Robinson Middle School News
Back to School Info: August 10, 2024
Message from Mrs. Berrouet
If you are new to Robinson- welcome! You have found the best Middle School in Plano and I dare to say in Texas. We have caring, outstanding educators who take pride in making sure all students' needs are met.
Please read the newsletter fully as it contains important information about our policies and procedures. We will be sharing this information with students during the course of the first week of school.
School begins on August 13th and first period begins at 8:25 am. Parents will not walk students to the classrooms. Students are expected to walk in the building by themselves. We will have plenty of staff members to supervise and guide students to make sure we get every student to the right place and to class. Tardies are not in effect until we are confident that students have learned their schedules and are comfortable navigating the building which does not happen until a couple of weeks into the school year.
You can expect to get a newsletter from me every week, and I hope you take time to review it in order to stay informed about what is happening at Robinson. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Our staff is excited to see our Razorbacks next week! Looking forward to a great year of learning and growing together.
Mrs. Berrouet
Robinson Middle School
Location: Robinson Middle School, Preston Meadow Drive, Plano, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-6200
Website: pisd.edu/robinson
Instagram: @robinsonrazorb1
Twitter X: @robinsonrazorb1
Upcoming Dates
August 13 1st Day of School
August 19 Fall Picture Day
August 29 Fall Open House 6-7:30pm
Back to School Resources
Please see the resources shared by the district: back to school resources.
Counseling Updates
Counselors are currently working on schedules. Please use the following forms if you need assistance with courses:
New Students (please fill this form out once):
6th Grade New Student Course Selections
7th-8th Grade New Student Course Selections
Schedule Changes (please fill this form out once):
Incomplete Schedule, Duplicate Classes, or Change of Rigor for Core Classes
Please check Skyward for any schedule changes that have been made. The counselors are diligently working through all schedule corrections, and are unable to keep track of individual changes. If you have any specific questions about a change that has been made, please reach out to your student’s counselor.
For assistance with registration, please contact our registrar, Elena Martinez at
If you are still experiencing issues with Skyward Family Access, please fill out the form below if you haven’t already done so. Mrs. Martinez is the only person able to assist with this process on campus, and she is making her way through each request as quickly as possible. While it is most important for parents to be able to access their student’s information through Skyward, we do want to share a tip with how you may be able to view your students schedule. Please have your student follow the steps below, and they should be able to view their schedule.
Skyward Family Access:
Student View of Schedule Steps:
Login to webdesk.pisd.edu
Click the magnifying glass, and search "Skyward"
Click on the blue Skyward icon
Once they are in Skyward, there is a "Schedule" button that should allow them to view their schedule
Kelli Tisdale
Alpha A-For
Hannah Garrad
Alpha Fox-L
Lawrence Cheeks
Alpha M-Riy
April Blaskowski
Alpha Roa-Z
News From the Nurse
All students enrolled and attending school must meet the minimum vaccination requirements for Texas. Parents may check the PISD District Health Services Immunization website, to review which immunizations are required for their child’s particular grade level. As a reminder, all students entering the 7th grade must have one dose of the MCV4 vaccine, as well as a Tdap vaccine. Parents must submit updated immunization records to the school, prior to August 13, 2024. Parents with a Skyward Family Access account can view the current immunization record on file for their child. Please contact your child’s physician or me, if you have any questions.
Madelyne Deer
Robinson Nurse
School Supply List
Please send the supplies to school on the first day of school. Your student's teachers will tell your student which supplies to keep and which ones to turn in.
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
- All 6th grade students will have A lunch from 11-11:30, right after the 3rd period class.
- 7th and 8th graders will have either B or C lunch depending on their 5th period class.
- If their 5th period is one of the following classes, then they have B lunch from 11:51-12:21 (History, Science, Orchestra, PE, Health, Choir or ESL).
- If their 5th period class is English, Art, Technology, Speech, Theatre, LOTE, AVID or WIN, then they will have C lunch from 12:42-1:12.
Please plan accordingly and have your student eat a hearty breakfast if their lunch is not until 12:42 pm. We do not have snack breaks in middle school, and snacks and drinks besides water are not allowed to be consumed outside cafeteria. If your student has a medical condition, please contact our nurse.
If students are not eating cafeteria food, please prep and pack lunches so students can bring lunches to school with them. Food can’t be reheated at school.
Students are not allowed to receive food delivered from DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc. Parents can drop off food for students in the front entryway. Please place student name on food items/drinks and place on grade level shelves in front entryway.
Due to diet restrictions and allergies, students are not allowed to share food with others.
For bus information and questions, please visit Plano ISD Transportation Services webpage. It contains information regarding bus eligibility, fare busing, route finder, and FAQ.
Click below.
Arrival and Dismissal
Our building opens at 7:50am and the tardy bell rings at 8:25 m. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their assigned 1st period class.
School dismisses at 3:45pm. All students should exit the building by 3:50pm and be off campus by 3:55pm unless involved in a school activity under the direct supervision of a sponsor/staff member.
Talk to your student about entering the building immediately after being dropped off and going to the designated area: 6th grade students will go to the gym, 7th and 8th grade students will go to cafeteria. Students are released from those areas around 8:20am so they can get to their class by 8:25am.
If students want breakfast, they would need to go straight to cafeteria, since breakfast is available from 7:50am - 8:25am.
