Dear MSD of Decatur Township Families,
Happy New Year! It was so great to finally welcome back our students on Wednesday to in-person learning. My hope is that each of you had a great holiday season and enjoyed time with family and friends. The first significant snowfall of the season provided many challenges that prevented our return to school on January 6th; however, I am so appreciative of our staff in Decatur Township Schools for their work during these two days when we closed our buildings and conducted asynchronous eLearning. I would like to thank our operations teams who worked so hard to get our buildings and grounds cleared of snow and safe for students to return on Wednesday! These teams do an outstanding job throughout the school year keeping our buildings safe and clean!
With regards to eLearning, we will be sending out updated information to our families this week about plans regarding any future school closures we might have this winter due to inclement weather, so please be sure to review this important information once it is received. We are also including our inclement weather information for your reference in this newsletter.
We recently received some outstanding news from the Indiana Department of Education regarding our high school graduation rate for 2024. For the state of Indiana, the 2024 graduation reached a record high with a rate of 90.2% For Decatur Central High School, our 2024 graduation rate was 96.14%! Decatur Central is in the top three of public high schools in Marion County with the highest graduation rates, along with Speedway and Franklin Central. I want to commend our graduates, teachers, administrators, and staff for their hard work and commitment to academic success in Decatur Township Schools!
As we began our second semester of the 2024-25 school year, I want to inform you of an administrative change at Decatur Middle School. Mrs. Melissa Harvey was named our Interim Principal at Decatur Middle School effective January 1, 2025. Mrs. Harvey has served in multiple administrative roles during her time in Decatur Township and her leadership and dedication to our middle school has been outstanding. She is committed to the students, families, and staff at Decatur Middle School and we are looking forward to a great second semester at DMS, under Mrs. Harvey’s leadership.
In closing, I want to thank you for your support of our schools. We are focused, as a district, on preparing our students for success during and after school, both in life and in careers, and I am proud to serve as superintendent of schools in a district where we Prepare Students to be Tomorrow Ready!
Dr. Scott Collins
At the December School Board meeting, the School Board of Education commended the Decatur Middle School Cheerleaders, Decatur Central High School Cheer Squads and the DC Hawks Football Team for their outstanding seasons! Congratulations to all! #DecaturProud
DMS Cheer Mid State Champs
DCHS Cheer 3rd at State and Mid State Champs
DCHS Cheer- awesome support of DC Football
DC Hawks Football- State Champs!!
Susan Strube Named IASP Elementary Principal of the Year for Indiana
MSD of Decatur Township is proud to congratulate Mrs. Susan Strube, Principal of West Newton Elementary, as the IASP Elementary Principal of the Year for Indiana.
From Superintendent Dr. Scott Collins: “Mrs. Strube is so deserving of this recognition as the Elementary Principal of the Year in Indiana. Her dedication and love for the students, staff, and families at West Newton Elementary is very evident and the culture of her school is one that instills a love for learning in a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment! Mrs. Strube has chosen to invest in Decatur Township Schools for her whole career and she is one of the most caring, child-focused leaders I have ever known. We celebrate with her and are “Decatur Proud”!
Check out this school year's menu! Don't forget that breakfast & lunch are free for all students! Join us for some delicious, nutritious meals!
Purchases and Account Info
Check out our lunch portal! You can monitor purchases, add funds, and much more!
Reminder: For the 2024-2025 school year, breakfast and lunch will be provided to all students at no charge. Families can load funds through the Linq Connect app for any "extras" students may want to purchase.
Register here:
MSD of Decatur Township Child Nutrition Department
5275 Kentucky Ave., Indianapolis IN 46221
Setting up your Stopfinder Account:
The Stopfinder app can help track the GPS location of your child's bus. If you need a new email invitation to join, please contact the Transportation Department at 317-856-8060.
Stopfinder can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.
Here are other resources to assist you in setting up the Stopfinder app, once you receive the invitation email:
Video: How to set up and use your Stopfinder Account
We would like to highlight that once you set up your account, you will also need to create GeoAlerts for your student, which will notify you when the bus has arrived in or departed from any location on your student’s route, including their assigned bus stop and school. Please view the following linked video, which explains how to set up these GeoAlerts:
Video: How to Set Up GeoAlerts (Notifications of bus arrival/departure)
Decatur Township Transportation Department
ParentSquare is the official communication platform of the MSD of Decatur Township.
Visit or download the ParentSquare app to get started:
Connect to Skyward here or download the Skyward App:
K-12 Curriculum - No Fees
Per state legislation, Indiana families will not be charged textbook fees. Parents and students will continue to be responsible for any lost or damaged educational material, including but not limited to, lost textbooks, lost or damaged iPad and related components, library books, cafeteria fees, extracurricular activities, fundraising, and NSF check fees.