Hobomock Elementary School
Weekly Update
March 7, 2025
A Note from the Office
A big thank you to everyone who volunteered to be on the School Council ballot! We appreciate your willingness to support our school community. Congratulations to Jess van den Toorn, who will be filling the vacant seat.
Starting Monday, March 10, students in grades 4, 5, and 6 will once again be allowed to ride bikes to and from school. To participate, students must have a signed permission slip on file and wear a helmet. For safety reasons, bike riders should not arrive before 8:05 AM.
Today, Friday, March 7, we are excited to host our Community Meeting, where Grade 2 will be sharing their presentation on Integrity—a value we strive to model every day at Hobomock.
Next week is full of musical talent with our All-District Performances:
🎤 Chorus – Monday
🎺 Band – Tuesday
🎻 Strings – Thursday
A reminder that Wednesday is an Early Release Day, and on Thursday, we’re proud to cheer on our Unified Sports team as they play their first official game at Duxbury Middle School.
Thank you for your continued support—we’re looking forward to another great week at Hobomock!
Principal Cross
Hobomock Air Quality Update
The February quarterly monitoring report has been received and reviewed by the Joint Labor Management Committee. All updated information has been added to the district’s tab at: : https://www.pembrokek12.org/district/hobomock-air.
Hobomock Food Pantry Drive
25-26 Class Assignment Process
Dear Families,
As we begin the class placement process, we invite families to share any additional information that may help our team make thoughtful and informed decisions. While we deeply value your input and strive to create the best possible learning environment for each student. Please note that we do not accept requests for students to have or not have specific teachers. Instead, we encourage you to share insights about your child's learning style, strengths, areas for growth, social dynamics, or any special considerations. This information will help us build balanced and supportive classroom communities where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. All submissions will remain confidential and will only be reviewed by the school’s administration and mental health team. All forms are due by April 17th, 2025.
Thank you for your partnership in this important endeavor.
Thank you,
Mrs. Cross
Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/8rtQFjYSUikxpR4o7
*This form is not required to be filled out
*Please submit one form for each of your children*
PickUp Patrol Reminders:
Please log all dismissal changes for your child by 2:35 p.m. each day. For early dismissals, be sure to record them in PickUp Patrol before arriving to ensure a smooth transition. Children are not always in their homerooms during the day, so advance notice allows us to have them ready. It’s also helpful to let your child know if they will be leaving early so they can pack their materials ahead of time.
Kindergarten 2025-2026
The Kindergarten 2025-2026 search has begun. If your child will start kindergarten in the fall, be sure to complete the search form on our website.
Our tentative timeline for incoming kindergarten families:
January - Child Search starts - complete the form on the website
May 1st - Kindergarten Information Night for Parents/Caretakers
May - Student screenings
August - Teacher placement letters mailed home
Outdoor Recess
I want to remind families to ensure their child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We often still go outside for recess in the winter months. Hats, gloves, scarves, and winter jackets are all strongly encouraged! If your child is in need of any of the above, please let us know and we can assist in this.
Morning Drop-off
As a reminder, the student morning drop-off at the back of the building is from 8:07-8:15. If you arrive after 8:15, you must bring your child into the main office through the main entrance. All students must be signed in with the office staff and will be marked tardy. The back doors of the building are closed and locked at 8:15. Please do not drop your child off out back if you do not see staff out there or if it is after 8:15.
Grade 6 Camp Bournedale
Camp Bournedale information packets went home with students yesterday. Camp Bournedale will take place daily from Monday, May 12 to Thursday, May 15. The total cost is $330 per student (sibling discount). Parent Information night date is TBD.
Timeline is as follows:
✔ Payment of $330 ($165 due 3/21 and $165 due 4/22)
✔ Outdoor Education Health Form (due 3/24)
✔ Extended Day Field Trip Permission Form (due 3/24)
Gym Class
All students must be wearing rubber-soled shoes to participate in physical education classes. Please send a change of shoes on gym days if they are not being worn to school.
