Harvey Green News
December 2024
Harvey Green Elementary School
Ms. Trisha Johnson, Principal tjohnson@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Penny Martinez, Secretary pmartinez@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Veronica Luna, Office Assistant vluna@fusdk12.net
Website: https://fremontunified.org/green/
Location: 42875 Gatewood Street, Fremont, CA, USA
Phone: 510-656-6438
Harvey Green 2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Principal's Message
Harvey Green Families,
December has quickly arrived and has brought the cold weather along. Please be sure that your child brings a jacket or wears layers to school as we eat outside almost daily. It is also helpful if you label your child's jacket with their name, in case they get warm and take it off.
We hope you can join us later this month for Cookies and Cocoa with Santa. You can find more information below about this fun family event. Also, if you have not joined PTA, we would appreciate you joining, as they provide many opportunities for our students.
Please remember when planning trips to look over the school calendar. Students should attend school daily, unless they are ill. If you need to plan an extended trip, please see the information below regarding Independent Study and contact Ms. Veronica before scheduling your trip to ensure your child's spot at Harvey Green.
If there is anything your family needs assistance with, please reach out to me at tjohnson@fusdk12.net.
Ms. Johnson
Important Dates
3~ 7:00pm PTA- Zoom- Register here
6~ PTA- Step into Sports- More info
10~ Pizza Guys Fundraiser- Flyer
10~ 5:00pm SSC- Library
11~ Science Assembly
13~ PTA- Cookies and Cocoa with Santa- More info below
16-20~ Spirit Week- Flyer
17~ 6:30pm Winter Band Concert- MUR
20~ Minimum Day- 1st-5th Grade Only
23- Jan. 3~ Winter Break
6~ School Resumes
7-10~ 5th Grade Science Camp
14~ PTA Meeting
17~ Progress Reports Go Home
20~ No School
23~ 2pm ELAC
Attendance Awareness
As we prepare to take time off from school (December 23 - January 3) for the winter break, we are grateful for everyone who has helped restore a routine for showing up to school while supporting students and families. Daily routines are essential for reducing stress and creating a sense of security, especially after the chaotic transitions experienced over the past few years. As long as your child is healthy, please encourage showing up to class when school is in session. Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as connect to peers and their teachers.
Earlier this year, Student Support Services held a parent workshop on Attendance and Routines. Click here to view their slides or watch the recording of their presentation.
Science Fair
Harvey Green Elementary Science Fair projects are due Thursday, February 13th at 8:30am to the Science Lab (room 20). The Harvey Green Science Fair will be Tuesday, February 18th from 5-6pm. All students are encouraged to participate. We look forward to seeing many projects that spark the curiosity and creativity of our students. If you are interested in having your child participate please view the Science Fair Rules Book. If you need a hard copy they are available in the office.
Be sure to follow all the rules and guidelines. Our amazing PTA will be sponsoring a club for 1st-5th grade students who want help on their projects. Information will be sent out soon regarding this club. Be sure to join PTA for priority registration for this club as spots are limited.
2025-2026 Enrollment
Continuing Students
Students currently enrolled in Fremont Unified do not need to re-enroll each year. However, as per Board Policy, in order to secure your spot for the 25-26 school year at your current school, you will need to go through the Residency Verification Process.
You will receive an email on February 3, 2025 with a link to submit the completed Residency Verification Form along with two proofs of residency documents. The deadline to submit this documentation and secure your spot at Harvey Green is February 28th, 2025.
Sibling Priority Enrollment
Sibling priority enrollment is open to those families who have a sibling currently enrolled at Harvey Green in grades TK-4th.
Applications must be submitted online on or before March 19th, with an enrollment meeting completed by March 21st, 2025 to be included in priority placement or lottery for kindergarten students and/or sibling priority.
Application link will be available on the Enrollment website on January 6, 2025. Appointments for virtual meetings to finalize the enrollment are accepted on an ongoing basis after January 13, 2025.
Independent Study Contract
It is imperative that your student attends school daily. Lost classroom time is difficult to replace. However, if you find that you need an extended absence during the school year you will need to request an Independent Study Contract. The contract prevents your child from falling behind and gives him or her attendance credit. If work is not received by the scheduled deadline, the contract will be considered incomplete and voided. The student will not receive attendance credit. Below are the guidelines and policy for requesting an Independent Study Contract.
