language! Live - 9/11/24: Register for this in-person session on Frontline. (Middle School RTI & High School SPED)
Educator Spotlight
Our educator spotlight this month highlights Academic Interventionist, Trish Harrison, with Spring Hill Elementary. Trish thoroughly studies the district provided universal screening processes and measures, asks clarifying questions, and respectfully shares points of improvement with our department. Then, she plans and implements a comprehensive training for the SHE staff before the universal window opens, ensuring everyone is ready to go. Mrs. Harrison generously shares her knowledge with new Academic Interventionists at other Region 5 schools. We appreciate you, Trish!
Grant Opportunity
Data Meetings
Beginning of year Data Meetings
Data teams will meet to consider multiple sources of data to determine how to meet students' needs. The Coherence Map can help identify appropriate interventions.
This coherence map details the supports that are available for KCS students.
GT Enrichment Tier2 and Tier3
Grouping Options
KCS Intervention Overview
Elementary School Grouping Options
Middle School Grouping Options
Click here to see grouping options for our Middle School students.
Sold a Story (includes new episodes Spring 2024)
New Ordering System
We will be using Asset Panda to order materials for the 24-25 school year. Use this link to order materials.
We are excited to offer new intervention materials that closely support our district's core instruction.