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OLVCS Updates
May 2nd, 2024
Dear OLVCS Parents and Friends,
This Friday is School Lunch Hero Day. We are fortunate to have Mrs. Meckley, our school Director of Food Services. Mrs. Meckley, along with Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Rudy, provide a quality lunch with love and a smile. From creative lunches, healthy sides, and accommodations for all types of food allergies, our School Lunch Heroes are amazing. We thank them for all they do for our students and staff.
We will have Mass on Friday this week. Students are to wear their Mass uniforms Friday. Below is the final Mass schedule for the year.
Attached is the 2024 - 2025 School calendar. Please note the Back to School Picnic on August 21st, will also be an Open House for the entire school.
Yearbook order forms will come home tomorrow, due next Thursday, 5.9! See information below. We have a quick turnaround with the order so we can be sure to have the yearbook well before the end of the school year.
Finally, we have off Friday May 24th. It may have caught your attention on the lunch calendar, it is on the school calendar but is denoted blue, since it is the last day of preschool. I missed it, but it certainly. is a pleasant surprise.
Make it a Great Day!
Final Mass Schedule:
Friday, May 3rd: 9:00 am May Crowning
Thursday, May 9th: 10:00 am Ascension Thursday
Friday, May 17th: Mass
Thursday, May 23rd: 9:00 am Last School Mass (during the day)
Friday, May 31st: 8th grade Mass @ 6:30 am
*Picture is of the class who won the homeroom participation contest for the 2023 OLVCS Walk-A-Thon. The winning 7th grade homeroom enjoyed an ice cream party courtesy of Classic Cones as their prize.
OLVCS 2024-2025 School Calendar
School Principal Appreciation Day!
Thank you, Mrs. Weakland!
Today, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our wonderful principal, Mrs.Weakland, for her dedication, leadership, and steadfast commitment to our school community. Her passion for education, love for our students, and tireless efforts in fostering a nurturing, faith-filled environment truly make a difference every day.
Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6th - May 10th
The week of May 6th-10th is Teacher Appreciation Week!
- Please see the above schoolwide plans above.
- This year Homeroom Parents and the Homeroom Parent Coordinators will be executing the above plans for the week! You have nothing to do or send in!
Yearbook Orders Due Thursday, May 9th
Order your 2023-2024 yearbook ASAP!
- Order forms will be sent home tomorrow.
- Please return you completed order form and payment by Thursday, May 9th.
Field Day 2024 - Thursday, May 30th
Sign Up To Help With Field Day - Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for 18 more volunteers to ensure Field Day success.
We need your help! This annual event consists of fun, outdoor stations in the morning. The K-4 students will be at stations in the back of the school, and 5-8 will have their stations in the front. Parent volunteers are needed for 'running' the stations, as classes rotate through. No experience necessary!
OLVCS Athletics Updates
May = Afterschool Volleyball Club
Crusaders Compete in THREE Track Meets This Week
This week will both be a test of skill and endurance with our Crusaders competing in 3 track meets. The first is today at Tyrone. The second will be tomorrow at Bald Eagle Area High School, and the final will be at the Jeremy Herbstritt Invitational at Bellefonte High School on Saturday. The OLV team has been working hard in preparation, so don’t be surprised when many PRs and top placements are reported next week. #GoCrusaders!
OLV Crusaders Summer Sports Camp
What's for Lunch?
“Look At the Bright Side of Life” at Spamalot
Saint Joseph’s Catholic Academy proudly presents Spamalot on May 2, 3, & 4 at the Boal Barn Theatre in Boalsburg. Spamalot is a stage musical based on the 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The musical offers a parody of the Arthurian legends. Tickets are on sale now at https://stjoeacad.org/fine-arts/musical/
Apply Now for OLV Parish Scholarship
Due to the generosity of the Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church parish community, OLV parish will be offering Our Lady of Victory Parish Scholarships to students who are enrolling as NEW students (all grade levels) at Saint Joseph’s Catholic Academy in the Fall 2024. For more information and to download the simple application form, go to https://stjoeacad.org/admissions/olv-parish-scholarship/
Parish Happenings
Eucharistic Procession on the feast of Corpus Christi - Saturday, June 1st
There will be a Eucharistic Procession on the feast of Corpus Christi.
- Directly following the Saturday, June 1st anticipated 5:00pm mass.
- All first communicants are invited to wear their First Communion Attire and march with the procession.
What is Corpus Christi?
Also known as the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, this feast honors Jesus Christ, Really, Truly and Substantially Present under the appearances of bread and wine. This Presence happens through the change which the Church calls transubstantiation (“change of substance”), when at the Consecration of the Mass, the priest says the words which Christ Himself pronounced over bread and wine, “This is My Body,” “This is the chalice of My Blood,” “Do this in remembrance of Me.”
Community News
Camp Cadet
- Recently, Officer Abrahamson from the State College Police Department came to speak to our Middle School students about the Cam Cadet Centre County opportunity.
- The mission of Camp Cadet is to develop a better understanding between the youth of Centre County and its law enforcement officers. Camp Cadet provides an enjoyable experience that will be remembered by all cadets who attend and creates a lasting impression that police officers are their friends.
- Please visit http://campcadet.homewithvertex.com/ for more information or to apply.
We are always looking to add to our OLVCS family!
- Bring a friend!
- We have space available at all grade levels for enrollment.
- Be sure to spread the word about OLVCS!
- New families can learn about the application process at www.olvcatholicschool.org/admissions or call the school office at 814-238-1952 to schedule a tour or shadow day.
☎️ (814) 238-1592