Weekly Update Newsletter
Friday, May 26, 2023
Upcoming Dates and Events
May 29 - Hot Lunch - Tacotime
May 30 - Class Photos & Kinder Group B - Icon Photography
May 31 - Kinder Group A Class Photos - Icon Photography
June 1 - Volunteer Appreciation Lunch (12:30-1:30 pm)
June 2 - Field Trip Gr. 5 Fort Edmonton
June 6 - Common Exams Gr. 7 & 8 ELA Part A; Gr. 7 & 8 French Language Arts Part A
June 7 - Early Dismissal (Beach Day)
June 14 - Elementary Track Day (Gr. 3, 4, 5, & 6)
June 15 - Gr. 2 Ukrainian Village
June 16 - Gr. 7 & 8 French Language Arts Part B; Grade 9 Farewell 7:00 pm Kona Gym
June 19 - Hot Lunch - Nitza's & Jr. High Awards
June 20 - Gr. 3 Art Gallery 501
- Grade 6 ELA Part B PAT
- Grade 7 & 8 English Language Arts Part B
- Grade 9 ELA Part B PAT
June 22 - Grade 6 Math Part A PAT
- Grade 7 & 8 Math Part (A)
- Grade 9 Math Part A PAT
June 23 - Field Trip Kinder Group B - TWOS
- Grade 6 Math Part B PAT
- Grade 7 & 8 Math Part B Common Exam
- Grade 9 Math Part B PAT
June 26 - Field Trip Kinder Group A - TWOS
- Field Trip Gr. 3 - Valley Zoo
- Grade 6 Social Studies PAT
- Grade 7 & 8 Social Studies Common Exam
- Grade 9 Social Studies PAT
June 27 - Field Trip Gr. 5 - Kinsmen Leisure Centre
- Grade 6 Science PAT
- Grade 7 & 8 Science Common Exam
- Grade 9 Science PAT
Upcoming Final Exams Grades 6-9
Our PATs and Junior High Common Exam schedule is available on our school website.
Students should arrive at school for regular school hours and exams will be administered in the morning. Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle and a snack to their exams. Students may not have any wearable devices, cell phones, or backpacks in the exam room. Students will be asked to place items in their locker/cubby. We do not want to cause any distraction during the exam.
Common Exams - Grades 7 and 8
June 6: English Language Arts Part A
June 20: English Language Arts Part B
June 22: Mathematics Part A
June 23: Mathematics Part B
June 26: Social Studies
June 27: Science
Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) - Grades 6 and 9
June 20: English Language Arts Part B
June 22: Mathematics Part A
June 23: Mathematics Part B
June 26: Social Studies
June 27: Science
Alberta Education has created a Grade 6 PAT Parent Guide and a Grade 9 PAT Parent Guide that include frequently asked questions, test descriptions, and sample PAT questions.
Attendance Etiquette
We still have several weeks left of school and plenty of curriculum to still cover before year-end. Regular school attendance is critical for student success, as well as, increases their ability to learn, grow and develop social skills.
Whenever possible try to make appointments during non-school hours on non-instructional days. All messages to leave school early must go through the office. Students must be signed out by a Guardian (not siblings) and must come to the office to check in and/or out of the building.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Grades 3-6 Track Meet
On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, all Grade 3-6 students will be participating in the Grade 3-6 Track Meet. In addition, we are hosting an optional BBQ hotdog lunch at our track meet! All foods must be pre-ordered.
If you are interested in ordering an optional BBQ hotdog lunch, sign into ParentPortal, select your student's fees, and scroll down to the bottom of the main Due Now page, under School Items. Then select and complete and submit the LLR Gr. 3-6 Track BBQ fee. All orders must be completed by Monday, June 5, 2023, at Noon. No late orders will be accepted. No orders will be accepted at the event.
Due to the size of the Gr. 3-6 Track BBQ, we apologize, as we are unable to meet any individual dietary preferences.
In the event students are absent from the track meet, no refunds for food orders will be issued and no alternate arrangements for BBQ food pick up will be accommodated.
Save the Date: Grade 9 Farewell and Awards Ceremony
More details to follow closer to the date of the event.
Friday, Jun 16, 2023, 07:00 PM
101 Crimson Drive, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Save the Date: Grade 7 and 8 Awards Ceremony
More details to follow closer to the date of the event.
Monday, Jun 19, 2023, 01:30 PM
101 Crimson Drive, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Grade 9 Farewell & Awards Ceremony Tickets
Tickets will go on sale May 29 from 9 am to June 13, closing at 3:30 pm.
- From May 29 to June 5 there will be a limit of 4 tickets per student.
- From June 6 to June 13 (or until sold out) no limit.
- Tickets $6 each
To purchase tickets please log in to your parent portal and click on your student, select fees, scroll down to the bottom of the main page and add the tickets to your cart and complete the checkout process.
2022-23 School Fees
Student Transportation: 2023-24 registration
Planning to use Student Transportation in the 2023-24 school year? If so, make sure your child is registered so Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) can plan routes and send your child a bus pass before the first day of school.
All students who indicated needing transportation services through the returning student or new student registration processes are now registered. Those families have also received tentative route schedules and invoices—fees are due June 30, 2023.
For those students who didn’t indicate needing transportation services during the registration process and want to now register, simply fill out this registration form.
For more information about EIPS Student Transportation, visit www.eips.ca/transportation.
NOTE: Families can pay fees online using the PowerSchool Parent Portal. To pay in-person, visit the EIPS Student Transportation building during its office hours—Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on school days and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on non-school days.
Accessing User Accounts: Students Leaving EIPS
Is your child graduating from or leaving EIPS at the end of the school year? If so, they must ensure any information they want to retain from their school cloud accounts is downloaded onto a personal device before leaving.
· Google account – Students must download any wanted content before August 1—download files either individually or in bulk using Google Takeout.
· Microsoft account – Students must download any wanted content from their OneDrive account before August 1.
After Aug. 1, 2023, EIPS will deactivate the account and delete all remaining files.
For more information, contact the school at 780-416-9018.
Junior High Jitters
Is your child going into Grade 7 and feeling nervous about it? Have no fear, Junior High Jitters is here!
Junior High Jitters is a free caregiver education session hosted by Alberta Health Services. This session provides information about developmental changes teens experience, as well as the challenges they may face in this school transition. The session also discusses strategies for managing these changes and boosting wellness. Junior High Jitters is designed for caregivers and pre-teens to attend together.
Junior High Jitters Session:
Date: Wednesday, June 14
Time: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar
Little Elk Island Adventure: Registration
Elk Island Public Schools is once again planning to run the Little Elk Island Adventure, a fun and informative program for first-time school bus riders.
Annually, Student Transportation offers the Little Elk Island Adventure to new riders and their parents. The program’s aim: To help introduce families to busing so they feel comfortable and at ease before even starting school. Through a series of activities, riders learn about school bus safety, danger zones, tips on boarding and how to sit properly on the bus. After that, both the children and parents hop on the bus to practice what they’ve learned by venturing out on a short ride.
The Little Elk Island Adventure is for first-time school bus riders entering the 2023-24 school year. The tentative session dates and times are as follows:
Location Date* Time*
EIPS Central Services August 14 5 p.m.
EIPS Central Services August 14 6:30 p.m.
EIPS Central Services August 15 5 p.m.
EIPS Central Services August 15 6:30 p.m.
EIPS Central Services August 17 5 p.m.
EIPS Central Services August 17 6:30 p.m.
EIPS Central Services August 18 5 p.m.
EIPS Central Services August 18 6:30 p.m.
* Special Education session for PALS and Project Unit Funding students only.
SouthPointe School August 21 5 p.m.
SouthPointe School August 21 5 p.m.
