WES Weekly
Week of January 13, 2025
Dear Worthington Estates Families,
Happy New Year! It's been great to be back together after the long Winter Break..and also, I think we're all still building back our endurance for full school days! Here we come first full week of 2025!
January means our science fair and STREAM night are on the horizon! If you haven't signed up already, please see links below!
A lot of information to share this week below,
thank you!
Beth/Ms. Niskanen
principal, Worthington Estates School
This week's lunch
Monday - Chicken Patty sandwich or SB&J sandwich
Tuesday - Beef & Cheese Nacho or Toasted Cheese sandwich
Wednesday - Waffles w/ Chicken Sausage or SB&J sandwich
Thursday - Chicken Corn Dog or Cheesy Breadsticks
Friday - #1 Cheese Stuffed Pizza or #2 Pepperoni Stuffed Pizza or #3 SB&J sandwich
Can you help in our WES cafeteria?? (REALLY appreciate the extra support for our owls at lunch! THANK YOU!)
Upcoming Dates for family calendars
Jan 15 = WES PTA Meeting, zoom link coming, 6:30PM
Jan 17 = Grade 3 & 5 hearing and visions screenings starting (during school with nurse)
Jan 20 = NO SCHOOL, MLK Day
Jan 23 = WES Science Fair and WES STREAM night
Jan 23 = WES STREAM and Science Fair (more coming soon!)
week of Feb 3 = Parent Teacher Conferences
Feb 12 = 5th grade to 6th grade Wway Night (see below)
Feb 14 = NO SCHOOL (in lieu of Parent Teacher Conferences)
Feb 17 = NO SCHOOL (Presidents' Day)
New info and/or deadlines soon
Please RSVP for WES Family STREAM night here (this is a separate RSVP from Science Fair RSVP below)
Science Fair Season
Winter Break is a great time to think of Science and start a Science Fair project!
The annual Worthington Estates Science Fair, will be January 23, 2025, along with our now-annual STREAM night!
Full Flyer and registration links below!
Worthington Science Day > registration closes soon!
(This is a different event from our WES Science Fair)
On Saturday, January 25th, Worthington will once again hold its annual Science Day. Open to students from Kindergarten through 12th grade, Science Day consists of four different events for students. Registration will close for Science Day on January 19th, 2025. Registration for the Design Challenge will close when the event capacity is met or on January 19th, 2025, which ever comes first.
For more information, explore the links below.
MLK Day community event Jan 20th
Parent Teacher Conferences are coming soon! Feb 4-7
Our Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place the week of Feb 3rd!
These conferences are a valuable opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher, discuss their progress, and set goals for the remainder of the school year.
Teachers will be sending out sign-up information soon, so please keep an eye on your email or communication platforms. We look forward to partnering with you to support your owl's success!
Winter Weather Reminder
During these winter weeks, please send your child to school prepared for the weather with a coat, hat, and gloves > even boots are a great idea!. Our goal is to provide outside recess throughout the winter as long as the temperature is 20 degrees or higher.
Thank you for helping us keep our students warm and ready to enjoy some fresh air during their school day! Need help with warm weather gear? Let us know, our community can help!
January 2025 WABFE Newsletter
The Worthington Alliance of Black Families and Educators (WABFE) has released its January newsletter. Please find it linked here.
Dental Clinic option for WES & WWAY families!
Worthington Schools is happy to be partnering once again with Ohio Dental Outreach, to offer in-school dental care.
The dates for Worthington Estates and Worthingway Students are Wednesday February 12, and Thursday, February 13, 2025.
The services will be performed at Worthington Estates Elementary (Worthingway students will walk over accompanied by school staff). Dental care includes a complete dental exam, x-rays, cleaning, fluoride and sealants when necessary, and in some cases, restorative care such as fillings, all occurring during the school day. All insurance is accepted including Medicaid and CHIP. For those without insurance, a self- pay option is available for $71 (ages 13 or younger), or you may also request donated care to cover the cost.
Permission slips are available at your school office. These need to be completed and returned as soon as possible, or you may complete the form online -- the links for each school are found below. Parent/Guardian signature is required in order to treat your student on the day of the clinic. We need as many students as possible to complete permission slip by February 3 2025, although students will be accepted after that date. If you have any questions please contact Joyce Casey, our School Nurse at 614-450-4300 or jcasey@wscloud.org. Worthington Middle: https://www.myschooldentist.com/WNWCOH_schsrm Worthington Estates Elem: https://www.myschooldentist.com/WFWCOH_schsrm
Review/NOT new since last email for WES families:
Friendly reminder on Elementary Technology Practices
If you choose to send your owl to school with phones, smart watches, and other technology, please ensure they are silenced and in backpacks during the entire school day. Photos/videos are never allowed (this is for a variety of safety needs).
I also highly recommend limiting elementary students' access to internet, online video games, & social media. I address a surprising amount of needs during the school day that stem from online activities outside of school and seems to be a growing need lately. THANK YOU! ~Ms. Niskanen
5th grade Families > Mark your calendars Feb 12th for Worthingway Information Session
5th graders going into 6th Grade next year Informational Night (for students AND parents/guardians), message from Worthingway team:
Worthingway is excited to welcome all 5th grade students and families to an information session on February 12th at 6:30pm in the gymnasium (6625 Guyer Street).
We expect that this will last about 30 minutes. The goal of this event is to give families information about scheduling for 6th grade courses and a general welcome to middle school.
During the week of February 17th, Worthingway staff will come visit each elementary school to pick up student scheduling requests. If you cannot attend this event, scheduling forms with information will be given to students the following day at their current school.
Please Note: This year we are aligning this event with our Parent/Teacher conference night. Expect a full parking lot. Street parking is available if there are no spots available.
Kindergarten Registration Opens January 6th, 2025!
We are thrilled to announce that kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year will open on January 6th, 2025. Visit our kindergarten Welcome Center website for information about the registration process and requirements.
We are excited to announce that starting in the 2025-26 school year, Worthington Schools will be offering universal, no-cost all-day kindergarten for all students. This program will provide a strong foundation for learning and allow us to better meet the needs of every child in our community.
For more details about Worthington's All-Day Kindergarten, you can read Superintendent Dr. Bowers blog or watch a presentation about kindergarten from a recent board meeting.
We can’t wait to welcome our newest learners to our schools!
District Updates
Electronic Backpack For Worthington Schools
Looking for ways to be more connected across Worthington Schools? Then check out the Electronic Backpack For Worthington Schools!
Click here for great resources across the district!
- Information on After School Activities
- Area Sports Clubs and Teams
- Music, Art, and Academic Resources
OWL Gifted Summer Camp
The summer OWL Camping season is approaching! OWL is a residential and day summer camp for gifted and talented students currently (at time of application) in the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. It is held in June and July on the campus of Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio. Applications are now open and the deadline to apply is January 31st.
Please see the attached brochure and information sheet and reach out to Gifted Services coordinator, Suzanne Palmer at spalmer@wscloud.org for additional questions.
Email: bniskanen@wscloud.org
Website: https://estates.worthington.k12.oh.us/
Location: 6760 Rieber Street, Worthington, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 450 - 4600
Twitter/X: @WESOwls
Instagram: @wes_owls_msniskanen (private page, request with full name/photo)