Counselor's Corner
Rachel Minick, School Counselor
About Me
As a School Counselor, my primary responsibility is to promote the academic, personal, and social development of all students. My office is also a safe haven – a place where students can get help if they feel confused or worried.
Outside of school I love to ride bikes, teach dance, grow flowers, and read!
The mission of the school counseling program is to ensure a safe environment in which a comprehensive guidance program supports all students in reaching their full academic, career, and social/emotional potential. The program strives to promote and enhance students' achievement by delivering tiered services that assist students in acquiring skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to become effective students, responsible citizens, and lifelong learners in an ever-changing global society.
These lessons will be presented in the classroom for students in grades K-5. Lessons will cover things like making friends, identifying and managing emotions, and building skills to help increase social, emotional, and learning potential.
Group counseling is provided for small groups of students experiencing similar concerns. These may include making and keeping friends, anger management, coping with separation/divorce and or loss, getting organized/study skills and/or improving self-esteem. The groups generally range from 4 to 6 students and last for 6 to 8 sessions. The students for these groups can be recommended by parents/guardians or by staff members.
Short term one-on-one counseling support is available to all students in grades K to 5. Students may self-refer or be referred by teachers/staff and/or parents. Any student can request to meet with me or they can be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent. I encourage you to reach out if you have concerns regarding your child.
Parent Resources
Samaritan's Kitchen Backpack Program
Backpack food programs offer families free groceries for weekends and school breaks. Food backpacks include healthy, easy-to-prepare food for kid-friendly meals. Samaritan Kitchen of Wilkes provides weekend meals to children who are enrolled in Wilkes County Schools following a referral from their School Counselor. Meals are picked up on Thursdays and sent home on Thursday or Friday afternoons. Applications can submitted to Mrs. Minick at any time during the school year.
Most backpacks include enough shelf-stable food to make a few healthy meals. That way, kids return to school on Monday, ready to learn.
Backpacks may include:
- Breakfast items like cereal, oatmeal, or granola bars
- Easy to prepare meals like mac and cheese or canned soup
- Milk or juice
- Fresh or canned fruit
- Fresh or canned vegetables
- Snacks
When do people request a meeting with a counselor?
- When a student is very sad, confused, shy, angry, or worried
- When severe changes in a student's behavior occur
- When a student is having difficulty dealing with family changes or situations
- When something seems to be bothering a student to the point of distraction or intense anxiety
- When a student is dealing with a loss of a family member, friend, or pet
- When stressors at home are affecting school performance or self-concept
- When a student is consistently absent from school
How Do Students See the Counselor?
Parents are welcome to contact me directly! If you have concerns of any kind regarding your child, I am available. I can help with an issue at home or pay attention to certain habits and behaviors you are hoping to address. I can also be of assistance with community resources and helping your family with any pressing needs.
Appointment made by the counselor to meet with a student
- Self-Referral to meet with the counselor
- Parent/Guardian Referral for a student to meet with the counselor
- Administration, Teacher, Staff Referral request for a student to meet with the counselor
- Request by a friend for a student to meet with the counselor
To make an appointment with the School Counselor, please complete one of the following forms:
Informed Consent
A counselor-student relationship must be built on trust and confidentiality. This means that I am bound by ethical codes of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) to keep conversations between myself and students private. I try my best to keep parents and teachers updated on the progress and relevant information for the betterment of your student.
In the school counseling office, what is said here, stays here, with the following exceptions, as required by law and/or ethical standards:
- Harm to self or others
- Abuse or neglect
- Court or other legal proceedings
If there is ever a need to reveal information, I will let you know in advance, and work with you to handle the situation in a way that respects you, your feelings, and your needs.
What is SEL?
“Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions” (Casel, 2020).
Mrs. Rachel Minick, MA, LCMHC, NCC
Professional School Counselor
I am here to help students in the areas of personal, social, and academic development.
Email: minickr@wilkes.k12.nc.us