WCS Weekly Newsletter
September 20, 2024
Any student work posted here is protected under copyright,
and may not be reproduced without express written permission.
9/23 - RSU1 School Board Meeting; MHS 6pm
9/26 - WCS Open House; 5:30 - 7pm
10/1 - Beginner Band Night; 6pm
10/9 - WCS PTA Meeting; 6pm
10/11 - Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
10/14 - Indigenous Peoples Day - NO SCHOOL
10/18 - WCS PTA FUN RUN!
Great things are happening at WCS!
The amazing RSU1 Facilities Department took some time this summer to resurface and paint our playground picnic table. This table is used by staff and students, all day and the new look is very much appreciated!
We are still waiting on a few families to complete their annual updates in Infinite Campus. Students are not able to attend field trips until this process is completed. Please check your email to see if you have a received a reminder from the school.
WCS will be back to five buses for arrival and dismissal starting Monday, September 23rd!
Schedules for buses 20, 36, & 46 will change starting Monday, and it is possible that your student's bus number, and time for pick up/drop off may be different due to the change.
Please see the list of changes below.
There are no changes to bus 31 or 49
Are you interested in being on a list of eligible volunteers? Visit the RSU1 website to learn more and to sign up: https://www.rsu1.org/page/volunteer-information. At site preference, scroll down to select WCS and be sure to click Submit after the form is complete and signed. Please allow two weeks prior to a field trip or event for processing.
Do you know someone who would like to receive the WCS Weekly Newsletter? Let the office know and we'll add their email to the mailing list.
In accordance with School Board policy, the following promotional announcements have been included at the request of the sponsoring organization because they may be of interest to students and their families. These activities are not sponsored by the school, and inclusion of these announcements does not constitute endorsement of the organizations or activities by the school.