North Coventry News
January 9, 2025
From Mrs. Esposito
Happy New Year! I hope that you were able to enjoy the holidays and that 2025 is off to a good start for your family. The new year has brought our first Flexible Instruction Day (FID) and a 2 hour delay. I appreciate the great job all of our students did with their FID work. Our attendance rate was the highest in the district, so thank you for your help in supporting this work. I want to give a shout out to the entire North Coventry staff for their efforts on Monday. They created work for our students that was meaningful and helped to troubleshoot any tech issues as they arose. For students without devices or the internet they ensured that those students had asynchronous work to complete at home. It takes a village, and our NC village (parents/guardians, staff and students) did a great job of pulling together for our FID.
I don't need to tell you, but it is cold outside! Please know that whenever possible we want to send students outside for recess. When it is too cold, wind chill or temps in the teens or lower, we will modify recess. This means that students will spend an abbreviated amount of time outside. Please be sure that you are sending your student(s) to school with the appropriate attire to be outside, even if just walking to or from the buses.
Prior to winter break we had an influx of students returning to school for forgotten items; homework, instruments, library books, etc. I ask that moving forward you do not bring your child back to school for forgotten items. Many times the teacher's rooms are already locked or are being cleaned. Anything left at school can wait to be retrieved the next day. I appreciate your help with this and we will work to remind students to gather all of their belongings before leaving each day.
Finally, as we head into the second half of the year, teachers have spent the last week plus re-teaching our school expectations. We find that at the start of each calendar year, it is a great time to revisit expected behaviors across all school settings. Teachers and staff have reviewed what it looks like to walk in the hallways, appropriately use the bathrooms, sit in the cafeteria and ride on the bus. Tomorrow we will conclude our reboot lessons with assemblies focused on good behavior choices. Keep an eye on Facebook, or our next family newsletter, for some of the fun we are sure to have while also relearning the Wally Way. You might even see some more Wally tickets coming home recognizing the good choices students are making!
(a quick note - please be sure to "click" on my newsletter when you open the newsletter email. If you do not "open" it you may not be viewing the entire newsletter.)
Teacher Focus: Ms. Curran
Learning Support Teacher (Grade 6)
Ms. Curran is in her third year at North Coventry having previously taught learning support at the Agnes Irwin School in Villanova. Ms. Curran is a native of Havertown where she graduated from Haverford High School before going on to Lock Haven University. She has also completed graduate course work at West Chester University. Ms. Curran and her husband live in Pottsgrove with their 2.5 year old daughter Reilly. When Ms. Curran graduated college she spent seven years coaching swimming. Her favorite was being able to coach for Lower Merion Aquatic Club where she grew up swimming. She has also travelled to four countries- Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji and she still keeps in touch with her home-stay family in New Zealand!
Important Upcoming Dates:
1/10: NC Spirit Day - Wear NC gear or red
1/17: 2nd Quarter Ends
1/20: Martin Luther King Day - Day of Service (No School)
1/21: 3rd Quarter Starts
1/23: NCPTO: Trivia Night at Big Phil's (information below)
1/27: Professional Development Day - No School for Students
1/30: NC Spelling Bee Championship Final
NC Spirit Day is TOMORROW!
Report Cards are available on Skyward!
Here is how to view your child's report card in Skyward:
- Sign in to the software using your assigned username and password.
- Click the Portfolio tile.
*You can select a tile under a specific child’s name or under the View All Students heading. If you wish to select a different child’s information, you can do so by selecting that child’s name at the top left of the screen.
Alternatively, you can navigate to > Family Access > Student and then select Portfolio under Features.
You see the Portfolio screen, which displays the child's name and the created time, name, and type for each attachment.
- Click the icon to the left of the appropriate report card to download/view.
You have successfully viewed your child's portfolio/report card.
Nominate a North Coventry Teacher for the Citadel Heart of Learning Award
Dear NC Families,
Each year since 2001, Citadel Bank and the Chester County Intermediate Unit have partnered to present the Citadel Heart of Learning Award to outstanding teachers in the Greater Philadelphia region. This award program provides an opportunity to recognize teachers who have made a particular impact on their students, schools and communities. Please consider nominating one of our many dedicated and deserving teachers this year for the 2024-2025 Citadel Heart of Learning Award. This is just one small way to express gratitude for the outstanding commitment they have made to NC students.
If you are interested in nominating a NC teacher, you may use the two links below. The first link provides much more detailed information about the awards process. The second link is a nomination form that can be completed online. The deadline for submission is January 15, 2025.
Thank you for your consideration.
