Bellerose Bulletin
December 2024
Important Dates
Dec 6 - Recognition Breakfast (7AM)
Dec 6 - Hockey Academy Showcase Day
Dec 9 - Badminton Intramurals (at lunch)
Dec 10-17 - Holiday Food Bank Drive
Dec 11 - Purdy's Fundraiser Pick-Up
Dec 15 - RAP Placement Deadline (See Off Campus Education)
Dec 20 - Last Day to Drop Semester 1 Classes
Dec 20 - Half Day/All Student Holiday Breakfast (Bus arrival 11AM)
Dec 20 - Jan 5 - HOLIDAY BREAK
Jan 6 - Back to School
Jan 8 - Bottle Drop-Off - Supporting Grad 2025
Jan 16 - Last Day of Semester 1 Classes
The dates for all upcoming Bulldog Athletic games and other school events can be found on our Bellerose student calendar.
January 2025 Final Exams
Student Activities
November at Bellerose is a month of appreciation and opportunity. Our students took part in a beautiful Remembrance Day ceremony, the ELAA Post-secondary Fair, and a Bake Sale fundraiser for the Ben Stelter Foundation.
During lunch, our students also had the opportunity to take part in Volleyball intramurals, 3-on-3 Basketball intramurals, and the exciting challenges brought forth in Survivor Arctic.
We look forward to a fun-filled December, where seasonal activities, our annual Holiday Food Bank Drive, and intramural badminton will lead to a well-deserved holiday break.
Remembrance Day
On November 8th, to commemorate Remembrance Day, our school gathered to reflect and pay respects to all members of the armed forces who fought for our freedoms.
Hockey Academy Pop and Bake Sale Fundraiser
The second annual Hockey Academy Pop & Bake Sale was a huge success. Each year, the funds raised go to support the Ben Stelter Foundation. We will continue to raise funds for this valuable cause at the upcoming Hockey Academy Showcase.
ELAA Post Secondary Fair
Survivor Caribbean
Grad 2025
Grad Fundraising
Our next Grad fundraiser is the Bottle Drop Off. Please save your bottles over the next few weeks and drop them off, here at the school, on January 8th from 7:30am - 2:00pm.
Bottles will be collected in the staff parking lot (east lot).
Bottle Depot
Purdy's Chocolatier
Thank you to everyone who ordered Purdy's Chocolate this year.
Pick Up: December 11
Boston Pizza
Grade 12 High School Diploma Achievement
The academic progress of our grade 12 students is regularly monitored and reviewed to help ensure that students have the appropriate academic plans to achieve their intended academic credentials.
At the school level, students and families can make appointments within our Student Centre to review the current Graduation Plan and progress towards their Alberta high school academic credential and make any necessary course and/or program changes.
Students with the surname A - L can contact Mrs. Lajoie, kelly.lajoie@spschools.org or book an appointment via calendly.com/kelly-lajoie.
Students with the surname M - Z can contact Mr. Beaton, jeff.beaton@spschools.org or book an appointment via calendly.com/jeff-beaton.
Any students who are enrolled in the GOALS program can contact Mrs. Ashley Morgan, ashley.morgan@spschools.org for any programming questions.
Any students who are enrolled in the K&E program can contact Mrs. Jenni Mcilhone, jenni.mcilhone@spschools.org for any programming questions.
Alternatively, all families may also contact our Assistant Principal and Grade 12 Academic Coordinator, Mr. Cameron Leverman, cameron.leverman@spschools.org
Bulldog Athletics
Another November to remember for Bulldog Athletics!
On Saturday, November 2nd, at Commonwealth Stadium, our Bulldog Senior Football Team defended their 2023 Metro Athletics Miles Division Championship as they defeated the Bandits from Beaumont 38-11 to become back-to-back Miles Division Champions!
Our Bulldog Senior Women’s Volleyball Team, who went 10-1 and finished 1st in regular season action in Metro Athletics Division 2, lost to the Skyhawks from St. Albert Catholic High School 3-0 in the Division 2 Championship Game at J Percy Page on November 6th.
Teleah Tagg, a grade 11 student-athlete, and one of the captains of our Bulldog Senior Women's Volleyball Team, was named Metro Athletics Athlete of the Week for November 25th- December 3th.
Congratulations Teleah!
