Timber Wolf Times - 8/16/24
Neil C Twitchell Elementary School - 2024/2025
Twitchell Elementary School is a 5 Star School.
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Upcoming Events
8/19 - 8/29 MAP Testing Window (K-5)
8/19 - Positivi Tee Shirt Monday - Student may wear any color T-Shirt with a Be Kind/Positive Message (SSA Bottoms Required)
8/20 - B Day
8/20 - Parent Volunteer Badge Renewal Training - 12:30 pm
8/20 - PTA - Parent Volunteer Workshop - 1:00 pm
8/21 - C Day
8/22 - D Day
8/22 - PTA - Wear & Share Uniform Exchange - 5:00 pm
8/22 - Open House/Back to School Night - 5:30 pm (K-5 - Parents ONLY)
8/23 - E Day
8/26 - A Day
8/26 - Positivi Tee Shirt Monday - Student may wear any color T-Shirt with a Be Kind/Positive Message (SSA Bottoms Required)
8/27 - B Day
8/28 - C Day
8/29 - D Day
8/29 - Vanderburg Open House
8/29 - PTA General Meeting - 8:15 am
8/29 - School Organizational Team Meeting (SOT) - 3:15 pm - Virtual
8/30 - E Day
8/30 - Apple Core Recognition
8/30 - Student of the Week
September Character Trait - Empathy
9/2 - No School - Labor Day
9/3 - A Day
9/3 - Gardner Weekly Service
9/4 - B Day
9/5 - C Day
9/5 - Apple Core Recognition
9/5 - Free Dress Day
9/5 - Student of the Month
9/5 - PTA Fun Friday at Reunion Trails Splash Pad
Traffic Reminders
- Only Kindergarten and Pre-K can be dropped off in the front of the school, Kiss and Drop Loop (AM)
- Grades 1 - 5 can be dropped off behind the school (AM) and picked up after school (PM)
- Please remain in your car and encourage students to exit independently
- The curb is not for parking, it is only for unloading
- Please do not double park
- U-Turns are not permitted
- Please use the crosswalk and side walks, do not cut across the parking lot
Pre-K Registration Information 24/25 School Year
Counselor's Corner - Social Emotional Learning
August Focus: Anti - Bullying & Use of Kelso's Choices
Teachers will hold daily class meetings.
What is Kelso's Choice? https://kelsoschoice.com/about/for-parents/
No Bully Zone
Kelso's Choice
PTA August Paw Print Press
PTA August Calendar
Things Happening on Campus
Mrs. Spory's Kindergarten students have big plans this year!
Handbook also available on school website under: ABOUT
Twitchell Elementary School
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NeilCTwitchellElementarySchool
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twitchelles/