Note that there is no supervision before 7:50am or after 4pm unless your child is in tutoring or involved in a school organized activity/ club meeting, so please ensure your child has a ride by 4pm.
All carpool traffic goes through the front carpool or music carpool. The back of the building is reserved for bus traffic only.
Pull forward all the way down passed the front doors (almost by the side doors) to reduce the number of cars lined up on Preston Meadow.
Please do not park in the carpool lane to not block the traffic.
Be patient with one another to start the year. Our priority is student safety. The carpool speed improves over time.
Cell phone use is prohibited in school zones, including the carpool lane.
- Ask your child to pay attention and look for you, so we can keep the cars moving.
- Last but not least, be kind to the staff members who are on duty. They will remind you or your student of our safety protocols/ procedures if they are not being followed.
3rd Tardy = teacher detention
4th Tardy = office referral
All absences need a parent or doctor note to be considered excused. Parents are required to provide a parent or doctor’s note within 3 days of student's return to school.
We take attendance every period, so an absence from any period is an absence from school. We need a note even if you check out early or arrive late. If there are circumstances (illness, travel, etc.) that may cause excessive absences, please upload absence notes to Skyward Family Access or contact our attendance clerk:
Upeksha Seneviratne upeksha.seneviratne@pisd.edu
After multiple tardies or unexcused absences, parents will receive letters in the mail to notify them of attendance concerns.
Excessive absences will result in conferences with administration, Friday Night School for students and Mandatory Attendance Training class for parents.
Continued absences after written notice may require the campus to file truancy.
Please see your Alpha AP with any questions.
Cell Phone and Electronics Policy
Cell Phones
Cell phones are not allowed from 8:18 am - 3:45 pm. They need to be silenced or turned off and put away in the backpacks.
Electronic devices (including earbuds or headphones) should not be visible or in use during passing periods.
Students are not allowed to bring their phones with them when going to the restroom.
Students will have an opportunity to earn cell phone privilege during lunch on Fridays if they follow cafeteria expectations during the week. It will be administrators' discretion to grant the privilege.
If students need to get in touch with you during the day, they can use the office phone with adult’s permission.
Cell phones and other personal electronic devices are the responsibility of the student, and they should never be shared with other students or left unattended. Please talk to your student about being responsible with personal electronics. It is not the SRO’s priority to locate lost items for students. We can investigate but can't guarantee that the device will be recovered. Students can check the lost and found or the front office for lost items. Please do not send students to school with expensive electronics.
If students violate the cell phone policy, they will be asked to turn the phone in to the staff member. On the 1st violation, the student will be able to pick up their device at the end of the school day. On the 2nd violation, the phone/device will not be released to the student. The parent or guardian will be expected to collect the device from school at their convenience.
Thank you for helping us ensure a distraction free learning environment at Robinson!
Chromebooks will be issued to all students when they return to school (first 3 days of school). Students are expected to carry their devices to and from school every day.
Students are responsible for their devices. Please make sure Chromebooks are charged every night since they are used daily and there are not enough outlets for students to use in every classroom.
Chromebooks should only be used when teachers specifically direct students to do so. Students are expected to comply with classroom rules and staff directives regarding device use. Violations may result in disciplinary action aka consequences.
No listening to music is allowed during class time. Earbuds or headphones may be used for instructional purpose, for example, when a teacher instructs students to watch a video for an assignment.
Dress Code and ID Badges
Dress Code
Be sure you review the Plano ISD Dress Code to ensure that your student is dressed appropriately. Some reminders:
Shorts, including athletic shorts, must extend beyond the buttocks.
Leggings/yoga pants may be worn as pants if the buttocks area is covered with a shirt or worn underneath a dress, skirt, or shorts.
Dresses, skirts, skorts, shirts, shorts and pants (including shorts and pants with rips and holes) must cover all under garments at all times whether in standing, reaching, stooping or sitting position. Chest, midriff and buttocks should be covered at all times with material that is not see-through.
House shoes or slippers are not appropriate.
Sunglasses, caps, hats, raised hoods, and any other nonreligious head covering that can conceal the face from clear view are not permitted to be worn in the building.
ID Badges
Middle School Students are required to wear ID badges on campus and on school buses during the school year. ID and yearbook photos will be taken on Fall Picture Day.
Administration Team
Lasma Jekabsone-Berrouet
Assistant Principal
Ammon Talbot (Alpha A-L)
Assistant Principal
Andrea Hale (Alpha M-Z)
Counseling Team
Ms. Tisdale (Alpha A-For) kelli.tisdale@pisd.edu Upstairs in B213
Ms. Garrad (Alpha Fox-L) hannah.garrad@pisd.edu Downstairs in A113
Mr. Cheeks (Alpha M-Riy) lawrence.cheeks@pisd.edu Upstairs B in B212
Ms. Blaskowski (Alpha Roa-Z) april.blaskowski@pisd.edu Downstairs in A117
Office Staff
Receptionist Sharna Jett sharna.jett@pisd.edu 469-752-6202
Attendance Clerk Upeksha Seneviratne upeksha.seneviratne@pisd.edu 469-752-6202
Registrar Elena Martinez elena.martinez@pisd.edu 469-752-6215
Office Clerk Ivette Figueroa ivette.figueroa@pisd.edu