School Council
January Agenda: School Council Agenda -January
November Minutes: HES School Council Minutes - Nov
Mark Your Calendar
3/6 - Watusi (after school) -4:00-5:30 at Pembroke Middle School
3/7 - Community Meeting (in school)
3/10 - All Chorus Night
3/11 - All Band Night
3/12 - Early Release at 12:45
3/13 - All Strings Night
3/13 - Dental Program returns
3/13 - Unified Sports Away Basketball Game @ Duxbury (Pick up @ PCMS after game)
3/14 - Lip Sync @ 6:30 - Pembroke High School
3/14 - Report cards sent home
3/15 - PTO sponsored Parents Night Out @ 6:00 - Wolves Den Sports Complex
3/17 - Unified Sports Home Basketball Game @ PCMS (Pick up @ PCMS after game)
3/18 - Grade 4 planting with Holly Hill in school
3/19 - Early Release at 12:45; Parent Conferences 1:30-6:30
3/21 - Grade 6 Survivor Night (after school) - More details to follow
3/21 - Grade 5 planting with Holly Hill in school
3/21 - Grade 6 Camp Bournedale Payment of $330 due
3/24 - Grade 6 Camp Bournedale Outdoor Education Health Form and Extended Day Field Trip Permission Form Due
3/25 - Unified Sports Home Basketball Game @ PCMS (Pick up @ PCMS after game)
3/25 - Grade 3 ELA MCAS
3/26 - Grade 3 ELA MCAS
3/31 - School Council @ 3:15
3/31 - Grade 5 ELA MCAS
Music in Our Schools Month
March is “Music In Our Schools Month”! The Pembroke Music Department will be presenting their annual All-Town concerts to help celebrate “Music In Our Schools Month”. All-Choral Night, Monday, March 10th at 6:30 PM in the PHS Gym. All-Band Night, Tuesday, March 11th at 6:30 PM in the PHS Gym. * Ticketed Event* All-String Night, Wednesday, March 13th at 6:30 in the PHS Auditorium The concerts feature students in grades 3-12 who sing in school chorus or play an instrument in the band or orchestra to perform on the same concert program together. It is a wonderful opportunity for the students and their caregivers to see and hear the breadth of the music program. *SPECIAL NOTE: Due to audience size capacity in the PHS gym and the number of band students in the district, the All-Band Night concert is a ticketed event. Each band student in grades 5-12 will be given 2 free tickets to the concert for their caregivers. Only audience members presenting these free tickets will be allowed in to view the concert. Band students will be receiving their tickets from their band teacher in class next week to bring home. We apologize in advance that seating is limited for the All-Band Concert. Tickets are not necessary for the All-Choral Concert or the All-String concert.
Pembroke SEPAC Meetings
SEPAC Parent & Caregiver Support Group Meetings for 2025 Announced
We’re excited to share the schedule for the SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) Parent & Caregiver Support Group Meetings for 2025. Thank you to all the families who provided feedback on preferred meeting times—your input helped shape this schedule.
All meetings will take place at the Pembroke Community Center
Here’s the schedule for the upcoming year:
January: Monday, January 27 | 9:00–10:30 AM
February: Monday, February 10 | 6:30–8:00 PM
March: Monday, March 10 | 9:00–10:30 AM
April: Wednesday, April 2 | 6:30–8:00 PM
May: Monday, May 12 | 9:00–10:30 AM
June: Wednesday, June 11 | 6:30–8:00 PM
We hope to see you at one or more of these meetings!
Health Services Update
Should They Stay or Should They Go? When School Children/Youth are Sick
Attendance is important – but your child should not come to school when too sick to learn or there is a risk of making others ill.
When you are questioning whether to send your child to school or not, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
Fever ~ A temperature greater than 100.0 is considered a fever. Your child should be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Vomiting and Diarrhea ~ Your child should be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Rash ~ A rash is usually a sign of a viral illness. It may also be a reaction to a medication or chemical (plant, detergent). If your child has an unusual rash or it is associated with a fever, contact your doctor. Keep your child home until you have discussed the rash with your doctor.
Cold, sore throat, cough ~ Children average six to eight colds per year. Your child may attend school if there is no fever. If cold and cough symptoms are associated with a fever or they do not readily improve, call your doctor.
If your child has anything contagious (i.e. chickenpox, Fifth disease, strep throat, conjunctivitis, impetigo, MRSA, measles, pertussis, etc.), I need to know so we can take the necessary steps to prevent an outbreak.
If your child is being treated for an illness (pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infection, asthma), even if they don’t need medication at school, it is helpful for me to know, so I can provide the best care for them at school.