** SouthPointe School locations are for students attending schools in Fort Saskatchewan.
EIPS Central Services is located at 683 Wye Rd., Sherwood Park
SouthPointe School is located at 11 SouthPointe Blvd., Fort Saskatchewan
Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
More information about busing for kindergarten children is available at: eips.ca/transportation/kindergarten-busing-faq.
School Supplies - 2023-24
Our School supplies are now available to order through Write-On Stationery. Orders placed before June 1st, have the option to deliver to the school or to your home. Orders placed after June 1 will be delivered to your home.
If you choose to participate, 10% of your total order will be returned to Lakeland Ridge School as a fundraiser.
To view our supply lists for each grade visit our website.
To Order Online: www.write-on.ca
Click on ’PARENTS – Order Here’
Type in and Select your School Name
Choose your grade(s) and select package and/or items
Complete your order by clicking ’PLACE ORDER’
You will receive an automatic email confirmation to confirm your order has been received
Write-On accepts: VISA, MasterCard, and American Express
Caregiver Corner
How can parents help their children prepare for tests?
It is important that children feel relaxed and comfortable when they write any test, including
Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs). Children’s feelings about a test are very much influenced
by what adults close to them say about those tests. Parents can be of most help to their
children by encouraging them to relax and do their best, just as they would when writing any
Girls Circle
Girls Circle is a safe and supportive space for individuals in grades 5 and 6,
who identify as female.Please note this is a referral-based program and that if you are interested in registering your child, you will need to contact our Counsellor Mrs. Harry to complete the referral process.
Summer School 2023
Registration for EIPS Summer School opened March 15, 2023. The Summer School program offers a number of senior high courses that allow students to earn credits, upgrade marks, lighten workloads for the year ahead or finish pre-requisite courses.
Registration is open to:
- current EIPS students (grades 9-12)
- students who will enter an EIPS high school for the 2023-2024 school year, as of Sept. 1, 2023.
Pre-requisite course requirement: In consultation with Alberta Education and senior administration at EIPS, if there is a pre-requisite course needed for the student’s summer class (for example, Social 20-1 to prepare for Social 30-1), that pre-requisite must have been successfully completed by June 25, 2023.
NOTE: Students are only able to register in one course for summer school as all classes run at the same time. The only exception is a student taking self-paced CALM 20, students could then register in one other course, or the classes are taught in different sessions. For example, taking CALM 20 in session 1 and Phys. Ed 10 in session 2.
Kindergarten Registration is Now Open!
Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2023? If so, it’s now time to register for kindergarten. To register, simply complete the online registration form at eips.ca/kindergarten.
To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools has put together an online EIPS Kindergarten Tool kit to make the transition as smooth as possible. The kit includes information on registration, important dates, programming options, what to expect, eligibility, how to find your designated school, transportation and more.
Additional information regarding Lakeland Ridge’s kindergarten program is available at https://www.lakelandridge.ca/.
EIPS Annual Education Results Report
Every year, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) publishes an Annual Education Results Report, which outlines the Division’s Four-Year Education Plan, opportunities for growth and how it’s supporting students to achieve the best possible outcomes. Read through this year’s EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2021-22 and discover how EIPS fosters learning environments for all students to learn, grow and thrive—and why it matters.
April Spotlight: Student Growth and Success
· Early Learning: Ensuring early learners reach developmental milestones
· Culture of Literacy: Dive deep into the data and learn how students are developing strong literacy skills
· Math Matters: Enhancing reasoning, understanding and achievement through numeracy-rich classrooms
· Boosting Educational Outcomes: Discover how EIPS supports the growth and achievement of students who self-identified First Nations, Metis and Inuit
· Beyond high school: Supports and strategies that are creating real-life career pathways for learners
EIPS Four-Year Education Plan: 2022-26
EIPS Three-Year Capital Plan: 2024-27
Quick Links
Attendance (Please specify if absence is due to Illness or Parent Excused)
Email: general.llr@eips.ca
Website: https://www.lakelandridge.ca/
Location: 101 Crimson Drive, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-416-9018
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lakeland-Ridge-School-1490402014609661
Twitter: @LakelandRidge