Additional Information about the Citadel Heart of Learning Award
Update Skyward Reminder
We kindly remind you to log into your Skyward Family Access account and ensure that all your contact information is up to date. This includes your phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contacts, and any changes to your household details.
Keeping this information current ensures that you stay informed about important school updates, your child's progress, and any emergency notifications.
Thank you for your cooperation!
It's chilly outside!
As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the day, including warm clothing for outdoor recess. We continue to have outdoor recess unless the "feels-like" temperature drops to 13 degrees or below (only 5-10 minutes outside when the "feels-like" is 13-25 degrees).
If your family is facing economic hardship and your child needs a jacket, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Esposito for assistance.
Wally's Secret Reader!
Every week, North Coventry Reading Specialists turn into detectives, searching for one exceptional student who they spot demonstrating great reading habits.
This "TOP SECRET" reader is revealed on Friday mornings. The selected student is awarded a gold coin for the book machine, a certificate of recognition, and their picture is displayed on Wally's Secret Reader Board. It’s a special honor to be chosen from the entire school!
Congratulations Nora, Top Secret Reader for 12/13-12/17
Parents/Guardians... Are you going out of town?
If you're going to be out of town and someone else will be caring for your child(ren) during that time, please inform the school office. In case of illness or emergency, it's important that we have the caretaker's contact information. If they aren't listed as an emergency contact, we won’t be able to release your child to them.
Thank you for your attention, and safe travels! Questions? Reach out to Mrs. Ficca at cficca@ojrsd.net.
Math Challenge #7
I am sure everyone has enrichment math problems on their holiday wish lists this year! Good news, Math Challenge #7 is ready to go. The focus of the challenge is data analysis. Pick up a copy in the ATP room or print it out from the link below. It is due January 10th.
Gifted Support Teacher
Head Teacher
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders:
Morning Arrival: Cars may NOT arrive to drop off before 8:15 am.
Afternoon Dismissal: Cars may NOT start arriving before 3:15 pm.
This system is meant to work when cars are continually flowing; therefore, if many cars arrive early, the backup could affect the buses being able to get in the main drive to the bus lot and/or access to the building in the event of an emergency. We ask that you please park IN a parking spot if you have to arrive before 8:15am and/or 3:15pm and not block other parking spots. Again, this is for emergency reasons.
Please also keep your name tag visible in your car until after your child is in and you pull away. In addition, please obey the stop signs around school. Safety of everyone at North Coventry is priority, so please take the extra moment to truly stop at the signs (unless OJR security is here waving you on).
Thank you for your help!
NCPTO Upcoming Events:
1/20: MLK Day of Service, 10am-1pm (information below)
1/23: Trivia Night at Big Phil's, 6-8pm
2/7: Someone Special Dance, 5:30-8:30pm
3/14: NC's Got Talent - More info to come!
NCPTO: Trivia Night at Big Phil's, 1/23
Join the fun! Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. Teams of 4 are ideal. Grab your friends for a memorable night out without the kids!
Buy a ticket HERE. Cost is $27 per person and gets you trivia entry, appetizers to your table and soft drinks. Other items for purchase.
Questions? Need to round out your team? Email Carrie: nurseratcha@live.com
Box Tops earn $$ for NCES!
For Events, Trips, Meal payments, and more!
SchoolPay is also the site you will need to log into to make meal payments for your student(s). No cash will be taken in the cafeteria. Make sure to deposit $$ in your child's SchoolPay account so they can enjoy our district's yummy lunches and snacks.
Interested in Volunteering at NCES?
We are excited to offer opportunities for you to get involved and volunteer at our school. Your participation is crucial in supporting our students and fostering a positive learning environment.
If you are interested in volunteering or chaperoning, please visit https://www.ojrsd.com/Domain/95 for more information about the required clearances, helpful resources on volunteering with the district, and to submit your online application. *no paper forms are taken at the building*
As a reminder, we kindly ask that volunteers not bring siblings or other children when assisting with classroom events. This helps us maintain a safe and focused environment for all students and ensures that our event runs smoothly. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school's main office.
Thank you for your dedication to our school community. We look forward to working together to create a great experience for our students!
Have you already been approved through the Raptor system and want to check when your clearances expire with the district? Don’t forget to visit the Raptor Volunteer Portal, where you can find your expiration date. Additionally, Raptor will send you a reminder email one month before your clearances expire, prompting you to update them.
*Please note that all school volunteers and visitors are subject to Raptor screening. Be sure to bring your driver’s license when visiting or volunteering at the school.
Contact Us
Email: hesposito@ojrsd.net
Website: www.ojrsd.com/nc
Location: 475 Kemp Road, Pottstown, PA, USA
Phone: 610-469-5105