EJMS Jaguar Weekly Oct. 21 - 25
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
EJMS Families,
We hope everyone had a wonderful week! You can always keep track of your child's grades through Parent Portal on Infinite Campus (if you need assistance please refer to the IC Parent Portal Grades Doc) and report cards for first nine weeks will also be distributed this same way on Friday, October 25th.
Halloween Dress Up
Students will be allowed to dress up this year on Halloween which is Thursday, October 31st. We ask that all outfits stay within dress code and students will not be allowed to wear full face masks.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
We will be having Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday, November 4th. Teams will be contacting parents of those students who would benefit from a conference based on grades, behavior, and/or attendance so far this year. We would like to extend an invitation to other parents if you would like to meet with your child’s teachers. Conferences will be held during normal school hours and can be virtual, in person, or by phone. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to set up a conference.
Picture Orders and Makeups
Picture Makeup day will be on Friday, November 15th. Prior to makeups we will receive proofs that will have individual order codes on them for online orders.
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, October 23rd - Reality Store for 8th grade
Thursday, October 24th - Snowie Ice (fundraiser for 6th grade trip)
Friday, October 25th - Club Day during school
Monday, October 28th - 6th grade field trip to Devine’s
Monday, October 28th - PTO meeting
Thursday, October 31st - Halloween
Monday, November 4th - Parent-Teacher Conferences (no school)
Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day (no school)
Around EJMS
Celebration of Families Night
Ms. Byers and a Spanish liasison, Ms. Campos from Georgetown, greeted families as they signed in.
Families learned more about what it means for us to be a Title 1 School and its benefits (see more about this further down in this week's newsletter)
Ms. Hager and Ms. Jones invited families to mark the places that they call home on the world and US maps.
During the evening, we started adding family pages to our EJMS Family Scrapbook. We'll continue adding pages and working on this scrapbook throughout the year.
More scrapbooking in action
Families added their own messages to our Welcome to School signs which you can now see hanging in the entrance and the front hallway.
TItle 1 Information and Family School Compact
Not able to make it to our Celebration of Families? Please find below the Title 1 Presentation that was shared to learn more about what it means for our school to be a TItle 1 School and the benefits we receive as part of this program. The first slide is a link to other copies of the presentation translated into the languages spoken among our students and families at EJMS. The slide deck shared here is in English.
Family/School Compact
As a Title 1 School, we are required to have every student's family sign a compact sharing the responsibilities of the school, the parents/guardians, and the students. Below is a link to a form for you to review and sign. Please submit one copy for each EJMS student in your family. We will also have paper copies available in the office or sent home with your student.
Whenever a student has this signed (either electronically or bringing back the paper), he or she will receive his or her choice of Takis or fruit snacks from the homeroom teacher and also be entered into a drawing for more prizes. The drawing will take place in two weeks on Friday, Nov. 8.
Below is a print copy for your files or to print and send to school. Also included here is a page with links to the document translated into different languages.
From our 6th grade Camping Trip
School Safety Week
This year's School Safety Week theme is Level Up with Kindness. Each day, students are asked to dress based on a video game character. Each day's activities will include some discussion, sharing time, and/or activity related to creating a safe school by being kind and considerate to each other. See below for information about each day's theme and activities.
What's Happening at EJMS this week?
Mon. Oct. 21
⬆ Level Up theme: Minecraft - dress like Alex or Steve
⚽ 4:00 Soccer Fall Conditioning (for boys and girls)
Tues. Oct. 22
⬆ Level Up theme: Roblox vs. Fall Guys - mismatch/ crazy clothes day
⚽ 4:00 Soccer Fall Conditioning (for boys and girls)
🏈 Football Finals
Wed. Oct. 23
⬆ Level Up theme: Level Up - wear a kindness shirt
⚽ 4:00 Soccer Fall Conditioning (for boys and girls)
🌟 4:15 National Junior Beta chapter meeting
🌟 5:15 Parent Beta Convention Meeting
Thurs. Oct. 24
⬆ Level Up theme: Super Mario - dress as characters from the game or plumbers and princesses
⚽ 4:00 Soccer Fall Conditioning (for boys and girls)
Fri. Oct. 25
⬆ Level Up theme: EA Sports - support your favorite team with a jersey or shirt
🧑🤝🧑 Club Day during school (the first one of the year!)
⚽ 4:00 Soccer Fall Conditioning (for boys and girls)
Upcoming and Ongoing
Oct. 23 - Reality Store for 8th grade
Oct. 25 - Club Day
Nov. 1 - Jaguar Madness/ Day to purchase dance tickets
Nov. 4 - Parent/Teacher Conference Day
Nov. 5 - Election Day (no school)
Nov. 8 - School Dance
Nov. 15 - Picture Make up Day
School Dance Nov. 8th - Purchase tickets Nov. 1
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto