Hopkins Middle School Newsletter
February 7, 2025
Students & Citizens of the Month for January!!
Peyton Edwards, Miracle Burns, Noah Prather, Ellie DeMann, Alivia Marston and Sydney Glupker
Congratulations to all of you! Keep up the great work!!
2025 Art Club!!
2025 Outstanding People for Education Nominations
Hopkins Public Schools is now accepting nominations for the 2025 Outstanding People for Education Award through March 1. Please use the attached link for your nominations.
This could be the job for you!!
Request Academic Support
The MIKIDS BACK ON TRACK (MIKBOT) Grant will provide expanded learning opportunities for all students next year through the IXL learning platform. Please see the details below. The MI Kids Back on Track grant funds (MCL388.1623g) will support any unfinished learning, provide additional academic assistance to students at risk of falling behind their peers, or help high school students prepare for postsecondary education. Students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade will have access to academic support through the IXL platform in reading, math, science and social studies. Students in grades 9th-12th will have access in reading and math
Link to Parent Request for Academic Support:
What's For Lunch?
Upcoming Events @ HMS:
Friday, February 14- HALF DAY, dismissal @ 11:00 a.m.
Monday, February 17- NO SCHOOL- MID WINTER BREAK
Friday, February 28-DANCE 3:00-5:00 pm in the Cafeteria
The 2024-2025 District and School Annual Education Reports are now available at www.hpsvikings.org. Hard copies are available at the administration office
Additional Resources and Helpful Links
Hopkins Middle School
Email: scotstoc@hpsvikings.org
Website: hpsvikings.org
Location: Hopkins Middle School, 215 Clark Street, Hopkins, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 793-7407
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HopkinsMiddleSchool/
Twitter: @hpsmiddleschool
Hopkins Middle School
Stockwell, Scott HMS Principal scotstoc@hpsvikings.org
O’Dell, Patrick HMS Assistant Principal patrodel@hpsvikings.org
Austin, Jennifer HMS Secretary jennaust@hpsvikings.org
Aleman, Kathleen: 6th Grade Science Teacher KathAlem@hpsvikings.org
Cross, Alex: Choir Director alexcros@hpsvikings.org
Dana, Katherine: Art Teacher KathDana@hpsvikings.org
Dangremond, Matthew: Network Administrator MattDang@hpsvikings.org
DeGood, Jennifer: 6th Grade Math Teacher JennDego@hpsvikings.org
Fisher, Mark:7th Grade Science Teacher MarkFish@hpsvikings.org
Hazen, Rick: Physical Education Teacher RickHaze@hpsvikings.org
Irwin, Julie: Education Intervention Teacher JuliIrwi@hpsvikings.org
Kerber, Brian: Custodian BriaKerb@hpsvikings.org
Klocke, Anna: Education Intervention annakloc@hpsvikings.org
Klumpp, Molly: Physical Education Teacher MollKlum@hpsvikings.org
Kok, Wendy: Food Service WendKok@hpsvikings.org
Maher, Jennifer: Food Service JennMahe@hpsvikings.org
Martinez, Ann: SRC Coordinator AnnMart@hpsvikings.org
Meerman, Megan: Resource Room Teacher MegaMeer@hpsvikings.org
Myers, Travis: 8th Grade Science Teacher TravMyer@hpsvikings.org
Ortega-Furgeson, Taryn: HMS Counselor Taryorte@hpsvikings.org
Osborn, Craig: Custodian CraiOsbo@hpsvikings.org
Pulaski, Vicki: 8th Grade ELA Teacher VickPula@hpsvikings.org
Reszka, Richard: 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher RichResz@hpsvikings.org
Ruegsegger, Sarah: 7th Grade ELA Teacher SaraRueg@hpsvikings.org
Rynsburger, TJ: 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher TJRyns@hpsvikings.org
Savage, Leanna: 8th Grade Algebra Teacher LeanSava@hpsvikings.org
Schoonveld, Missy: Media Center, Newsletter, Social Media MissScho@hpsvikings.org
Scudder, Mack: 8th Grade History Teacher MackScud@hpsvikings.org
Sterken, Lindsey: 7th Grade Math Teacher LindSchw@hpsvikings.org
Swainston, Vicki: Lunchroom Paraprofessional VickSwai@hpsvikings.org
Weick, Pat: 6th Grade ELA Teacher PatWeic@hpsvikings.org
Williams, Jessica: Band Director JessWill@hpsvikings.org
The Hopkins Public School District Board of Education complies with all federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, marital status, height, weight, or disability in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Mr. Scott VanBonn, Superintendent of Schools, Hopkins Public Schools, 400 Clark Street, Hopkins, MI 49328 Phone 269-793-7261.
The District shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, age, religion, height, weight, marital or family status, disability, military status, genetic information, or any other legally protected category in its programs and activities, including employment. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and shall likewise not be permitted with respect to students or employees. The District shall not retaliate against a person who reports or opposes improper discrimination or retaliation. The District shall fully comply with all applicable federal and state civil rights statutes, including, without limitation, Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.