2024-25 NPHS Summer Mailer
NPHS Important Summer Information Newsletter

Para español: Hace click en el enlace a la derecha que dice “Translate Newsletter”
Happy Summer Panthers!
Office hours from August 5th through August 20th will be the following:
7 AM to 12:00 PM
The office is closed from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM for lunch
1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
The office is closed after 4:00 pm each day
Office hours starting Wednesday, August 21st:
7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Be on the lookout for more information from NPHS and CVUSD. My hope is for everyone to continue to enjoy their summer! You can also access all this information on the school website with the button labeled summer mailer on the front page.
We Are Better Together!
Mr. Lepire
Introducing 5-Star At NPHS
Class of 2025 General Information
All Seniors must complete the following below:
- Senior Contract
- Senior Portrait with Monarch Photography
- Senior Activities Field Trip Permission Form
CVUSD Senior Contract Please complete this MANDATORY Google Form by August 23rd. This contract is required to be able to participate in Senior Activities, including Graduation. You may also print, sign, and turn in to NPHS on Wednesday, August 14th during your scheduled textbook pickup day. CVUSD Senior Contract (Spanish)
Class of 2025 Senior Portrait Information: All portraits for the Class of 2024 are done with Monarch Photography. Please contact them to schedule an appointment at 805-843-4111.
Class of 2025 Calendar of Events: This is a tentative schedule of events. More may be added, and dates and locations are subject to change. All seniors will be notified of any changes. To participate in any or all of these events, each senior needs to complete the senior contract above, as well as the Senior Field Trip Permission for our off-campus events by August 31st.
Class of 2028 Freshmen Orientation Information
ID Photo, Textbook Pick-Up, and Schedule Pick-Up
Students will have ONE identification card and are expected to carry their ID Cards at all times. They are required for admission to school events. This year, ALL students will take their ID Photo during their scheduled day and time (please review the flyer below this section). It is very important that students come during their scheduled time to make sure that they get their ID card with all specialized information (SAC, Off-Campus pass) permanently affixed to the card, and they will receive their ID Cards THAT DAY so that they are ready to go for the first day of school.
For those who miss their scheduled time, they will not be able to get their IDs until after school begins on the photo makeup day, Tuesday, August 27th. This means that no 11th or 12th Grade Students will be able to get their off-campus passes until after that time, and students will not be able to use their SAC card for any events until they have their ID Cards. Replacement for lost or stolen ID cards will be $10.00.
We recommend parents of 11th and 12th Grade students come into the office between August 5th and August 9th this summer to sign the off-campus pass agreement. This will allow our staff to emboss the necessary permissions onto the cards at Orientation. Eligible juniors and seniors will NOT be allowed to leave campus until their parents sign the parent consent form for off-campus lunch passes.
Eligibility is based off of a minimum of a 2.0 GPA and no F's on your 2024 Final Report Card, as well as no more than 5-period truancies during quarter 4 of your 2023-24 school year. Any excessive attendance issues or major disciplinary actions within the 23-24 school year will be evaluated and will affect eligibility. Eligibility will be reevaluated at the end of semester one.
Class Schedules
Complete schedules with class periods, room numbers, and teachers will be posted on Q Connect on August 19th at 5:00 pm.
- As a reminder there are NO TEACHER CHANGES. Please do not ask as we cannot accommodate changes for teachers.
- Counselors and teachers will work with families throughout the semester to best meet each child's needs in their assigned teachers class.
Daily Bell Schedule
Bell Schedule Information 2024-2025
1. Daily Bell Schedules
2. Shortened Day Schedules
3. Final Exam Dates and Bell Schedules
- Plan ahead and review these dates carefully!
NPHS Teacher Office Hours
Please remember that all NPHS teachers will hold designated office hours each Thursday from 1:40 pm to around 2:30 pm. This is a great opportunity for students to get targeted support from all of their teachers. Athletic practices are not allowed to start until after 2:30 on Thursdays. Please encourage your students to take advantage of this great opportunity.
NPHS Student Store Information
NPHS Student Store Information
Student Store opens online on August 2nd. Student Store Hours
Student Activity Card Information
Homecoming Tickets Sale Starts AUGUST 1st. Buy now and save!
NPHS 2024-25 Yearbook Information - Buy Early and Save!
Student ID/Yearbook Photo Package from Monarch Photography
Annual Notice of Parent’s Rights and Responsibilities
Off Campus Pass Information
Off-Campus Passes (OCP) allow 11th and 12th grade students to leave campus during lunch. Students are only eligible to receive an Off-Campus Lunch Pass if they have accomplished the following:
- parent signed permission form (must be signed in front of an office staff member)
earned a 2.0 GPA the previous semester
90% or better attendance during previous semester
No Unauthorized Departure incidents during the previous semester
No suspensions from the previous semester
Parents/Guardians can sign for an Off Campus Lunch pass in the Main Office during opening hours at any time. If a student does not meet eligibility, Parents/Guardians may still sign for a pass that will be issued once a student becomes eligible. Parents/guardians can sign at any time during the school year, and they can also contact Mrs. Eckelkamp if they wish to take away their authorization.
This year, all students must submit an application for an Off Campus Lunch Pass. Applications will be automatically approved for all students who have met all of the above criteria. Approved students will be able to see an icon on their digital ID in the 5Star Students App before the first day of school. Off Campus Lunch Pass Applications can be accessed here.
Students who are not eligible can submit an appeal to Mrs. Eckelkamp and will be notified of the final decision on 9/20/2024 through their Learn Accounts. Appeals will not be granted any earlier than 9/20/2024. Request for appeals can be submitted here.
Students must present their OCP through their student ID in the 5Star app. Students without the app will be released once the campus supervisor verifies their status.
Passes can be suspended or revoked at any time, for any duration, under the discretion of NPHS administration for disciplinary or academic concerns. Students who do not return on time will need to check in through the office and will have their OCP suspended for 5 days.
11th and 12th Grade Parking Permit Information
Parking at Newbury Park High School is limited. Students and staff are required to have a visible permit at all times while parking on campus. Students must keep in mind that parking is also restricted in many nearby streets. Students are also NOT permitted to park in the shopping center on Reino Road with Trader Joe's. Borchard Park has a limited number of overflow spaces that students may use for free, but only in the designated areas.
Student who do not follow parking policies may be subject to school-based discipline and/or citations from the City of Thousand Oaks.
11th and 12th-grade students
can click HERE to request a
parking permit for purchase.
NPHS General Attendance Information
Regular, punctual attendance directly correlates to academic performance. Good attendance is a shared responsibility between the student and parent. We expect parents to send their children to school each day on time and to call in any absence within 3 school days. We expect students to arrive at each class on time, to stay at school, and to discuss attendance issues with their parents/guardians.
California Education Code section 48205 and CVUSD board policies state that absences for the following reasons may be excused:
Personal Illness,
Medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic services,
Funeral services of an immediate family member,
Jury duty,
Illness during school hours of a child to whom the student is a custodial parent,
Service as a member of a precinct board,
Participation in religious exercises or to receive a moral and religious instruction
For the purpose of attending OR
Upon advance written request
Appearance in court
Attendance at funeral service
Observation of a religious holiday or ceremony
Attendance at a religious retreat not to exceed four hours per semester
Attendance at an employment conference
Additional information regarding Attendance Policies and Procedures can be found here:
Required Annual Updates For The 24-25 School Year
On August 1st at 8:00 am, every CVUSD family will receive an e-mail explaining how to access the required Annual Updates, including acknowledgments and permissions, through Q Parent Connect. All families new and returning are required to complete all updates. The updates must be completed by August 11th.
For your information, the update includes:
- Changes to Student Contact Information
- Verification of Receipt of Documents
- Annual Notice for Parents, Staff, and Students
- Responsible Use of Technology
- Student Images/Directory Information
- Teacher Aide Classes
- Cal Grant
- Military Directory
- Verification of Immunizations
- Student Residency Questionnaire
- Emergency Authorization
- Student Health Inventory
- Application for Free and Reduced Meals
- Student Chromebook Loan Agreement
- Bring Your Own Device Policy
- Safety Contract & Class Agreement (Grades 6-12)
New and Returning Athletes
Athletic Clearance Instructions
Exer Urgent Care Complimentary Sport Screenings - (English) (Spanish)
2024-2025 Panther Athletics Tryout Dates
Athletics Schedule August 12th - 24th
Athletics Social Media Accounts and Websites
Athletic Department Contact Information
NPHS PTSA News and Information
Your NPHS PTSA is a part of the nation’s largest volunteer-led child advocacy group in the country, which works to connect our families, schools, and communities, and offers a chance for each of us to strengthen and support the educational needs of ALL our students!
TOGETHER, our NPHS PTSA supports the following programs:
Teacher Grants ~ Reflections Art Program ~ Staff Appreciation Luncheons ~ Back to School Night Outreach ~ Homecoming Dances ~ Principal’s Coffees ~ Counselors’ Coffees ~ Future Panther Night Outreach ~ Graduation Activities ~ Honor Roll BBQs ~ Student Teas ~ Senior Scholarship ~Student Assistance ~ Overall School Support
The only thing required to be a member and help fund essential educational needs for our students and teachers is to pay the annual membership dues. But for those interested, we are always in need of support through volunteerism – event volunteers, committee members, and even Board members. See what fits at NewburyParkHSPTSA.org/volunteers
There is no wrong way to be involved – anything you can give, whether it’s time or money, will support your child’s potential!
Students, parents, and staff can join by visiting nphsptsa.mycheddarup.com or by scanning the QR code. REMEMBER: Panthers who are members for all four years are eligible to apply for the NPHS, Conejo Council, and 12th District PTSA senior scholarships!
Have a wonderful summer and we can’t wait to see you all in the Fall!
Dawn Zavada
2024-25 NPHS PTSA President
No Place For Hate
In an effort to continue our school's ongoing commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students and staff, our students and staff will take an important step towards creating a safer and more inviting campus culture by pledging to do our part in the new No Place for Hate® program. This initiative, created by the ADL, embodies our shared vision of instilling values of inclusivity, respect and equity within our school.
The No Place for Hate® pledge is a collective promise by our school community to contribute to a learning environment that stands up to discrimination and embraces unity. This program signifies a concerted effort to stand together against hate, prejudice and intolerance. Our primary objective with the No Place for Hate® program is to cultivate a learning community where every individual feels valued, respected and included. Through educational initiatives, discussions and engagement activities, we aim to promote understanding, empathy and compassion among all members of our school community.
Breakfast and Lunch Meal Service is Available for All Students
CVUSD 2024-25 Meal Application Packet
CVUSD Student Insurance Information
Student Injuries and Insurance Parent Letter - English
Student Injuries and Insurance Parent Letter - Spanish
Student Accident & Sickness Coverage - English
Student Accident & Sickness Coverage - Spanish
Student Insurance Claim Form & Claim Filing Procedure - English
Student Insurance Claim Form & Claim Filing Procedure - Spanish
Student Insurance Online Enrollment Link