Morley Nelson Community School
February 7, 2025
Safety Before and After School
Our parking lot, drop off and pick up lane, and bus lane are hazardous at times and I would like to remind everyone of a few procedural protocols in place to ensure safety.
1. If you are dropping off or picking up your child, please do so in the inside lane next to the building. The secondary lane is for the flow of traffic.
2.Do not drop off or pick up your children in the bus lane on the other side of the parking lot. This is for buses and daycare vans only.
3. Park only in marked parking spaces. Please do not create your own.
4. Avoid the handicap parking spaces unless you have appropriate permits.
5. Parents, please drop your children off at the front of the building, and allow them to go to the playground independently. Staff is out to supervise and parents who have not checked in at the office and received a visitor's badge should not be on campus. If you have a concern about a student situation, please talk with school staff instead of addressing children who are not your own. School staff will be happy to assist in these situations.
Finally, please know that before and after school are not times we are able to rush. These times will require extra patience and grace given to everyone. We appreciate your efforts to keep our campus safe for all.
Basketball Cheer Camp at Fairmont on February 15 - click here for more info.
Soccer League - click here for more info.
Tax Prep and Support
Boise Community Schools is partnering with VITA to offer free tax preparation services to our community. This service is available for individuals and families with a household income of $68,000 or less. Our VITA sites will be located at Whitney Elementary, Morley Nelson Elementary, and Whittier Elementary. Please refer to the flyer for more information and to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Rosie Espinoza at rosie.espinoza@boiseschools.org
Boise Community Schools se está asociando con VITA para ofrecer servicios gratuitos de preparación de impuestos a nuestra comunidad. Este servicio está disponible para personas y familias con un ingreso familiar de $68,000 o menos. Nuestros sitios VITA estarán ubicados en Whitney Elementary, Morley Nelson Elementary y Whittier Elementary. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información y registrarse. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Rosie Espinoza en rosie.espinoza@boiseschools.org
Open House for 6th Graders and Their Families at the DTEC - February 12 - Dennis Technical Center (DTEC) Open House
Morley Nelson PTO is putting on a Stay-At-Home Valentine’s Day Tea Party Fundraiser. Sit back, relax and enjoy a cup of tea on behalf of PTO. Boxes of tea were generously donated by Bigelow Tea to raise money for STEM opportunities and other events at Morley Nelson. Any amount is greatly appreciated but with a $5 donation per student, we could cover activities for the entire school. Return your donation by Monday, February 17th to your child’s classroom. The two classrooms that bring in the most money, one from K-3rd and one from 4th – 6th will get an ice cream social.
Kindergarten Registration
If you know of any children who would be starting kindergarten next year and they live in our area or want to attend our great school, please let them know to come to our kindergarten registration on March 6th from 4:00-5:45 p.m. Kindergarten Registration Information
Mark Your Calendars
Dates to Remember
Feb.12 - Dennis Technical Center (DTEC) Open House
Feb.14 - 3rd grade Family Engagement at 9:30-10:00 a.m.
Feb. 17 - Presidents’ Day - NO SCHOOL
Feb. 19 - VITA Tax Prep Open House for families
Feb. 21- STEM Day 1:30 p,m.- if you would like to volunteer, click here.
Feb. 24 - VITA Tax Prep day for families
Feb. 25 - 5th grade to planetarium at 9:20 a.m.
Feb. 27 - 4th grade Family Engagement at 3:50
March 4 - Class Picture Day
March 6 - Kindergarten Registration 4:00-5:45 p.m.
Dress for the Weather
Please make sure students come to school dressed appropriately for time outside. We plan to take outdoor recesses except in extreme wet or cold (below 20 degrees). Coats, hats, gloves are encouraged.
Medical Resource at Morley Nelson
St. Luke's Mobile Clinic is a fantastic opportunity for students to access a variety of important healthcare services without leaving the school grounds. As of now we do not have anyone scheduled.
What’s offered:
- Wellness Visits: Not currently established with a primary care provider or medical home. These patients may be new to the area or have not accessed the medical system due to personal or financial barriers.
- Sport Physicals: Expedite sport clearance for athletes.
- Behavioral Health: ADHD, anxiety, depression, frequent/stomach aches/pain, learning or development concerns.
- Immunization Catch-up: Ensure all students are protected against preventable diseases.
- School Avoidance: Offer resources and support for students struggling with attendance due to health problems.
Please call to talk Tori West if you would like to set up an appointment. 208-854-4610