The Social Studies Connection
More than a Newsletter for Secondary Social Studies Teachers

December 2023
Secondary Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator
Office of Teaching & Learning
Curriculum Division
Southland Center - 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH
MTSS Social Studies Resources
MTSS is a comprehensive, multi-tiered, standards-aligned system designed to enable educators to identify the academic and behavioral needs of students. The goal of MTSS is to increase student achievement using research-based interventions/programs matched to the instructional needs and level of the student after first assuring that we have offered a guaranteed and viable curriculum at the core instructional level.
CCS Social Studies provides instructional resources to help teachers deliver Tier 1 instruction (for all students) and guide intervention at Tier 2 and Tier 3. TCI is the adopted CCS textbook program for core classes, grades 6-11. With model lessons built around an inquiry cycle and engagement strategy, TCI programs are powerful tools for high-quality instruction. For HS African American History, Psychology, and Sociology, HHM products have been adopted to support high-quality Tier 1 instruction.
Teachers can access TCI's Social Studies Skills Toolkits (Graphic Organizers, Developing Map Skills, Developing Critical Thinking Skills) and Reading and ELD Support (Reading, Writing, Vocabulary) to use for Tier 2 and 3 intervention. Additionally, CCS Social Studies has developed vertically-aligned Skills Assessments in MasteryConnect to use for diagnostic purposes. High School students also have additional literacy support through the Achieve3000 program. See the articles below for more details on these resources.
For more than 20 years, Achieve3000 has been empowering educators and helping them unlock student potential and accelerate learning growth.
Achieve3000 is returning to CCS this month, where it is now serving as the literacy intervention program for grades 9-11.
Achieve3000 lessons and articles provide literacy support aligned with topics in the social studies curriculum. Achieve lessons provide readings on multiple Lexile levels. Teachers can browse articles by topic to locate readings aligned with the topics in Modern World History, American History, and American Government.
High School teachers will soon be able to access Achieve3000 via Clever. Stay tuned to CCS email for a "go live" date.
Professional development on Achieve3000 will provided at the January 16 PD day.
Social Studies Skills Assessments in MasteryConnect ☑️
CCS Social Studies has built a custom collection of vertically-aligned social studies skills assessments in MasteryConnect. Assessments can be used for diagnostic and formative assessments and assist with Tier 2 intervention. These assessments are available on a MasteryConnect Curriculum Map. (Log into MasteryConnect through Clever, Canvas, or Google.)
The Social Studies Skills Map includes a collection of vertically-aligned social studies skills assessments. The assessments align with the four disciplinary domains of social studies paired in the following way:
- Historical Thinking and Civic Participation; and
- Geographic Reasoning and Economic Decision-Making.
Each pair of disciplinary domain includes three leveled assessments:
- Emerging (Grades 4-6 Standards)
- Experienced (Grade 7-8 Standards)
- Expert (High School Standards)
This collection is a work in progress. Additional tutorials will be added over time to allow for Tier 2 intervention and extension within the MasteryConnect platform.
TCI Implementation Resource Center
The TCI Implementation Resource Center is your one-stop shop for learning the best practices of TCI and how these practices align with CCS Curriculum.
The Implementation Resource Center provide information about:
- On-Demand PD
- TCI Digital Platform Introduction
- Theory and Research-Based Active Instruction
- TCI Lesson Elements and Cycle
- Activities/Engagement Strategies
- TCI Programs for CCS Middle School Courses
- TCI Programs for CCS High School Courses
- Digging Deeper with TCI Ten PD Videos.
This page is also accessible from the CCS Social Studies Homepage.
OST Item Analysis, 2021-2023
CCS Social Studies has compiled three years worth of item analysis from the American History and American Government OST into a spreadsheet. These are the only test years that assessed the current standards (2018).
The data are organized by standard and CCS unit, and provide performance results for each item, along with the content of the item if released by the state. Additionally, a frequency sheet shows how often each standard has been assessed on the past three tests and average point value, compared to the number of weeks allocated in the CCS curriculum. Note that this is historical data. It does predict future assessments. Data should be used to drive instruction, but always with caution. This is not a means to make decisions about eliminating particular standards from instruction.
The spreadsheet file contains four sheets (use tabs at the bottom of the page to navigate).
- American History Item Analysis
- American History Frequency
- American Government Item Analysis
- American Government Frequency
Access the spreadsheet here. (CCS Google sign-in required)
Columbus Journalists in Training (CJIT)
Apply by January 3!
National Geographic Slingshot Challenge
Give students a fun project for a chance to receive $10,000! We are delighted to share the Slingshot Challenge from the National Geographic Society as an opportunity to showcase your student's ideas to slingshot our planet forward.
In the Slingshot Challenge, students research, create, and share one-minute videos focused on solving important environmental challenges in their communities. Students can use the Slingshot Challenge Participant Toolkit to support their work and join live support sessions with National Geographic Explorers. Student submissions will be considered for funding and may be shared with global audiences at events and on social media.
National Geographic believes that no problem is unsolvable and that great ideas come from ALL places. Our community of 13–18 year olds can rise to the challenge and submit a one-minute video describing their idea for solving environmental issues.
And we believe that, together, our ideas can lead to taking action to protect our planet and improve our future.
Submit your video by February 1, 2024 for the chance to receive up to $10,000 in funding.
CCS Professional Development Day - January 16
The next CCS Professional Development Day is January 16, 2023. This is a district-led PD day. All content-area secondary PD will focus on the Learning Conditions component of the Core Instructional Framework. Social Studies sessions will focus on active learning strategies for student engagement, with presentations from TCI, Teacher Created Materials, CCS Learning Tech, and others.
Additional information about the January 16 PD Day will be forthcoming.
15 Days of the Bill of Rights Online Programs
In December 1791, the states ratified the first 10 amendments to the Constitution—the Bill of Rights. Every year, the National Constitution Center hosts a celebration to honor the liberties enshrined in these amendments. This December, we present a series of programs and events highlighting the history and meaning of the First Amendment.
Council for Economic Education December Webinars
The Council for Economic Education offers free professional development development, live and on-demand. Watch a webinar for a minimum of 45 minutes and you will receive a certificate of completion within 24 hours.
Create a free account and register for sessions of your choice or view the on-demand library.
Echoes & Reflections December Webinars
Echoes & Reflections offers professional development designed to empower educators with the necessary tools and knowledge to teach about the Holocaust effectively.
Echoes & Reflections offers a range of one-hour webinar offerings throughout the year. View the December offerings here.
Teachers can also participate in Echoes & Reflections online courses. Courses are asynchronous, with built-in opportunities for discussion and guidance with an expert facilitator, as well as other educator participants. Explore the course catalog here.
An Institute for Common Power Conversation with Dr. Eric Foner
Date and time: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 · 7 - 9pm EST
Location: Online
Dr. Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor Emeritus of History, Columbia University
Renowned historian and Pulitzer Prize winner Dr. Eric Foner, Professor Emeritus at Columbia University and foremost scholar on Reconstruction, will be in conversation with award-winning historian Dr. Terry Anne Scott, Director of the Institute for Common Power. Join them as they discuss Dr. Foner's paradigmatic work and what he believes we need to safeguard the teaching of truth in today's society.