1. Parent must notify the school at least 10 school days prior to the absence.
2. Students whose achievement level is below grade level standards may not be eligible.
3. Students who have had an ISC in the past and did not successfully complete it, are not eligible for a new contract.
4. Contracts will not be issued on the first 20 days, or the last 20 days of school.
5. Contracts are issued for a minimum of 5 school days and a maximum of 10 days.
6. A student can only have 3 Independent Study Contracts in their K-12 career in FUSD.
7. Contracts may not be faxed or emailed.
8. Students with an IEP must have an addendum to their IEP before the contract will be approved
Contracts must be approved by the teacher and the principal.
Please contact Ms. Veronica Luna for more information in the school office or by email: vluna@fusdk12.net
Student Absences
If your child is ill or will not be attending school, please contact the school’s absence line (before 9am) at (510) 656-6438, then press 7.
Please leave the student’s name, class number and reason for absence. For reasons of student safety, we need to know where students are, so we can determine in a timely fashion who is not at school without their parents’ knowledge. If these absences are not cleared by a parent/guardian, they will be considered unexcused. Excessive absences and/or tardies, excused or unexcused, may result in a truancy warning.
Medication at School
If your child needs medication at school please use this link to get all necessary form. Health Forms
These forms will need to be completed and signed by the doctor. Do not send your child to school with medication in their backpack, this is unsafe for them and all other students.
Per Board Policy any parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the District shall notify the District prior to or within five (5) days of any change in circumstance and/or a move which would affect their student’s residency (AR 5111.1).
Please complete and email the Change of Address Form with 2 proofs of new address residency to your current school.
Free Breakfast and Lunch Daily
ALL Harvey Green students will have access to free meals here at school. Students will be asked every morning if they are going to get a school lunch so we can order the correct amount
of food. Please communicate with your child if you would like them to get a school meal and if they are choosing the meat or vegetarian option.
Breakfast will be served daily in the MUR for any interested students at 8:00am. Parents/guardians are not allowed in the MUR. Students will be supervised while they eat and will be either released to recess when finished or if they are TK/K they will be walked to class.
For menus and more information please use this link.
PTA Corner
PTA Cookies & Cocoa with Santa – Friday, December 13th, 5:30 – 8 pm
Save the date for our annual holiday winter event. There will be priority registration for PTA members. Priority registration is open until Friday (12/6). If you are not a PTA member yet, please JOIN HERE to register early with a promotional price for the event. Space is limited (25 families for every 30 minutes)! We will be having five 30 minute time slots for families to get their photo with Santa, decorate cookies, make an ornament, and enjoy some hot cocoa.
Toy Donation: We are also looking for any new toys suitable for ages 3 - 12 to include in our raffles. These contributions will help bring joy and create memorable experiences for our children. Please kindly drop them off at the office by Monday (12/09).
Event details: here
Pre-Registration for the event: here (registration is not complete until you get confirmation)
Volunteers: We also need volunteers to help out, for those interested, please fill out this form. To help lend tables for the event and make hot cocoa, please sign up here.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact harveygreenpta@gmail.com for details.
Upcoming events
Every Monday until 12/16 – Writing Club (7-8 pm, MUR)
Every Tuesday – Band (3:00-3:40 pm All, 3:00-4:20pm Advanced)
Every Tuesday until 12/10 – News Club (5-6pm, MUR)
12/03 – PTA December Meeting. Please register in advance here.
12/06 – Step into Sports (3:30 – 5pm) more info
12/13 – Cookies & Cocoa with Santa (5:30 pm at MUR)
12/17 – Winter Band Concert (6:30 pm at MUR)
PTA Membership Drive
Join the PTA today to unlock exclusive perks, including priority registration for Cookies & Cocoa with Santa and high-demand clubs like Science Fair Club (starting in Jan) and Robotics for 2nd and 3rd graders (starting in Feb), plus a $5 discount to Cookies & Cocoa with Santa. Your membership also helps your child's class win the end-of-year pizza party through the membership drive.
Harvey Green Spirit Wear
You can buy a Harvey Green T-shirt for $15 or a cozy hoodie for $30 at the school office.
Reflections Winners
Thank you to all of the participants in the Reflections Contest. We are proud of the hard work that was put into each project. Here are the winners that will move on to the next round of competition:
TK-2 Miraya R.
3-5 Nitara K.
Visual Arts
TK-2 Katherine M.
3-5 Navya C.
TK-2 Akshadha N.
3-5 Navya C.
Good luck to all!