Bulldog Basketball is in full swing! Our Bulldog Senior Basketball Teams competed this past weekend at the Lillian Osborne Legends Tournament. Our Bulldog Junior Men’s Basketball Team also hit the court in preseason action as they traveled to the southside to compete at the TPC Invitational hosted by Holy Trinity and J Percy Page. Metro Athletics regular season tips off the week of December 9th; stay tuned for our Bulldog’s schedules.
Our Bulldog Co-Ed Indoor Team kicked off the Metro Athletics regular season with two wins as they defeated Bandits from Beaumont 9-4 and the Tigers from McNally 5-3 to sit atop the standings after two games. Three games await our Bulldogs prior to the Holiday break:
Wednesday, December 4th - 4:45pm vs Maurice Lavallee - West Field #2
Wednesday, December 11th - 4:15pm - 5:15pm vs Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack - South Field #11
Tuesday, December 17th - 4:45pm vs Alexandre-Tache - West Field #2
Bulldog Swimming made its return after a long hiatus from Metro Athletics competition as 5 Bulldogs competed in the Metro Athletics Divisional Meet on November 28th and the Metro Athletics Championship Meet on November 29th. Congratulations to our five Bulldogs:
Abigail Bellikka - Grade 10
Mikka Lorooff - Grade 10
Jett Fenton - Grade 11 - Bronze - 200m OPEN Freestyle/Silver - 400m OPEN Freestyle
Gillian Bellikka - Grade 12
Milly Kinsella - Grade 12 - Bronze - 100m Senior Backstroke
Our Bulldog Unified Team heads to Foote Field on the University of Alberta Campus on December 17 to compete in the Metro Athletics Bocce Bonanza.
Bulldog Athletics is very proud of the teams that train, compete, learn, and develop on and off the playing field during each season. Bulldog Athletics is equally proud of the coaching and support staff of our teams and appreciates the effort, commitment, and time each one of our coaches and support staff devotes to their sport, to Bellerose, and to our student-athletes.
Thank-you to this amazing group of coaches and support staff!
Sr. Men's Volleyball - Stephen Womack, Patrick Frose
Sr. Women's Volleyball - Chad Sekundiak, Taylar Kosloski, Susan Rankin
Jr. Men's Volleyball - Peter Fenton, Brayden Robinson
Jr. Women's Volleyball - Kensey Yaremchuk, Jordan Lang, Maria Thompson, Sarah Tooth
Women's Flag Football - Mike Thompson
Sr. Football - Zach Wilkie, Geoff Howard, Darryl Moroz, John Belmont, Darryl Draudson, Dave Montgomery, Erich Weirmeir, Brendan Day, Nathan Korownyk, Chris Kachmar, Irv Loucraft
Jr. Football - Zach Wilkie, Geoff Howard, Darryl Moroz, John Belmont, Darryl Draudson, Dave Montgomery, Erich Weirmeir, Brendan Day, Chris Kachmar
Golf - Jason Dabbagh, Dave Edwards
Cross Country - Angela Thompson, Danielle Riege
Thank you again for making Bulldog Athletics and Bellerose amazing!
The dates of all upcoming games can be found on our Bellerose student calendar.
Be sure to follow our dedicated Bulldog Athletics Instagram page (@bellerosebuldogs) for game-day announcements, achievements, and updates.
Off-campus Education
Bellerose offers Work Experience, RAP & Dual Credit Courses!
We now have almost 40 Bellerose students either placed or waiting for a placement through the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)! Mrs. Pearson is always meeting with students to sign them up, so if you’re interested in RAP, let her know! If you’re hoping for a winter term placement, talk to Mrs. Pearson by December 15th!
Work Experience
Do you have a part-time job? Would you like to earn credits for working? Talk to Mrs. Pearson about Work Experience! We have almost 50 Bellerose students currently enrolled, and if you’d like to join them, you can do so any time!
Dual Credit
Our semester 1 Dual Credit courses are approaching the end! We have a number of Bellerose students taking these post-secondary courses, earning high school credits and post-secondary credits simultaneously.
