Early Learning Newsletter
May, 2024
Early Learning Classes & Opportunities
Fun for the Whole Family
Childcare, Preschools, and More
Red Barn Cooperative Preschool
Tiny Timbers Preschool & Childcare
Estacada Timber School Preschool & Childcare
Making Learning Fun with Your Child!
Funny Face Masks
Materials needs
To make the featured window
- Paper plates
- Glue
- Construction paper
- Markers
- Yarn
- Buttons
- Anything else that seems fun to decorate with
Cut holes for the eyes and mouth
Glue materials onto the paper plate or color
Once the mask is dry, try out the art of making people laugh. Show off your comedic side and laugh your socks off by trying out:
- A silly-face contest
- Tell your very best knock-knock jokes
- See who can make the silliest face and hold it for 10 seconds—when everyone laughs, everyone wins.
- Make up your own!
The Children's Reading Foundation - A child's experiences from birth to age 5 create the necessary brain connections essential for all future learning.
Resources and Information
Community Resources
Clothing/Household Goods
Local Health Care
Food Assistance
Free Breakfast
The 3rd Saturday of Each month, 8am - 11am at Clackamas Valley Baptist Church.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Friends of the Estacada Public Library are the Local Champions of Imagination Library.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library provides specially-selected, age-appropriate, high-quality books for children from birth to age five. Books are delivered to your home each month in a package addressed to the child receiving it. This program is free of charge to participating families, and is funded and maintained locally by Friends of the Estacada Public Library and other community donors. Visit the Imagination Library web site to find out more about this exciting early literacy program.
Registration is open to children from birth to five years old who reside in zip codes 97022 and 97023 ( Eagle Creek and Estacada ).
Fill out the online registration form
Imagination Library links
Goodnight with Dolly Storytime Videos--Dolly reads 10 bedtime stories; Literacy Tips and Resources for Parents and Caregivers; Coloring & Activity Sheets
Todos Juntos - All Together Empowering Youth & Families
Early Childhood/Elementary Coordinator:
Julie Syring, sryingj@estacada.k12.or.us or julies@todos-juntos.net
Parent/Child Engagement Coordinator:
Ann Schweitzer-Johnson, annj@todos-juntos.net
Estacada Middle School Site Manager: Andrea Huffman, AndreaH@todos-juntos.net
Estacada High School Site Manager:
Family Resource Advocate for the Estacada Area:
Jovanna Leon, jovannal@todos-juntos.net
Website: www.todos-juntos.net
Facebook: facebook.com/todosjuntosclackamascounty