NOV 20
Saint John Catholic School
Upcoming Events
- $1 Dress Down for Veteran's Assistance Fund
- Centre Wildlife Presentation
MON 11/25
- 9 a.m. Mass led by 2nd and 5th grades
- First Reconciliation for 2nd Grade following Mass
TUES 11/26
- Twinkle Tuesday - Fall / Thanksgiving Dress - to support Weiser Family
- 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Drama Club
WED 11/27 - MON 12/2
- No School - Thanksgiving Break
SUN 12/1
- First Sunday of Advent
TUES 12/3
- Twinkle Tuesday - Cozy Christmas - bring new socks for CYS
WED 12/4
- 6-7 p.m. Family Reading Night (see below)
THUR 12/5
- Happy Birthday to Deacon Tom
FRI 12/6
- Saint Nicholas Day
- Progress Reports Sent Home
SUN 12/8
- 3 p.m. Christmas Pageant
MON 12/9
- 9 a.m. Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception led by 1st and 4th Grades
TUES 12/10
- Twinkle Tuesday - Shiny and Bright - to support a school family battling cancer
- 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Drama Club
Happy Wednesday!
We are officially now in the midst of the holiday fun! Please check the emails and both paper and online school calendars for important information. We do our best to give you ample notice of our special events. Be sure to scroll to the end for concert information and to help with Santa's Workshop, if you're able!
Special Twinkle Tuesday
As we approach the Thanksgiving season, we invite you to join us in supporting the Weiser Family with a special Twinkle Tuesday on November 26th, the day before our holiday break. Students are encouraged to participate in a Fall/Thanksgiving-themed Dress Down Day, with all donations directly benefiting the family as they navigate health challenges.
Details about our three December Twinkle Tuesdays were sent home last week, and can also be found later in this newsletter. Aside from the sock donation for CYS on December 3, we ask a minimum donation of $1. Of course, if the designation is one that is more meaningful to you, you are welcome to give a higher amount. If donating in one lump sum, we will distribute funds evenly. 100% of donations received go to the noted recipients.
Thank you for your generosity and for helping us continue to form Saints in the Making within our school community.
Sincerely in Christ,
Mrs. Tice
Traveling Crucifix
Just as Saint John Church is sharing a traveling symbol of faith from home to home, we have introduced a Traveling Crucifix for our classrooms. Its first stop was Mrs. Russell’s fourth-grade class, where students dedicated the week to prayer for vocations, with a special focus on vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Family Reading Night
Join the fun!
This year our Saint John Home & School Association will be hosting monthly social events for families. The first activity will be a "Cozy Camp-In Reading Night" and will take place on Wednesday, December 4, from 6:00-7:00pm in the school auditorium. Put on some cozy clothes, grab your books, blankets, and flashlights and spend an evening reading together! All school students and their family members are welcome to attend. Children must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the event. Please contact Michelle Russell ( or Alison Stauffer ( with any questions.
After School Care Enrollment
Week of November 18-22
The After School Care Enrollment link is now available for November 25 -26
If you are planning to have your child utilize the After School Care Program during this time, we ask that you register them using this link by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, November 22.
As a reminder, you only need to complete the form if your child(ren) will be attending After School on at least one of these days. Thank you!
Home and School News
Elves Needed for Santa's Workshop
Santa's Helpers have been busy preparing for another fun season and would love for you to join us in making the season bright for our students!
We are looking for volunteers:
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 5:30-7:30 p.m.: Help carry bins from the school closet to the auditorium stage, and/or help organize and prepare gifts for Friday. Clearances not required.
Thursday, Dec. 12, 5:30 p.m.-?: Come help transform the school auditorium into Santa’s Workshop! Clearances not required.
Friday, Dec. 13, 8-11:05 a.m. or 11 a.m.-2 p.m.: Sign up for a shift to help students shop and/or wrap their gifts. We will also need help cleaning up at the end of the day. Clearances required.
Visit the Sign Up Genius link for full details and to register. Questions? Please contact Kelly Yost at
Contribute to Santa's Sleigh
We are always accepting donations of new or like-new items, and we are in particular need of gifts men would enjoy. Specific suggestions to help with this year’s workshop are listed below. To help avoid an overabundance of an item, suggested donations are divided by grades. Please send donations to the school office, marked with “Santa’s Workshop,” no later than Monday, Nov. 25.
Preschool/Kindergarten: Tape, ribbon and bubble wrap, beef sticks
First Grade: Gift bags, tools (please no blades), mini flashlights
Second Grade: Men’s thermal socks, tissue paper, single serve drink mixes
Third Grade: BBQ items such as tongs, basting brushes and mini BBQ sauces
Fourth Grade: Fishing items, such as plastic baits/lures, bobbers and fishing line. No hooks, please!
Fifth Grade: Travel size lostions, soft women’s socks, dish soaps
Don’t have time to shop? You are welcome to send in a monetary donation labeled “Santa’s Workshop” and let us do the shopping for you!
Gift Card Raffle
A reminder that ticket sales for our Gift Card Calendar Raffle run through Dec. 3. If you need additional tickets, please email or contact the school office. Please turn in all ticket stubs and money to the school office by Wednesday, Dec. 4.
Every weekday morning from Dec. 9 through Dec. 20, the school office staff will randomly draw two winning tickets. The winners will receive the prizes generously donated from local businesses listed on the calendar for that day.
November 22 is the Feast of Saint Cecilia
Patron Saint of Music and Musicians
November 22 is also the Feast Day of Christ the King
A Roman Catholic festival that celebrates Jesus Christ
as the king of the universe and the lord of all creation
Parish Event
2024-2025 Calendars
2024-2025 SY
2024-2025 Special Events
November Calendar
November Menu
December Calendar
December Menu
Lord, Hear Our Prayer
Please join us as we pray for the special intentions of the Stauffer and Hillard families, as well as those of Mr. Packer and his family.
Saint Joseph,
Patron Saint of Families,
Pray for Us.
Contact us
Location: 116 E. Bishop Street, Bellefonte, PA, United States
Phone: 814-355-7859
Fax: 814-355-2939