If your child has sustained an injury ask your healthcare provider when it is safe to return to school and physical activities (physical education and recess). Inform me so we can make the appropriate accommodations at school.
Children with allergies or asthma are often affected more seriously by respiratory infections and may need to see a healthcare provider.
FREE Dental Program coming to your Elementary School!
The Protecting All Smiles team of public health dental hygienists will be visiting your child’s school this Spring. If you already completed the consent form this Fall you do not need to complete another one!
The following dental services may be provided:
● Screenings and Oral Health Education Fluoride Varnish treatments ● Dental Cleanings (as needed)
● Sealants (as needed)
● Toothbrush and toothpaste
● Referrals to local dentists (if needed)
● A Report Card will be sent home with our screening results
● Please return the signed consent to school
These services are provided by public health dental hygienists. This dental hygiene screening is not a replacement for a dental exam by a licensed dentist. For more information about our public health dental hygiene program and scheduled dates, please speak with your school nurse or call: Elizabeth Chouinard, RDH, Public Health Dental Hygienist (774) 930-2052, or Carol Gilmore, RDH, Public Health Dental Hygienist @ (508)326-1864
Dates of service:
Tuesday, 3/4/25: Bryantville Elementary School
Thursday, 3/13/25: Hobomock Elementary School
Thursday, 3/20/25 North Pembroke Elementary School
Form Link Attached Below. Please complete ASAP and return to your school. https://www.pembrokek12.org/departments/health-services/dental-program
Lunch Menu
The Elementary Lunch Menus is available on the MealViewer app!
We Shine Bright Together! Katie wanted to make a bulletin board that included everyone and our wonderful Art teacher Mrs DeCosta helped make it happen! We had EVERY student decorate a post-it note; some kids just wrote their name, others doodle or made detailed drawing and some wrote positive quotes. This labor of love is completed with over 450 post-it notes, including the names of all of the staff. #shinebrightathobomock
Join Us for a Night of Shamrocks and Shenanigans!
Mark your calendars for March 15 and get ready to support a great cause for our Pembroke Elementary Schools! Thats right- a night out for the town!
What’s in store:
• Live music from Bad Decisions
• Exciting raffles
• Silent auctions with amazing prizes
All proceeds will directly benefit Pembroke Elementary Schools, helping to enrich the educational experience for our students and enhance their learning environment.
PTO Monthly Meetings
Thinking of volunteering at Hobomock?
Please take a moment to check with the main office (781-294-0911) to see if your CORI is up to date. CORI’s are good for (3) years. Forms are available in the main office. You will need to physically bring your license to the main office for us to complete the background check. Thank you.
Box Tops
Bay State Textiles
Football and Cheer Registration
Secure your spot for the 2025 Titans Football & Cheer season by registering today! Click here to sign up: https://www.titansfootballandcheer.com/register
Football: Register by May 1st to avoid a late fee!
Cheer: Registration closes May 15th. A brief re-opening will follow tryouts for sideline-only (Grades K-2).
OPEN HOUSE: April 26th | 5:30-7 PM | Pembroke High School
CHEER TRYOUTS: May 21st & 22nd | Pembroke Middle School
Flexible Payment Plans & Scholarships Available
We believe finances should never be a barrier to participation. Payment plans are available, and scholarships are offered to families experiencing financial hardship. To apply, please email ptfc02359@gmail.com.
Family Discount: Families registering 3+ athletes, please contact us before registering for a special discount code!
Our messenger is open! Reach out with any questions—we’re happy to help!
🐣🌸 Support the PHS Class of 2026! 🌸🐣
Get ready for some egg-citing fun! Our students will be delivering and hiding Easter eggs at your home starting at 7 PM on April 19th. Spots are limited! We can only egg the first 35 houses that complete the form, so don’t wait—fill it out ASAP! If the form is still open but we’ve reached our max, we’ll be sure to contact you. Let’s make this Easter extra special while supporting the Class of 2026!
Girl Scout Event in Pembroke
March 31st at the Pembroke Library from 6-7PM.
Pembroke Farmers Market
Vendors Wanted!
Hobomock Elementary School
Email: Ashley.Cross@Pembrokek12.org
Website: pembrokek12.org
Location: 81 Learning Lane, Pembroke, MA, USA
Phone: 781-294-0911
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hobomock-Elementary-School-News-1755059188075178/?ref=bookmarks