We have a variety of exciting dual credit courses coming up for the winter term! Our dual credit offerings include Psychology 1040, Sociology 1000, Early Child Care, a new Introduction to Rehabilitation course, and for the first time, Welding 1000 through NAIT! There are also a number of courses offered through Olds College. For a full list of courses and more information, please visit Career Ed Student Portal: Dual Credit
**The deadline to apply for Dual Credit will be beginning of January - more details to follow!
Building Futures
Our 24 grade ten students (15 of which are Bellerose students) are continuing to work on their core subjects in their garage classroom, while taking shifts building a house from the ground up! The students have been braving the cold to continue with the construction of the house, with the roof craned up and windows installed! To see weekly updates about Building Futures, follow us on social media!
Instagram: @saps_career_ed
Student Fees
Please check PowerSchool Parent Portal fees regularly as field trip fees, athletic fees and/or clothing are added throughout the month to student accounts. If you would like to request a statement at any time, please email br.fees@spschools.org.
We would appreciate payment in full as soon as possible.
A reminder statement was sent out November 20th to all outstanding accounts. Bi-weekly statements will be emailed on all accounts with a balance. You will receive these statements until your account has been paid in full.
How to make a payment:
Through the PowerSchool Parent Portal using a credit card or visa debit card.
In the school office by cash, cheque, debit or credit card.
By calling the school office and providing credit card information.
**Please note that debit/credit transactions made through the portal, in person or over the phone, are all subject to a 2.4% service charge.
If you have any questions/concerns regarding school fees, please email br.fees@spschools.org.
If you are having trouble accessing the PowerSchool Parent Portal, please email bellerose@spschools.org.
The IB Corner
We have expanded the IB Corner to share more and pertinent information and communication with our IB families directly. Please click the button below to access our newsletter.
**Please note that with the Bellerose modernization and construction fully underway, we have a significantly reduced number of student parking stalls available.**
A wait-list has been created from the remaining registrations and any new passes will be issued based on the date of application. To secure a spot on the wait-list, the parking pass application is available online through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
As student parking passes are at a premium, we have implemented a 'good standing' policy, whereby students must maintain acceptable attendance and adhere to the Bellerose Student Parking Expectations & Agreements. Those who do not will have their parking pass revoked and issued to a student on the wait-list.
STUDENT PARKING is in the WEST LOT ONLY. Student parking is not permitted in the East lot, which is for Staff & Visitor parking only. Parents are also reminded that the East lot (where the Bellerose sign is located) is the staff parking lot and every parking space, other than the ones designated ‘Visitor,’ are allocated to staff members. Please refrain from parking in staff parking stalls.
Parents, please do not drop or pick up students in the school parking lots. We are concerned for the safety of our students and staff.
A Message From the Library including TEXTBOOKS
A reminder that all outstanding textbooks, which includes novels assigned in class, should now be returned. Students and parents have received email messages (students check your @5565 email account) regarding the titles to be returned and OUTSTANDING ITEMS FROM 2023-2024.
Although invoices may have been issued, we would prefer to have the actual items returned and charges will be removed if books are returned ASAP to our Temporary Library location at Room 140 or the Front Office. Payments for those lost/damaged materials -- please call the school office: 780.460-8490.
Questions or concerns? Please email to: br.library@spschools.org
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Library Ladies
Lockers are still available to students who wish to have one. Students can see Mrs. Kelly at the front office for locker assignment or:
Bulldog Block
We continue to have Bulldog Block on Wednesdays in 'Block 5' after the four regular compressed blocks. Bulldog Block runs from 12:55 - 1:55. School bus pick-up will be at 2:00 on Wednesdays, half an hour earlier than the rest of the week.
Student Attendance
Regular attendance is vital to a student's academic success and is a key factor in a students ability to have a strong connection to all aspects of classroom and school learning. This is particularly important in the fast paced semesters of high school.
If you know that your student will be late or absence from class, we ask that you notify the school with a brief message at br.absences@spschools.org or 780.460.8490
For any absences that are unexcused, an automated phone system contacts the home between 4-9pm when a student has missed a class. If you are unaware of the absence, you are encouraged to speak to your student and contact the school if you require follow up action.
Change of Demographics
If you or your student change phone number, address, email address, etc., please contact the school at bellerose@spschools.org to update your information.
Website: http://bchs.spschools.org
Location: 49 Giroux Road, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: (780) 460-8490
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BelleroseCompositeHighSchool/
Twitter: @BCHSBulletin