Daniel Warren Weekly
Week of January 6, 2025
I am so grateful to be part of the daily joy and excitement that your child(ren) bring to school and it is my privilege to witness the caring and engaging classroom instruction by faculty. This holiday season I wish you and your family a wonderful break. I hope you are able to rest and relax and have fun with family and friends. See you in 2025!
~Tara Goldberg
Week at a Glance
Monday, Jan. 6th - Day A
Lunch 1 - Popcorn Chicken
Lunch 2 - Pretzel Hummus Meal
Lunch 3 - Turkey Sandwich
Tuesday, Jan. 7th - Day B
Lunch 1 - French Toast Sticks
Lunch 2 - Pretzel Hummus Meal
Lunch 3 - Turkey Sandwich
ENL Extended Day Begins
Wednesday, Jan. 8th - Day C
Lunch 1 - Pasta and Meatballs
Lunch 2 - Pretzel Hummus Meal
Lunch 3 - Turkey Sandwich
Thursday, Jan. 9th - Day D
Lunch 1 - Nachos
Lunch 2 - Pretzel Hummus Meal
Lunch 3 - Turkey Sandwich
Friday, Jan. 10th - Day E
Lunch 1 - Cheese Pizza
Lunch 2 - Pretzel Hummus Meal
Lunch 3 - Turkey Sandwich
K-2 Principal’s Conversation - 9:15 a.m. - Auditorium
Looking Ahead
Jan. 13th - Elementary PAC Meeting - 1:15 p.m. - F. E. Bellows
Jan. 13th - Jan 17th - Rye YMCA Shaolin Kung Fu Workshops - During Phys. Ed.
Jan. 17th - 2nd Grade Circles - 9:00 a.m. - Auditorium
Jan. 21st Kindergarten Parent Teacher Conferences - 4:30 p.m.
Notes & Reminders
Winter Weather
Every attempt will be made to provide DW students with daily outdoor recess. Appropriate clothing for play is essential. Please be certain that your child(ren) come to school with warm jackets, hats and gloves in cold weather and boots when there is snow on the ground. We believe: Recess provides physical activity that is essential for healthy growth and development. Recess can serve as an outlet for children. Recess activities encourage children to take turns, negotiate, and interact cooperatively, building social skills.
Students will play outdoors daily unless:
- If it's <25 degrees or less during the recess time.
- If there is a weather advisory
- There is snow/ice/debris in most of the space left from a major storm
- It's actively raining/snowing
Weekly Spotlight
Today it started to feel like the holiday season as snow flurries came down. KKZ/GG students stopped to watch them in awe!
Lots of holiday cheer and activities during classroom celebrations! Thank you to all of our parent volunteers.
Second graders during Fundations learn that "y" can be a vowel in open syllables. In one-syllable words, the final y says "i" and in two-syllable words, the final y says "e".
Parent Partner Organizations
Early Pick-up
When picking up your child early, please notify the main office by phone or email in advance. Early dismissal should take place prior to 2:30. After 2:30, we ask that you to wait till the regular time since staff are assisting and preparing for student dismissal.
Quick Links
Attendance: dwattendance@ryeneck.org to report student absence/lateness
Main Office: Debbie Hutchinson, 914-777-4202
Daniel Warren & RNUFSD Website
Phone: 914-777-4200