Laura Lee Newsletter
The Beehive Bulletin, June 2, 2024
Spotlight On Learning
This week's spotlight on learning focuses on Room 5, Mr. Davis' classroom.
As we have embarked upon spring, the weather is nice, and the April flowers are blossoming as are the students of room 5. In ELA we have begun creating life stories where we are looking to hear some great stories about our students. Science we are studying sound waves. We made light waves with a rope, analog and digital signals and next week we will start sound signals. For Math we are learning Distributing Expressions where they are using Distributive Property to write expressions in expanded form. It was a little challenging, but the students are excited to be learning something new. Here's a look at some of the hard work they are doing. Thank for stopping by Room 5. Happy Spring Everyone!
Important Dates To Remember
Wednesday, June 5, 2024; 1:00 pm dismissal
June 10 - 14, 2024; Spirit Week
Wednesday, June 12, 2024; 1:00 pm dismissal
Friday, June 14, 2024; 8th Grade Graduation
Monday, June 17, 2024; Monthly Student Awards
Tuesday, June 18, 2024; Last Day of School
Spirit Week
We will be having Spirit Week, June 10th - June 14th. This will be a fun and memory making week!
Monday, June 10th: Ice Cream Truck, School Store
Tuesday, June 11th: Field Day, Cookout
Wednesday, June 12th: Waffle Wednesday, Talent Show
Thursday, June 13th: Castle Tournament, DJ/Karoke
Friday, June 14th: Dress Up Day, 8th Grade Graduation, 8th Grade Family Luncheon
LPS Special Education Parent Advisory Council
(Sped PAC) is an organization run by parents of children receiving special education services through the Lowell School Department. It was created to share information about special education and promote understanding between parents and the school department.
Below is a link to the SPED PAC newsletter with dates of meetings for the school year 2023-2024. All meetings are on Thursday evenings beginning at 7:00 pm. The meetings are being held remotely.
The McLean School Consultation Service
The Lowell Public Schools has begun a partnership with McLean Hospital.
The McLean School Consultation Service is excited to announce our second annual “Leaders in Youth Mental Health Series.”
For the 2023-2024 academic year, we will be hosting 7 free parent webinars presented by McLean clinical experts. The topics will focus on childhood suicidality/self-harm, childhood irritability, pediatric anxiety disorders and OCD, navigating the mental health system for youth in crisis, supporting non-binary and transgender youth, and partnering with schools for youth services and supports.
Where can I access the parent webinars?
All information (topics, dates, zoom links) for the 7 parent webinars can be found here: https://healthcare.partners.org/streaming/Live/McLean/McLean_SCS.html
Note: You will use this website to access ALL live and recorded webinars throughout the year. Please bookmark it!
When does the parent series kick-off?
September is National Suicide Awareness Prevention Month. Next week, Wednesday, September 13th 12-1pm, Dan Dickstein, M.D., FAAP, McLean Hospital Chief and Director of Research of the Nancy and Richard Simches Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry will present “Addressing the National Emergency of Suicide and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Children and Teens.”
1. Who can attend?
All parents of school aged children K-12 and all school staff in your school district are invited to attend. We kindly ask that you do not distribute the website link outside of your school district.
2. If I can’t make the live webinar, where can I watch the recorded webinar?
All live and recorded webinars will be hosted on the same website link. The recorded webinars will found on the “On Demand” logo. Please allow up to one week from date of presentation for the recorded version to be uploaded.
3. Do I need to pre-register?
No pre-registration is required for the webinars.
4. Are there Q & A time for each presenter?
Yes! Each presenter will provide content for roughly 45 minutes with 10-15 minutes for available questions from the chat.
Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School
Email: paulapeters@lowell.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/lauralee
Location: 235 Powell Street, Lowell, MA 01851
Phone: (978)937-7655