September 26, 2024

September 26, 2024
Is My Child Well Enough to Come to School?
If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or more, they should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal and remains normal without fever-reducing medication.
If your child has vomited or has diarrhea, they should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
If your child had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with your healthcare provider before sending them back to school.
If your child is ill, please call the school to report the illness. If you have questions regarding your child's illness, please call your school nurse at 651-724-6205 or healthcare provider.
It is OK to come to school if your student has a runny nose or little cough but no fever.
COVID Reminder: If your student tests positive for COVID, simply keep them home until they meet general wellness guidelines listed above.
Please alert the attendance office each day of the absence by calling 651-724-6204, or emailing BHAttendance@isd623.org.
For more information visit the Health Services webpage: https://www.isd623.org/services/health-services
Angela Bykowski, BSN, RN, PHN, Licensed School Nurse
Roseville Area Public Schools, ISD 623
Brimhall Elementary School
Email: angela.bykowski@isd623.org
Office phone: 651-724-6205
Direct phone: 651-233-9256
Book Fair
October 7-11
Preview Days: Monday and Tuesday
Purchase: Wednesday-Friday (school hours)
Open during conferences 4:00-7:30: October 8th & 10th
If you choose to, you may send cash or checks to school with your child to pay for books. It is NOT required to purchase from the Book Fair.
Want to go cashless? Set up an eWallet for your child on our Book Fair website
Share the Fair
Want to donate a book to a child that might not be able to purchase one– donate to the student donation eWallet so they can pick out a book (it says 3rd grade– but it is for all grade levels…I was required to choose 1 grade)
Or CLICK SHARE THE FAIR after you contribute to your child's eWallet-- all donations will go directly to BH students
- If you would like to donate your teacher’s eWallet to help them build their classroom library use this link:
Book Fair Volunteers Needed!
We couldn't host our book fairs without your help. If you are able to volunteer for set-up, sales, or take-down-- sign up here!
October 1st
5:30- 6:00 Dinner
6:00- 7:00 Children move to childcare and the meeting begins
** correction to date posted last week (sorry for the error!)
JOIN our committee! It's lots of fun! email: BrimhallSilentAuction@gmail.com
Limited Edition Apparel - Support Community Ed! 👕 🎉
Looking for fun Roseville Area Schools apparel? Choose from this selection of limited edition shirts! Your purchase will support Roseville Area Schools Community Education programs and services.
🔺 Heather black long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Heather red long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Gray short sleeve with school mascots ($15)
These shirts are a soft, comfortable tri-blend fabric (50/37/13 poly/cotton/rayon) in a unisex fit. Sizes are available in adult S - 3XL and youth S - XL.
Orders are due by October 4, 2024. ⏰ 🗓️ Shirt orders will arrive near the end of October!
Anime & Manga Card Quest with Kidcreate Studios 🎉
This is the ultimate trading card inspired art class! Design fantastical creatures and mythical characters while exploring sketching, painting, and sculpting. Dive into a vibrant world of artistic expression and card collecting. Make and play with slime, experience epic battles, and unleash your creativity in a supportive environment with skilled instructors and fellow trading card enthusiasts. Perfect for bringing your imaginative creatures to life! Feel free to bring your trading cards to class. Note: This event is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Pokémon Company.
Tuesdays, October 8 - 29
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Grades K - 6 | $89
Self Awareness / Self Defense for Youth ⚡️
Safety is about the situation, self-awareness and self-defense. Learn the fundamentals, effective responses to practical situations, and experience hands-on exercises. Build a strong foundation for strength and confidence in yourself! Youth-focused class, parents are welcome to watch.
Monday, October 7
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
$59 | Ages 8+