Cougar Weekly
Week of Sept. 8-11, 2020
Happy Labor Day!
It's been a whirlwind. I hope you spend some time this weekend for YOU. Or with your children, or your spouse, our your sweet pets - your "people" - just to catch up and BE together! I hope Friday's workday was productive and that you feel like we're getting more comfortable with our dual platforms. This week will have some unknowns; how many new face to face learners will show up on Tuesday? Will it rain more? Will it feel like fall on the days the high is only in the '70s? I can't WAIT for that one... :)
Things happening this week:
PLCs Tuesday - Colleen will sit with your grade level while you plan.
She will be a resource; Frankie/Carla and I will not come to you. This time is just to FOCUS and finalize your weekly progression charts for week five and to prepare for video recording later this week.
We will resume PLCs with admin next week (Sept. 15).
Patriot Day: Linda and Alicia are working on a video for you to show students. We will not be doing anything involving guests or walking around the building. Thank you for having your students write letters of encouragement and gratitude for our first responders!
- Jo Lynn Lehman - yesterday (Sat), Sept. 6
- Meghann Brown - today (Sun), Sept. 7
- Pam Patneaude - Wed., Sept. 9
- Kayla Ridgeway - next Sunday, Sept. 13
Coming Up Soon:
Monday, September 14: Faculty Meeting 3:15 - SLO Goal Training
Thursday, September 17: CPI Training (Teachers/Admin needing re-cert) - 3:15-5:30
TBA: Open House; Title One Parent Engagement (zoom? In person? More to Come)
Parent Conference Documentation - more to come
Clifton Park Cougars
Website: www.killeenisd.org
Location: 2200 Trimmier Road, Killeen, TX, USA
Phone: (254)336-1580